Who will play in him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play in him in the inevitable biopic?
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Bill hicks
An interdimensional psychic vampire
Hill Bicks
cgi actor
Randy-pilled Quaid
Bicks Hill
The Rock
wonder what verhoeven makes of him
>wow, and i thought i was making social satire
Joe Rogan
Alex Jones is already an actor, he's playing himself.
Leo has experience of playing retards
Nic Cage would be perfect if they could fatten him up a little bit.
Sounds like every actor
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Should be Alec Baldwin, but he's too old.
What was his endgame?
Before what?
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
It really depends on how you define establishment. If it's just the government, then sure, right-wingers are dominating. But if you consider the media, corporations, and international support then the left is far more powerful overall.
It's an acronym. Buff Everyman Fucking Owns Rothschild Elites.
>that sad, contemplative face
Poor Alex was redpilled from young age
Getting slightly more tan by the look of it
Super Male Vitality™
>have the media
>have the corporations
>have the international support
How incompetent is the left?
They had an atrocious candidate with a closet full of skeletons, in a political climate where the average person was sick of establishment representatives. Even then, they still won the popular vote. If they put all their cards behind someone like Sanders, they may have had a better shot.
Besides, Hillary is barely left.
>he still believes the "liberal media" meme after every news network gave Trump $11,000,000,000,000,001 in free advertising during the election and never once brought up damning news from his past, like raping his ex-wife
if only...
himself of course
Those aren't mutually exclusive. The content of those articles proves their bias. The fact that they kept being produced just proves their allegiance to the system and making more money.
I love all the subtle differences with this picture
>change of posture
>tanner skin
>more expensive watch
What articles? The fuck are you talking about?
The media gave Donald more free press than any presidential candidate in history.
Josh McDermitt (Eugene) has the comedic talents. He was going to play Bill Hicks. Pottery.
awesome movie btw
Did his skull get wider, or is that just fat? Serious question I actually like him.
gonna need a basic gestalt on the guy before i can cast him.
the left were advertising their arrogance. All that "free press" was just writers bitching about Trump. It wasn't their intention to advertise for his presidency, they were just retards that were full of themselves and basking in the absurdity of Trump, and patting themselves on the back for speaking out against him.
Problem is that it had the opposite effect that they wanted
Pretty sure it's fat. Combination of how fat redistributes as you age, and he doses on shit-tons of testosterone and junk.
He was really handsome at young age, what the fuck happened?
Both. As you get older your skull changes and gets bigger from bone's hardening/aging and he also gained a shit ton of fat.
Do you seriously not understand the difference between televised news and written articles?
CNN, MSNBC and Fox News would air Trump's rallies either in their entirety or nearly their entirety on a daily basis. They didn't do anything of the sort with any other candidate. Not even Hillary. It was free advertising, and they did it for ratings. Because they're not liberal, they're capitalists.
He gained a shit load of weight and has lived a life of stress and paranoia.
Being "redpilled' does that to you.
because Trump could actually get rallies that big on a regular basis
also he called into CNN and Morning Joe very frequently. Hillary could have done that too but she's scared of fucking up
CNN aired live footage of an empty podium at a trump rally while Hillary was making a speech on the other side of the country.
Shit, good job user
>because Trump could actually get rallies that big on a regular basis
How is that even approaching an argument? Sanders had equally large crowds but the major networks never aired his rallies.
>also he called into CNN and Morning Joe very frequently.
>Do you seriously not understand the difference between televised news and written articles?
Do you seriously not understand that news organizations are largely looked to as objective sources of information, regardless of the medium?
When you see shit like pic related, reported alongside legitimate and otherwise believable stories, it sneaks in as factual.
I saw sanders on TV quite a bit and morning joe covered his rallies the next morning
remember when hillary didn't do a news conference for almost a year and barely ever gave interviews? It's her own fault she didn't get the coverage she wanted. Sucks to suck
All leftists do is lie in an attempt to safeguard their delusion.
That's literally all they do.
If her message was clearer and she didn't act like a fucking elite coaster and actually set foot in some of the states she completely neglected, she'd have beat trump over the head with his own temperment. I still can't believe she straight up neglected entire states, unless it was for her health, which was already an issue anyway
I always find it funny when politicians go to eat pizza in NYC in order to seem "down to earth", but they don't fold it and everyone shits on them for it
>huffington post writing stupid articles is exactly the same as every new channel airing Donald Trump's rallies in their entirety every day
Full retard. Only dipshits who were already against Trump even read those articles.
How the fuck does calling into Morning Joe and doing more press conferences have anything to do with airing entire rallies every day?
>These are the real "divide and conquer tactics", being used against us daily on Sup Forums
why do you think tv out of all the sfw boards gets flooded with cuck hold and general pornography? Its not just for lulz its done systematically to break 4chans morality. Im not kidding this is a standard propaganda tactic 101, Israel has even done this broadcasting porn on open air waves to demoralize their enemies and make them noncombative and apathetic
The pedo and blacked threads are trying to reduce the average chan user to a desensitized degenerate who only wacks off everyday has no drive to start a family has no money no independence no ambition no confidence no pride in ones self. the cuck blacked threads are literally anti white propaganda. Its not just a sexual preference or deviancy, its literal Jew propaganda designed to make whites more self hating
>conservatives don't own mirrors
Both sides do that, you cum-guzzling fagnut.
same gal.
First is when she just arrived DC comics and after a couple of time after it.
It's not the same, but it clearly shows their bias, you shit. Even after voting started, we had the infamous polls showing a 98% in favor of Hillary winning.
Trump gave rallies all the fucking time, of course they were going to publicized. Especially when he said fresh new autistic shit at each one. Clinton was frigid by comparison.
No the right uses moral superiority and facts, that's why we won the election
>It's not the same, but it clearly shows their bias
Whose bias? Why are you conflating Huffington Post with the entire media? Are you retarded or just autistic?
>Even after voting started, we had the infamous polls showing a 98% in favor of Hillary winning.
The polling, done by pollsters, not the media, showed Hillary with leads in almost every key state. The media reporting on those polls is not bias, fuckwit.
>Trump gave rallies all the fucking time, of course they were going to publicized.
Hillary had rallies almost every day but they were never broadcast in full.
>Especially when he said fresh new autistic shit at each one. Clinton was frigid by comparison.
Trump rallies were always the same. Bash the media, promise the wall, say the voting is rigged, whine about how everyone is mean to him.
Hahaha! Oh wow!
How is this even a question?
He got old
Even arnold looks like shit now
>basic gestalt
Hey Jamie, pull that up on google...sshh Eddie...no, no, gestalt with G not J....I could never use that word.
Fucking keks
Jason Alexander
a summer squash with unhinged yelling in ADR
That might actually work.
Kill yourself.