Okay Sup Forums, it's ww2 time, Hitlers giving you full power to choose the course of the third reich, what do you do to not fail like he did?
Okay Sup Forums, it's ww2 time, Hitlers giving you full power to choose the course of the third reich...
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Don't trust Italy.
they broke our pact and started the war early before we could prepare
I don't think Italy could have ever prepared senpai
>Do not declare war on America
>Try to persuade the Japanese to push into Siberia
>Start mass-production of the Sturmgewehr earlier
>Give anti-tank weaponry and send military advisers to the Romanians and Hungarians so that they stand a chance against the Russians
>Forget the battle of Britain and instead use those planes against Russian cities
>Avoid Stalingrad and push straight to Moscow
Mussolini was in power from 1922, you invaded Abyssinia in 1935. You had years longer to prepare than Greece, and outnumbered them 6:1. You still needed the Germans to bail you out.
Interesting, Depending how early in the war maybe you won't have to worry about lots of pesky t34s eh :^]
Dont't do Battle of Britain, Invade Russia as soon as July 1940
I would of told the Austrian hick to learn some fucking english and not declare war on anyone without the agreement from Britain.
If Britain and Germany were allied they would of destroyed the communists easily.
would Britain have even been ok with attacking Russia tho?