Thoughts on Do the Right Thing?
Sup Forums hates it because it has brown people in it though
The only good thing Spike Lee ever did
This. Spike lee is a great director.
Saw this movie on late night HBO as a wee lad because i thought it would have tits. Walked away from it with the thought "race relationships are fucking complex."
Bullshit. Malcolm X, Inside man, 25th Hour.
Now go home and get your fucking checkbox
Why didn't he just put the roof up?
Great film, tarnished by the fact that Spike Lee believes Mookie actually did the right thing when he initiated the destruction of the pizzeria over the police killing a violent and dangerous Radio Raheem.
honestly I belive he did that because he wanted to save the owner of the pizzeria
Spike Lee has said that he didn't.
I've always had that opinion, but yeah like what said, Lee claims Mookie did it purely out of anger, and that he was justified in doing it.
who wouldn't whant to trash the place they work at a little? but the action still did save the family and Mookie acknowledges this in the end when he said it could have been worse.
undeniably great film. it sucks that his output is so all over the place.
The ending is racist as fuck.
Sal is the NICEST guy throughout the entire movie. He's nice to Mookie, Mookie's sister, Da Mayor, all the locals, he cares about helping the neighborhood, etc. All this despite Buggin' Out constantly harassing him about stupid fucking picture and Radio Raheem blasting his music non stop in his pizza place.
So at the very end, Buggin Out shows up again talking about the pictures, Radio Raheem continues to blast his music (despite being warned earlier to not play it) and out of nowhere, Sal calls them them Niggers.
What Spike is saying that it doesn't matter how nice, friendly, kindhearted, etc the white man is, deep down he will always think of black people as niggers.
Mookie then throws a trash can through his window for some reason (cue response of "herr derr it was to stop the rioters!"). Then he comes back the next day and demands his money for the shit job he did.
Great movies,
watched all of them within the last year, they all have so much energy and sincerity
25th hour was made during 9/11, the film is shaped by this, this rant is absolutely beautiful, interpret it how you want, it is undeniable that it is absolutely beautiful
These 4 are all Spike Lee movies I've watched, which other ones should one give a go?
Gabagool you fucking niggers, that shit was so satisfying after watching this guy being an asshole on the Sporanos
If the film wasn't called "Do the Right Thing" and was just an open depiction of race relations gone wrong, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with this. But giving the audience that question to answer frames the whole film negatively to me.
Crooklyn is secret Lee kino
But isn't it a point Pike is making, even the nicest slightly racist Italians will have problems co existing with black people in a society where police can kill black people without punishment
I mean the movie is sorta like a condensed The wire. It's about the neighborhood and how people of different sorts co exist with all warts and all
>deep down he will always think of black people as niggers
You mean deep down he will always know black people are niggers.
Spike Lee's only good movie
Mookie throws the trashcan through the window because he doesn't want to be excommunicated
She's Gotta Have it is really charming in an 80s indie film kind of way. It has a ton of character for being a debut with 0 budget.
It's interesting that Lee and Scorsese, both usually so obsessed with macho characters and stories, made very early anomolous films about women before settling into their more recurrent themes
Sal wasn't even "slightly racist". Only the John Turtorro character was racist and Sal said to him "why do you have so much hate in your heart?" Sal's other son wasn't racist either.
The movie was a very interesting view of race relations until the very end. Spike built up Sal as a saint for the entire film, only to show that he was an evil white bigot the entire time.
>even the nicest slightly racist Italians will have problems co existing with black people in a society where police can kill black people without punishment
How are those two connected? How does police brutality within a society make it impossible to cohabitate with members of another race?
Ignoring the fact that RR was disturbing the peace, assaulting people, and resisting arrest.
I thought He Got Game was good. So were his two Katrina documentaries.
>Lee obsessed about macho characters
I see that in Malcolm X and 25th hour, but otherwise?
>Spike built up Sal as a saint for the entire film, only to show that he was an evil white bigot the entire time
Sal was just some nice guy small business owner, not an evil whitey and not a saint, justcaught up in misdirected anger. If you read in anything more in his character I think you are mistaken. He is a victim but as Mookie says he is getting it back on his insurance.
>The movie was a very interesting view of race relations until the very end
Agreed, but you don't have to agree with Spike Lee for it to be an interesting movie, no? I mean, I think he represents how lots of blackies feel, at least I would presume so, why not excercise that empathy a bit?
>How does police brutality within a society make it impossible to cohabitate with members of another race?
The movie was made in 1989, in 1992 there was a little thing called LA riots, which was partly sparked from the Rodney King verdict
Riots don't come from a vacuum
>Sal was just some nice guy small business owner, not an evil whitey and not a saint, j
Dude, did you watch the fucking movie. Sal couldn't have been anymore saintly than he was. Spike built him up as the nicest white guy ever put to film only to bring him down with le n word.
>He is a victim but as Mookie says he is getting it back on his insurance.
And as Sal said, it's not about the fucking money. He put his heart and soul into his business. That's what he cared about. Mookie thinks its ok for blacks to riot over stupid shit because insurance companies will pick up the tab.
