Wow......So darth pelagius looks like THIS

wow......So darth pelagius looks like THIS........

theres a cooler version thats a close up where he has a hood and face tattoos

no longer canon

so... this... is the power... of pottery... whoa....

This version of him hasn't been canon in a long ass time

No. He's not even that race. That's just a bunch of bullshit from the book that is no longer canon.

I need a quick rundown

Wait wait wait guys
Hold the fucking door
>Darth Plagueis
Yo did you guys know about this???

>Darth Insanius
>Is insane
>Darth Sidious
>Is seedy and insidious
>Darth Maul
>Mauls people to death
>Darth Icky
>Is icky


Don't worry about it. Not canon.

If Pelagius isn't part of the Banking Guilds then where did Sidious get the money for the downpayment on the Clone Army? To pull off his plan he would have needed to have a galactic tier fortune the moment he took office as High Chancellor.

He was the Chancellor of the galactic republic. Im not worried about where he got the money as much as I am curious how he spent it without anybody realizing

>If Pelagius isn't part of the Banking Guilds
uhh he is, the entire munn species is involved in financing. its just sidious and plaguis werent open about their relationship and plaguis distanced himself from munns so he a shitton of assets that he blow on whatever with no oversight

Somebody post that pasta, the one where he suggests that one name

That isn't canon anymore though

Yeah, banking clan
inb4 jews

>darth insanius

That's the point. He must have had the fortune beforehand to leave no traces. He is immortal. The logical first move of his plan would be acquiring a huge fortune. Only then would he actually set things in motion to become Naboo Senator and eventually the Chancellor. It wouldn't be logical to rush into becoming the Chancellor and then risk everything trying to steal and embezzle your fortune. One missed thread and the whole plan fails.

A similar situation arose with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s protagonist, Starkiller. “[That name] was only supposed to be a nickname or call sign, not a proper name from the beginning,” a former LucasArts employee says. The development team hoped that Lucas would give Vader’s apprentice a Darth moniker, which at the time, was something that didn’t happen often.

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”

Team members involved in the decision to not use these ridiculous Darth titles could not be reached for comment, but three LucasArts employees believe an excuse was made to push the Darth title to the sequel. By the time development on that title commenced, the names were long forgotten by Lucas and weren’t muttered by the development team again. Starkiller remained Starkiller in the games, but was also named Galen Marek in the greater Expanded Universe fiction.

“These name problems may sound like funny stories, but the quality of these games suffered from these curveballs thrown by people not directly tied to the development process,” another employee angrily adds. “It got to a point that it became difficult to hire new talent because these stories got out there. People thought we were running a madhouse.”

true but he's talking about a character that isnt canon as well

He is by name, but we don't know anything about him except what palp says in III

>Darth Nefarious
>Darth Evilus
>Darth Hitlor
>Darth Deathis

>darth pelagius was mensioned in Ep. III
>not canon

His appearance isn't canon. They can make him look like whatever they want.

Everything mentioned in Ep. III is canon. Just not the novel about him.

He's looked like that for a decade user. Where you been?








>His appearance isn't canon.
He probably looks like this tho.

Darth Plagueis.

Most likely.
>The Supreme Leader is wise
>Darth Plagueis the Wise


>Darth Rapeous
>Darth Paedofilius
>Darth Cunnyposterous
>Darth Anonymous
Jesus wtf was he thinking?

Snoke confirmed

Fucking pleb, its Plagueis and Muun.

Why was Lord Voldemort in Star Wars?

I always thought that was what's going on... Sheev just lying to Anakin to lure him to the dark side.
> Darth Sheevious

Plagueis is still cannon. Him being a Munn is still cannon also.

He is still present in the prequels, even though he is working behind the scenes until he is murdered by Sidious.

He is also talked about in The Clone Wars TV show. Which is still listed as cannon. They do look different from that picture, though

Darth "Our Guy" BLACKED