>Embargo is up in five minutes
Thoughts? Predictions?
>Embargo is up in five minutes
Thoughts? Predictions?
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mildly worse reviews than the previous. critics didn't like that one so they won't like this one either
is the first one any good
It's going to be mediocre
>no romance
>no quips
>no leftist agenda
obviously hated by critics
First one is one of the best pure action movies in the last 10-15 years desu
80 on RT, 92 audience score. I don't think a bigger budget is gonna screw them.
Yes. Go watch it.
aight boys I'm watching it tonight then
it's fantastic
John Wick and Kingsmen are some of my favorite movies in a long time
Critics will look for some kind of social or political message to apease their clickbait hungry, sjw chasing editors. They will find nothing and therefore rip on it.
Everyone else will think its a kick ass action movie and Keanu will be embraced as this generations Clint Eastwood.
Sup Forums will love it until normies like it, then they'll hate it and say they always hated it. Until it's not popular anymore, then they'll call it kino.
critics will probably hate it but if it has more scenes like this its already kino
One of the best pure action movies in the last ten years, just behind The Raid and maybe Mad Max Fury Road in my opinion.
Average and boring like the first.
>obviously hated by critics
why there is a big fuzz about this? the first one was average at best.
First one was a sleeper hit no one expected to be even remotely good, so that's why people consider it a lot better than it was.
Second one is suppose to springboard off that, but there's no way it can deliver.
Because the first one was a masterpiece in action with an interesting world and a cool story
Man from nowhere was better.
On point
why can't more western action films take john wick's approach to fight choreography instead of jason bourne?
Instead of quickly cutting between scenes and making sure every one of the hero's movements is perfectly practiced with no mistakes, why not let him fumble and trip like keanu did?
Adds an element of realism
Good taste here.
guess which one's easier?
I think people really enjoyed the shit out of the gunplay. A lot of the dialogue was really cringeworthy, especially from the mobster and his kid.
The whole film was like one long Michael Mann shootout without any of the of the sappy bullshit that might otherwise make or break the movie.
Probably john wick? You don't need as many takes because any mistakes can be included. And from that vid of keanu training he's probably practiced enough to make a more prolonged shot look good.
why is he called keanu reeves anyway?
People liked that all the action wasn't a big blurry mess of quick cuts and shaky cam that ensured you can't see shit.
Why does Ruby Rose keep turning up everywhere?
fuck you talking about
why people go apeshit about ruby rose? looks like another tomboy 2bh
She's in this... She's in the new Triple X movie... She kinda has been everywhere.
oh man how was the triple X movie?
Ruby Rose is what dykey feminazis wished they looked like, but they actually look like Lena Dunham
There is a high concentration of dubs in this thread.
Is there a correlation between good movies and dubs?
>And what a stupendously entertaining ride it is. Director and former stuntman Chad Stahelski is back in the director’s chair, and he knows his craft inside out: every punch lands hard, every gunshot roars like thunder. Neon-lit and gloomy, the film is lovely to look at – think Nicolas Winding Refn without the pretension.
mite b cool
All positive reviews so far
You see all these guys saying yes,IT'S A PURE ACTION MOVIE?
Yeah, what they mean it's theat you're in for 90 minutes of over the top "badass" fights. Literally only that. There is basically nothing else in the flick and thank god, cause the little bit that do is there, is completely dumb
A dead puppy, what the fuck.
So, to answer you question, is JW good, yes, it is good, if you're retarded
>"completely dumb"
Everything you said after that is incredulous, you know that right?
I didn't see it. I'll download it when it comes out but I just know she's in it from the trailers.
>wouldn't want revenge if someone killed his puppy
Hello autist.
oh i'd love to oh wait I live in Australia and we haven't even fucking rated it yet its a fucking movie just play that shit you pussy
Because it was an enjoyable 90-minute action flick which puts it above 90% of the movies that have come out this decade so far.
>which puts it above 90% of the movies that have come out this decade so far
its a very simple concept: watch more movies
Pretty good. I'll watch it on a matinee.
Will that make most movies not be irredeemable garbage? What's even your point
No. I rate it 5/10.
Mediocre action flick that has a great first act but when his dog dies, it becomes nothing but action.
Keanu isnt that much of a good actor in it no offence. I loved him as Neo but he just doesnt do the movie justice.
No idea how this movie gets that much praise. Not interested in seeing the sequel.
I'd rather see a Tom Cruise Collateral sequel or if it is true that Cruise's character died at the end, make a sequel with Jamie Foxx as the lead because I really like him as an actor.
John Wick felt like a chore to get through. I dont consider it "enjoyable" really.
I guess I have grown out of bland action flicks and prefer story first.
Remember how good the first Mission Inpossible was and how shit Mission Impossible 2 was.
are you actually upset that Sup Forums likes this and you dont? stop being contrary
>The whole film was like one long Michael Mann shootout
Michael Mann shootouts are realistic and absolutely nothing like John Wick's.
You're incredibly wrong.
Yea i'd have to agree with your hear. Just the sonics in Mann's sequences alone pull you in way more so than in Wick. His use of score silence should be noticed more.
He will headshot about 50 people in the film all the while doing obviously choreographed rollie pollies.
This, there's no tension in the film, basically for 2hrs John Wick just insta headshots everyone around him, he might do a little wrestling here and there but that's it, no personality, and boring action, why it is praised is beyond me.
John Kino
>not in swedish cinemas because the first one sold like shit
And we will enjoy every moment of it
Honestly, I didn't like it. I didn't think it had much substance, and it also took itself too seriously to be just a popcorn action movie. It was "Keanu Reeves Shoots People for Two Hours." He's not a great actor, the plot was generic, the action scenes looked really scripted, and I never managed to care about anyone in the movie other than the old black guy for some reason.
Funny this gets posted. I saw JW a couple days after seeing Collateral for the first time. Maybe that's why it was a letdown. Collateral did the hitman drama thing so much better.
Critics liked the first one user.
Yup, a total snorefest. Bland, without suspense, just a guy doing generic 'badass' moves and no bullet ever hitting him.
But if it manages to keep away from fake emotions and hysterical morals I will still watch it. I have no life I guess.
Kino the scene
Find a flaw.
So what's the story in this one? I watched the first one and it was awesome, my gf cried when they killed the puppy and understood it was a man cooping with the fact that her girl died
This makes me very happy.
...Is that a tattoo of archer on her stomach?
That's not how Sup Forums works, rëddit. We just having patrician particles in our genes.
Degenerate tattoos, dropped.
Apparently he broke the rules in the first one... so he's just gonna kill everyone else involved (or something like that... I don't want plot spoilers)
sure looks like it
that stupid fucking archer tattoo
I hope Keanu is happy.
you guess?