The biggest problem with females in the military is that they are some of the worst cancer in there. You will do a fitness test and the females do 42 pushups and run a 15 min 2 mile and get a 100 points in each. Meanwhile a male does 62 pushups and a 14min 2 mile and gets around 90 in each. Females will then boast about how they are stronger and faster than you because they got more points. Then they want infantry slots but complain when they cant have a shower after day 2 of being in the field and demand that they get showers because they have a vagina.
My point is
Females should be held to the same standard as males for combat. Because when your friend in that weighs 200+ in full kit goes down the female should be able to get him out of there.
So whats Sup Forumss opinion on this? If not murican I would like to know how your military females are expected to perform.
>Females should be held to the same standard as males for combat. Because when your friend in that weighs 200+ in full kit goes down the female should be able to get him out of there.
Most people, even extreme leftists, agree with you. Whether the military does it or not, I've never actually seen people vocalizing an opinion that the standards should be lowered for women.
Jayden Ramirez
It is relative of course
A woman has different size and weigh Therefore it is logical that she will do less physical exercise as well as take longer to achieve a run than any man
Dont get me wrong, I agree with you that they are cancer in there since in a dangerous Situation. A man could be able to carry a wounded soldier including gear, a female or male soldier
But a woman could barely carry herself out of sheer instinct, they have not evolved to fight
And because of that they are a liability in any army or dangerous Situation
Julian Cook
You can't say anything because the military is very catering to females. They want recruitment for MAH DIVERSITY and shit. So they have the bar set significantly lower for females to be able to join. This makes the females proud to be in but getting them to do anything without them getting an attitude or anything they claim "female problems" and just sit on their phone but noone does anything because anything can be seen as a sexual harassment or equal opportunity violation and for that females always win and males automatically lose.
Benjamin Morales
new army hooah
Jayden Gutierrez
Former infantry guy
The way they have lowered the standards in teh military, for both men and women, SICKENS ME
Ryan Young
Why cant the females be put in all female squads? Is it to cover up thier inadequacies? I spelled everything wrong.
Parker Bailey
Women cant be fiere figthers so they have no rigth to be soildiers.
but can he live with that humiliation for the rest of his life?
Jose Jackson
>You will do a fitness test and the females do 42 pushups and run a 15 min 2 mile and get a 100 points in each.
typical of a woman to care more about public opinion/grade than truth.
Im so sick of their degeneracy. At loss for words. They are worse than children, worse than animals. Literal force of ruin if allowed anything more than baking cookies and being fucked round the clock.
Id like them to be more than that, but sadly havent met one yet. And this century trends ayayayay
Jonathan Hernandez
can you stop with the cancer memes i got cancer from Sup Forums and don't find it funny
Charles Reed
disgusting go do the 100 pushups in 8 weeks website
Ryan Wood
Leftists say they agree with equal standards, until 95% of females get kicked out of the military for failing PT tests. Then they bitch about the lack of women and diversity.
You can't win with leftists. You have to look at them like a backwards religion to even make any sense of them.
Easton Taylor
My opinion is that in the battlefield there will be no "points" there will be only your ability. So putting different standard for men and women is only making your army weaker.
Jayden Nguyen
I went from not being able to do 10 to being able to do a 100 in a couple of months. Almost without even trying. I also lost 22 pounds and counting.
Gavin Anderson
Our country's military leaders are thankfully against women serving on the front line. In fact anyone in our military, even women, say that women should not be on the front line.
But the politicians unfortunately still whinge about it
Daniel Foster
*sigh* Women are at a statistical disadvantage in infantry training, I honestly don't understand why ANYONE expects even 5-7% of the army to be women.
MEANWHILE it is a fact that women can handle more g-force than men which would make them great pilots.
of course >implying these same women attempting to be infantry are smart enough of become pilots.
Zachary Collins
Get down and do 20 now. It's fucking easy. Just take your time, breathe properly, get the full range of motion for each one. Even if you can't get 20 then do 10.
If you can do 10 proper push-ups, proper ones where you keep your back straight, you engage all the muscles of your chest and shoulders, you do a full controlled movement on each one, you will feel a great feeling in your muscles straight away. Then just keep doing it. Do 10 push-ups in your bedroom every other day. Then do 20 each time. You'll see the benefits.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Doing 100 uninterrupted push-ups is actually pretty difficult and really not worth the effort. If you spent all the time toiling in order to be able to do 100 push-ups by doing squats, pull-ups and dips you would attain a higher level of general fitness and muscular development. I plateau around 40 push-ups, and understand that if I want to be able to do more then it will take much more dedication, training every day and said training will bring diminishing returns.
Parker Roberts
> Females will then boast about how they are stronger and faster than you because they got more points. Then they want infantry slots but complain when they cant have a shower after day 2 of being in the field and demand that they get showers because they have a vagina.
Source? Is this personal experience? I can understand the average bitch acting like this, but if a woman WANTS to fight on the front lines for her country, I would assume its because she was raised in a house that, while may not have taught her traditional role values, still taught her to be tough and loyal.
I'd hope, I mean. Is there evidence to the contrary?
Landon Gomez
On the job experience after 5 years of seeing this shit.
Leftists actually believe women and men are exactly the same- they believe the standards are the same. Srsly go ask one. They literally are the stupidest people on the planet.