What is the best tv series about soldiers on war and why it's The Pacific?

What is the best tv series about soldiers on war and why it's The Pacific?

Other urls found in this thread:


Band of Brothers or Generation Kill

Pacific is good but not nearly as good as the above

With the Old Breed is recommended reading/listening after you watch it, gives a way better look at Sledge's military career.

The sledge story arc was the only good part of this show, the rest is trash

>it's a leckie wets his bed episode

I couldn't get past the episode where they're falling in love in Australia. Is it worth it to continue past that? Or is it just soap opera trash the whole way through?

>Tfw everyone hates the Australia episode
>tfw its the most comfy and probably my favorite episode of the whole series

It's like the other user says, best parts of the show was the second half when Sledge gets there. The Leckie and Basilone episodes weren't as good save for Basilone's heroics on Guadalcanal

I thought Basilone training the new guys was pretty comfy too

Why is he a giant?

My nigga. tbqqh some of the best moments was just the brotier banter and hijinx amongst the soldiers
>Stealing the army supplies and cigars
>Sledge earning his keep with Snafu
>Getting drunk in Australia

Why was Elliot in it though?

Not trash but I agree with the sentiment

Episode rankings

Basilone, Okinawa,

Melbourne, Peleliu Airfield , Guadalcanal

Everything else


>It's a Basilone melodrama love story episode

Mighty Eighth HBO series when???

>Its yet another corny HBO doubleyoudoubleyoutwo trashcan

will tom hanks narrate?

Combat or Tour of Duty, you newfag plebs


this is now a Generation Kill thread

kys ys

What's not to love about the Aussie episode? It's an hour dedicated to strong American men cucking the shit out of Australian men busy dying in North Africa.


Japs bringing the heat.

>it's an Ack Ack gets killed and the whole company grieves like they just lost a parent episode

Yeah but he doesn't celebrate Easter :^)



Show about jap or german perspective when?

making him 100 feet tall at the end was a bold decision but ultimately it paid off, i was near tears when i realized he really was the bigger man

>fighting in the jungle
>soldiers without a speck of dirt or grime on them
Top lel. Is this what passes for TV nowadays?

I'd like a series about Italians struggling under the command of criminally inept officers. Maybe have them reassigned to a German Commander and they get to shine or something.

>"The Italian command is, for the most part, not equal to the task of carrying on war in the desert, where the requirement was lightning decision followed by immediate action. The training of the Italian infantryman fell far short of the standard required by modern warfare. … Particularly harmful was the all pervading differentiation between officer and man. While the men had to make shift without field-kitchens, the officers, or many of them, refused adamantly to forgo their several course meals. Many officers, again, considered it unnecessary to put in an appearance during battle and thus set the men an example. All in all, therefore, it was small wonder that the Italian soldier, who incidentally was extraordinarily modest in his needs, developed a feeling of inferiority which accounted for his occasional failure and moments of crisis. There was no foreseeable hope of a change for the better in any of these matters, although many of the bigger men among the Italian officers were making sincere efforts in that direction." - Rommel

>although many of the bigger men among the Italian officers were making sincere efforts in that direction.

Ill just say it:

The Pacific is better than BoB

But Generation Kill is the best one

first post best post

>There will never be a HBO series on Napoleon

>this is someone a good thing
Ironic shit taste is still shit taste.

>Australian writer Margaret Scott who, along with her American husband, had been assaulted in Edward Street during the riot, has stated that several U.S. servicemen were beaten to death and one shot in the fighting, but there are no official records supporting this claim

What is it with bitches and the need to exaggerate things.

Aussie women are terrible people. I lived in Australia and they're by far the worst thing about living there besides their television.


There will never be an episode dedicated to how this poor bastard ended up in this position.

>no official records
>supporting this claim
>of citizens of an ally murdering U.S. servicemen
>during wartime
no fucking shit it got covered up, genius

this. a shitload of ToD is on Youtube too

Pacific is alright but if suffers from lame acting and characters that dont really stand out.

BoB and Generation Kill are awesome though, guess it's a character thing. Before you go all patriots on this post, know that The Pacific has good looking action at least.


Ray > Sledge > Generation Kill > Band of Brothers > Pacific