What are some good movies about female empowerment?
What are some good movies about female empowerment?
Ugh, transphobic much?
The Witch
women are women, regardless of their genitals...
Spice World?
9 to 5
Erin Brockovitch
Kill Bill
Thelma and Louise
The most beautiful women have penises
That sign is so ignorant
More proof white "wy"men will never be true feminists
They cry all the same when you beat them
Ha good one reddit
As a woman with a penis this image greatly disturbs me. Please remove this bigoted filth from my board, it belongs on pol. I'm literally shaking.
Shut the fuck up, Sup Forums has no transphobia
Boipucci is the ultimate redpill and "men are better at everything" includes being women
This. Based Milo is the leader of Sup Forums and we all fuck boys in the ass.
implying true feminism appeals to retards chopping their dick off
Feminism is bigoted and imperialistic it pushes norms of a bygone era. It's not the 18th century anymore, just because you wee born with a vagina doesn't make you special sweetie.
The last house on the left.
I Spit on Your Grave
It's a movie about Hillary Clinton and her empowering journey to becoming the first female POTUS. I'm glad that she's in charge and not that Trump guy. Seriously it's a great movie and makes me glad I voted for President Hillary.
If women can't rape, can you avoid prison by saying you're a genderfluid who identifies as a woman therefore, you could not possible rape your "victim"?
umm isn't she the janitor?
Yes. That's how gay jews get away with raping little boys.
Why do you think Sup Forums is so shit now?
Sup Forums is better now than it has ever been.
Once we purge the poltards once and for all it will be perfect.
Black snake moan
What, are you levitating above the rest of us? You're NEVER annoying?
Oh it's brudle.
if they are against cat calling, what do i get if i dont do it?
Females are such dicks that they can break a mans heart without having the agency to know why