>I mean, I think he represents how lots of blackies feel, at least I would presume so, why not excercise that empathy a bit?
I have empathy for black struggle, but this film was ridiculous. Buggin Out whining about the pictures being hung in a PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS and later trying to get people to support a boycott. Radio Raheem blasting his music late at night in the pizza place, they then call Sal a guinea, Sal uses "nigger" and Raheem flys into nigger rage forcing Sal to defend himself. Then the police have to choke Raheem to death because he won't stop struggling. And this is all Sal's Pizza's fault for some reason, hence le riot.
I wonder what Spike Lee would think about all the white hipster WASPS that call brooklyn home now?
so according to spike lee himself the whole movie is about how it's okay for black people to chimp out and riot if they're mad about something?
>Spike built him up as the nicest white guy ever put to film only to bring him down with le n word.
I strongly doubt this characterization, I don't think too many people would share this view with you
>And this is all Sal's Pizza's fault for some reason, hence le riot.
Gee whiz. It's almost as if problematic race relations sometimes can cause unfair discriminatory treatement of certain individuals or groups, who would have thunk that?
He'd pick up a thrash can of ideology and throw it through their windows
Is this scene kino?
He has many interview rants about that.
You didn't even come close to answering my question. How does police brutality (nothing to do with race) affect race relations between non-police citizens?
>citing a Sublime song as a historical source
whoops, I somehow thought I wasn't arguing with a moron.
He hates it.
>nobody knows that Pooky is still delivering pizzas in the SPIKE LEE JOINT BROOKLYN UNIVERSE
>because nobody fucking saw Red Hook Summer
Spike getting molestered himself probably explains why he is such a down-low looking brother.
shinebox kino
>How does police brutality (nothing to do with race)
>police brutality (nothing to do with race)
>(nothing to do with race)
I didn't know I was arguing with a moron XD, no seriously statements like that are detremental to the dialouge, please don't
The riots in LA in 1992 was a reaction to decades of extra judicial violence against mainly black people by a most certainly racist organization, the LAPD. That history is indisputable. In the riots a lot of Korean and white small business owners were victimized. To me that seems like a really clear parallel to the Spike Lee joint we're discussing. Am I not correct?
>I strongly doubt this characterization, I don't think too many people would share this view with you
Explain to me how Sal wasn't the nicest character in the film until the riot? EVERYONE loved Sal. And Sal loved EVERYONE (except for Buggin Out, he tolerated Raheem). At the end of the night he was even talking about how well the business was doing and even included Mookie when he said how it would be great for all of them.
>It's almost as if problematic race relations sometimes can cause unfair discriminatory treatement of certain individuals or groups, who would have thunk that?
How was this discriminatory? Buggin Out and Raheem started trouble. Words were said. Raheem attacked. Sal defended himself. Police killed Raheem (who was out of fucking control) and the neighborhood turned on Sal because of le racism. And the final nail in the coffin was Mookie, a shit employee who Sal like destroyed the business that gave him employment.
Take your SJW shit to tumblr.
>It's almost as if problematic race relations sometimes can cause unfair discriminatory treatement of certain individuals or groups, who would have thunk that?
I was referring to the victimization of Sal in this sentence.
>Explain to me how Sal wasn't the nicest character in the film until the riot?
You forgetting about the Mayor lad, the local alcoholic. Sal was nice but aint no saint. He was just the local pizza man, no more no less, he liked Mookie more than Mookie liked him, that was nice of him, but does it make him a saint, meh
You seem to think that Spike's point is that Sal's deserves to get rioted, because of the N-word, I think that you can endorse a riot while also conceding that there are innocent victims at the same time, the hood can't go kill a police, so they burn down Sal's
>Take your SJW shit to tumblr.
Eyy, we're talking here, no need to get all sectarian
Mookie was a total nigger
If the issue of police brutality was overwhelmingly racial, why the hell would black rioters attack Korean businesses when all officers involved in the Rodney King beating were white? How can you blame white-on-black police brutality for that?
Police brutality does go beyond race by the way, regardless of how much you greentext. Look at the Freddie Gray case from a few years ago, half of the officers involved were African American.
I had to watch this trash in film theory class. The only thing i liked was the based korean grocers.
Now you're playing verbal gymnastics. Sal was the nicest character in the film. Sal then said the N word out of nowhere. Spike is saying that nice, white people are racist.
>You seem to think that Spike's point is that Sal's deserves to get rioted, because of the N-word,
That's not what I'm saying. That's why Raheem attacked Sal. But the riot started when the cops killed Raheem.
> I think that you can endorse a riot while also conceding that there are innocent victims at the same time, the hood can't go kill a police, so they burn down Sal's
I would rarely endorse a riot. I certainly wouldn't in the case of this film. Nor do I endorse Mookie's insane action of throwing the garbage can through the window.
>herr derr blacks suffer!
>burning down white buildings is ok becauz oppression
>insurance covers it!
Obviously police brutality goes beyond race, it's not like the Yankee police only can shoot unarmed black people. But quite obviously there is a racial component, especially if one looks at it slightly historically.
>How can you blame white-on-black police brutality for that?
