Is this the best movie by Scorsese

I just marathoned i thought it was kino

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Can barely call it his movie. Original was better.

This, but his version is better I think
Goodfellas is his best by far

I constantly forget that Scorsese made this

>my theory on feds is treat em like mushrooms, feed em shit and keep em in the dark...have a good day girls

Silence is easily his best.

>Original was better
>pssshh, silly normies, you don't even know it's a remake!!! but I do!
I'm pretty sure you've never actually seen Infernal Affairs, because The Departed is superior in every possible way.

That's not "The Last Temptation of Christ".

Not his best, or among them really, but it is very good. Although the soundtrack was really overbearing. I get that the stupid "Irish" music fit the themes, but it was too much. He either uses music masterfully, or terribly, i recall one of the final scenes being a Beach Boys cover made "Irish," terrible and took away from the proceedings.

Taxi Driver and After Hours are better
Departed is pretty good though, better than Infernal Affairs

It's a fun flick but a bit sloppy. Taxi Driver is Scorsese's best though.

Get the fuck out of here weeaboo I'm not going to watch that chink shit

[Dropkick Murphys starts playing]

The rat can only be Leo. It has to be, this movie is so fucking retarded.


Not even close, user. Don't be daft.

Raging Bull is the greatest film he ever crafted, and the greatest film editing ever performed.
There are no other competitors.

>soundtrack playing at full blast
>hard-cut to different character
>now different music is playing full blast

bloody hell

Agreed, Goodfellas by far.

This is the movie that makes you hate Matt Damon forever and almost hate Marky Mark until he redeems himself.

Wow you blew my mind

Not that guy but I prefer Infernal Affairs. The Departed was pretty good but it doesn't top it for me.

The love triangle in The Departed was forced and unnecessary.

And the Boston accents were all over the place (probably bothers me more being from the area).

>Leffen on Sup Forums


No this movie blows ass

Arguable between Taxi Driver and Goodfellas

you failed reading comp

best is Goodfellas
second best is Ganks of New York
Taxi driver is shit

Raging Bull and Casino.

WoW is second
GoNY is 3rd
Taxi Driver is close to last


It just plain isn't.

Chinese actors don't emote well.

i really liked jack in this one

Bad taste

marky mark was based as fuck throughout, I wish he and damon switched roles

Nah. Infernal affairs moved way too fast and didn't allow enough time for emotions

like clockwork

bye rddit

How does one "marathon" a movie? Or is this an epic maymay that I am not familiar with since I am not a regular on this splendid board?

Marky should've played Damon's part

His best still isTaxi Driver.
back to ribbit

Goodfellas is literally the most faithful adaptation of a book ever done. The movie narration follows the book almost word for word.

OP forgot to take his ADHD meds again making watching a 2.5 hour film in one sitting into a near impossibility

yo, I shot you in your face.

>Martin Scorsese’s The Departed (Goodfellas III, or IV if you count the awful Gangs of New York) should start reassessment. Full of shock and cruelty, it offers little more than a grim, tawdry carnival. It’s time we question how the American (and now Third World) appetite for gangster movies has replaced the Western as a popular genre. These films don’t express our politics or social condition; they’re just a repository for cynicism, a mythology that validates greed, a primer that promotes brutality instead of courage.

Maybe, maybe not

Maybe fuck yourself

why does mark wahlberg's character put on the cap after he shoots matt damon? that made no sense

i don't think he knows that it's a remake of a chinese movie

read the entire review retard

>It’s worth knowing that The Departed is an adaptation of the 2004 Hong Kong trilogy Infernal Affairs by Andrew Lau and Alan Mak. The story does not originate in the white American ethnic soul, although screenwriter William Monahan piles on the Mystic River blarney: “Freud said the Irish are the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis,” Colin boasts and not even the shrink contradicts that bromide. Marty and Monahan must believe it; they romanticize it as part of the superficial refashioning of Infernal Affairs. Scorsese’s deracination of that trilogy’s superb genre study bowdlerizes what made it profound. Infernal Affairs added complication to the HK action thriller until its abstract, Byzantine plotting became a challenge to typical HK mindlessness.

>The trilogy worked like a DePalma movie, exaggerating genre tropes to get at truth. But Scorsese’s oversimplified “realism” (opening with unspecified doc footage of Boston’s ’70s busing riots) is trite. He indulges the thrall of corruption and nihilism while the great Infernal Affairs lamented how both its damaged young protagonists yearned “to be a good cop.” The trilogy climaxed brilliantly: In a mutual, time-shifting analyst session, the two cops (who bonded over stereo equipment) confessed despair; their weary side-by-side close-ups cleaved the screen like a broken heart.

Raging Bull is not only Scorsese's best but also one of the greatest films ever made and contains the best performance ever put to screen. His only other movie that comes close is Taxi Driver.

Not that guy but I also watched Infernal Affairs. Granted, I didn't pick it out myself but this Chinese-Canadian cutie I dated for a bit put it on the first night we hung out at her place.

it was hard for me to follow what was going on in the movie because all the characters looked the same

>Gangs of New York

Fuck this nigger.

Raging Bull is just as much De Niro's film as Scorsese's, it's as if the stars aligned and both of their lives converged perfectly to make it happen.

Depahted is the best evah

"Cranberry juice? Are you on your period?"

>why does mark wahlberg's character put on the cap after he shoots matt damon? that made no sense
I thought he had it on before too?
It was all about avoiding leaving skin/hair/anything at the scene.

The movie left a lot out though. In the book Paulie was banging Karen.

Reminder that Damon's character in this movie was a homo

He wasnt, he was impotent.

I don't remember that.

The Departed sucks.

Gangs of New York sucks.

Silence sucks.

I don't think his films are going to age well.

Big Shave is best. Concise, elegant. Hard to dispute.

Sic transit gloria Scorsese.

Great movie, but really, it's mid-tier Scorcese at best. Pales in comparison to a majority of his 80s/90s output and even more recent works like Gangs of New York or The Aviator.

Casino and Goodfellas: Top Scorsese.

Taxi Driver has its moments but is somewhat dated.

Raging Bull is uneven but has some great scenes.

The Aviator, Cape Fear and Wolf of Wall Street are first-rate so far as they go, but it's not much further than world-class Hollywood filmmaking.

I mean, I'm sorry Sup Forums, but he's no Fassbinder, he's no Bergman. He doesn't really have anything to say as an artist, other than that he likes movies (he's a fine critic, so long as he doesn't have to write anything down).

>tfw you watch departed and realize halfway through that damon and dicaprio aren't the same character and you have to start again from the beginning


dont judge him from this meeting alone, hes actually a very nice guy

im gonna go have a smoke, you want a smoke? no? what are you one of those fitness freaks?

Posting best scorsese movie. If you think otherwise, you don't belong here.