fuck Sup Forums
I wasn't ready for this
Fuck Sup Forums
What the fuck is this, I don't speak starcraft
is it the one about the two buddhist monks and the seasons of the years and age and shit?
I'm not even going to reverse image search, just tell me the title.
spring, summer, september, winter,
Legit my favorite movie of all-time.
spring, summer, fall, winter... and spring
very minimalist, but very good.
sounds depressing
It is, but it's pretty good if you don't mind slower films. Also a very gorgeous movie.
Looks wonderful, torrenting now.
I'll put it in my backlog for a day where I am in a good mood. I am way to somber for depressioncore right now
this is truly great, watch it now anons
I haven't seen this yet, but I feel it's not depressioncore so much as just a pretty film about the cycle of life which is inherently sad.
Dude, why don't you do what I did and literally seek out the most depressing shit you can possibly find at the absolute pinnacle of your own depression?
I mean look at me, I turned out fine dude.
Intellectually weak & generic development.
>sounds depressing
You sound weak.
>Korean movies
kek. How much porn is in the one?
not much, his other films are pretty vast in that aspect though
What were the feels again? It's been too long since I watched. Describe them for me.
There's no way this is an actual language
It's really some ugly shit. Fucking chinks
Great movie. Trailer with Enigma's song is still a tear jerker for me.
But as said. Don't be a fucking edgelord and just put the title of the movie/game/book/whatever in the OP.