Did I ever say that every single act of LA riot violence was justifiable? I don't think I did. I just said there was a reason for the riots
Do you have any serious points or do you simply wish to obfuscate?
spike lee is a nigger and he lets his own infantile views affect his film making
this one was alright though, before he went all wannabe Malcom X on us
>Now you're playing verbal gymnastics.
>proceeds to play verbal gymnastics
OK let me stop playing them then, Do the right thing was clearly not made for you. Go watch the movies where Clint Eastwood shoots criminals, there is nothing there for you to misinterpret
Im out
maybe I would have liked it more if I saw it when it first came out. nowadays the 'yeah we act poorly but its not our fault' gets annoying.
>Go watch the movies where Clint Eastwood shoots criminals
>Dollars trillogy
>Dirty Harry
>Gran Torino
>He Got Game
Fuck forgot about that one. Any time Denzel and spike hook up its great.
oh piss off, where were the riots when they were killing each other in record numbers in gang warfare at the time. even the rodney king story was highly fabricated.
To be fair, Clint does not shoot criminals in Unforgiven. The kid was found innocent
>the video of rodney king getting beat by 6 guys while on the ground is highly fabricated
>Sal was just some nice guy small business owner, not an evil whitey and not a saint, justcaught up in misdirected anger. If you read in anything more in his character I think you are mistaken. He is a victim but as Mookie says he is getting it back on his insurance.
Everyone was a victim and perpetrator. Sal's complicit in everything that went on in his store and thereby radio getting shot. EVERYONE was an asshole that contributed to the problem.
The scene where it cuts to everyone talking shit about the next race is a good demonstration of that theme that racism is just the excuse these people use to not own up to their problems, and problems of the community.
Its called do the right thing because in everyones mind they WERE doing the ight thing, but when you step back and look at the whole situation you start to see that everyone was acting like a prick and helped to create the situation.
>the rodney king story was highly fabricated
Learn to read, and then read about what preceded that incident. Just seems stupid to get angry over how some multiple felon was treated when you had black children getting shot in drive bys by other black people, but I guess I just dont understand they struggle. Just like when they rioted all across the country for that thug mike brown.
What King did to get arrested is irrelevant to how he was treated by police
Where were the riots when the CIA was funneling cheap coke into south central LA?
Pointing fingers instead of looking inside and owning up to your own culpability is the root cause user.
>Everyone was a victim and perpetrator. Sal's complicit in everything that went on in his store and thereby radio getting shot. EVERYONE was an asshole that contributed to the problem.
Seemed like Sal contributed more to a neighborhood where he didnt even live by being kind to Da Mayor and employing Mookie, even though he's kind of a lousy worker. Remember the scene with the older black guys pondering how korean immigrants own multiple businesses in their area, but not them?
you're right of course, great scene btw, but not as good as this one youtube.com
I was just trying to defuse the guy calling Sal a saint
I hope there's a riot in your town and someone throws a thrash can through your window, either that or you mature and learn to be a bit more empathetic
Being a cop in that area and seeing all types of fucked up stuff desensitizes you.
Does anyone else here really like riots?
If they were so desensitized they would have just bagged and tagged, like their job says.
All they wanted was a brother on the wall, man.
I gotta go with Clockers. It wasn't just another "in the hood " movie. The main character had actual layers. (Loved The Punisher reference) And was a great murder mystery. Miracle at Saint Ann's was his best work.
>I hope there's a riot in your town and someone throws a thrash can through your window
Of course you hope for that. People need to learn diverse empathy after all :)
Riots is the language of the unheard my friend, coming to your town very soon, the poetry of the disaffected
Aww ye we rising up my brutha, we takin it to dem korean bidness ownahs and we gon' be running the bidness in oir own commuuunaaaatayyy
Das right! Kill whitey
It was made for SJW tumblrites like you. That's why you're blind to the insanity that's in it.
Great job refuting my arguments. When all you can say is 'herr der you don't get it, I'm out", that's when I know I'm dealing with a real tard.
>Im out
>ayooo racis ass cracka you gotsa put Malcolm X up on yo wall of fame or we finna burn down ya whole pizza place n shit
Yeah, the movie sucks
You don't seem very intelligent, whitey
That's the truth, Ruth
why do people compare police brutality to crime? criminals are gonna criminal
>You don't seem very intelligent, whitey
Ah, so you're a butthurt black fag who's upset that Trump won. Upset that the Falcons lost. Upset that the shit film you worship is actually black power racist garbage.
I get it now.
>writes him off as a nigger
>calls his views infantile
hmm, really makes you think
You've got that backwards.
He called him an nigger, and wrote his views off as being infantile. ThereĀ“s a difference,
It's an excellent commentary on race relations. With great commentary on the black community. As a black person, I notice Spike Lee definitely tries to make apparent the flaws we have in our community and our attitudes. But it's not like he's condemning us, moreso making an observation, damn near constructive criticism in a sense.
Definitely kino. One of my favorite movies. Perfect for getting that summer/nostalgia feeling.
Why is his girlfriend such an annoying stupid bitch?
Only Spike Lee movie I've been able to watch all the way through. Most his movies seem too preachy and have too much forced social commentary.