Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
I'm a radical centrist so both wee equally wrong and right, you're move kid.
Colbert for being an adult and believing in religious scripture like an absolute pleb.
It's just uncomfortable to watch a grown adult get BTFO about religion when they are deeply religious. You see a child-like vulnerability in them, like they understand on some level the humiliation of believing in this nonsensical crap.
holy shit this is kino
>Rule of Thirds opening a space between the characters that represents the void between their two drastically different ideologies
>the geometric patterns behind Ricky's head signifying a man of science, mathematics, and cold hard facts, juxtaposed to the archaic wooden desk, mimicking an altar that Colbert is seated at, evoking ideas of religion, especially the Catholic church
>the subtle curve oft he desk also goes to break the pair apart, bringing to mind images of a confessions booth
>Ricky's finger aligned perfectly to the heavenly glowing lights of the road, seemingly leading into the sky, and heaven.
>Colbert is framed by the darkness of the park, his mind is clouded int he darkness of religion
This. It's time to stop tolerating delusions.
>Autism the likes of which we've never seen
why does he have magic coming out of his finger?
Better take up arms, fedora
nice 69169 but having a film degree is autism?
I have to deal with real autism all the time in my Starbucks while I'm working.
All Bongistanians are magic, did you learn nothing from Harry Potter?
This meme was the worst thing to happen. No argument against an atheist? Post a fedora.
Don't get me wrong, nobody likes those atheists that go on about it constantly, but replying with a meme instead of an argument every time is just as pathetic.
What happened? I don't watch late night talk shows, but everyone is blabbing about these two talking and now I'm curious.
Colbert went full Mac
They talked about religion. Ricky is an athiest and Colbert is a Catholic.
It was really pretty friendly and reasonable all around but this is Sup Forums so everyone's acting like it was some epic debate where one of them got BTFO bro holy shit!!!!!!!!!
>fat, disgusting slob like atheist
>slim, handsome Catholic
Colbert basically said can we debate your atheism and got his shit slapped...
Watching a believer debate a logical and intelligent non believer is so fucking embarrassing
>not a cuck
>pathetic cuck
Same fedora tipping bullshit.
>herr derr prove God exists. You can't? So he must not exist.
Holy shit, these dummies never learn.
hi ricky!
why is there a nigger in his chair?
Is this photoshopped or are there actually katanas that long? How would you unsheathe it? Just swing the sword until the sheathe flies off?
>Two people with different opinions, both of whom I like because I'm an adult
there were
you'd unsheathe it before battle
They didn't have spear technology so they use really long katana to poke the other guy
>It's just uncomfortable to watch a grown adult get BTFO about religion when they are deeply religious. You see a child-like vulnerability in them, like they understand on some level the humiliation of believing in this nonsensical crap.
Now that's what I call Reddit!
Colbert, not because of his questions or arguments or what Gervais said. He was wrong because he started this discussion for no reason in 3 seconds flat 'you wanna debate the existence of God?'.
Was odd and lame imo
i dont see whats wrong with that given who hes talking to.
colbert said he felt too privileged interviewing him from the desk, so he switched places with him
That's a big sword
um you realize they plan these interviews in advance...right?
Does anyone see anything wrong with Stephens logic or am i an autist
Middle-schoolers debate the God question better than Colbert.
Just more evidence that the crop of current-event commentators are terrible.
That's not even what he said though.
Gervais destroyed Colbert with the 1000 year thing, purely because Colbert knows that hard science is irrefutable.
Colbert is a hardline MSM liberal shill. Pretty fucking weird for him to get pissy about Christcuckoldry out of nowhere.
fucking kek i love film critic satire
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
letterman never would have let a guest get the better of him like this. being the host is suppose to be a position of power. you are able to dictate the conversation.
>Don't listen to those shills, listen to us shills instead
Sheep, all of you. Nothing but sheep. What happened to this place?
4 U
gervais is a twat and anything he says cant be taken seriously at all. he's an edgy little cunt that takes criticism hard but plays it off like he doesn't care, but secretly cries himself to sleep because people don't like him.
Both are faggots.
>watching stephen colbert
what is this 2008?
He's crush you you pasty little weeb.
where do i buy a sword that big
he politely challenged the black dude to be the host for a few moments, and interview colbert about white privilege. Unfortunately for the black dude, he had no idea what to say when he got in the chair and was completely stumped.
>tfw i just finished learning that Garfield is INFP like me, then I find out he pulls this stunt a week later
colbert is too old!
always been full of sheep
>d-d-don't look at that information guys, i-i-it might lead you to thinking,o-o-only look at information we provide you!
really makes you think
There is more evidence for God then for evolution/no God. I was atheist too until I looked at the evidence with an open mind.
>wears both a Bernie sticker and a Hillary sticker
Nope, stormfag. Try again.
>Unironically believing in god in CURRENT YEAR
You faggots really will try anything to be contrarian wont you
>talking about god
>a beam of light shoots from his finger
explain that atheists
Like watching 2 self-aggrandizing sanctimonious retards duke it out desu.
Really nice videos, thanks
Sounds like your fee fees were hurt because he disagrees with your beliefs.
>It's time to stop tolerating delusions.
Your delusions of being a worthwhile human are first to go then. Look where you are.
>I used to be an atheist but no its too mainstream to be atheist so I make fun of other atheist to feel like that special snowflake again
neither unless they preinterviewed for something else and colbert hoodwinked him.
You are also here, user.
Neither, it was a bit designed to get attention and be cut for a clickbait youtube video titled GERVAIS AND COLBERT GO HEAD TO HEAD ON RELIGION
>atheists are soo edgy i can't believe they have different beliefs than me fuckiong edgelords tip m'lady fedora. i grew out of atheism when i was 15 i'm mature now.
>we should kill all nigger babies and hang the faggots. it's obvious the holocaust was a like there weren't even any gas chambers.
Yeah, that's pretty fucking pathetic.
Don't make me laff
Islam will win with this mindset.
Sure, plan something else instead of this garbage.
he's just a manlet
the katana is about 5 ft long
Is Colbert actually Catholic? I thought he was a "Catholic". Does he attend mass?
Any tiny respect I had for Colbert died that night. I still can't believe he gave that burntmatch/faggot mckesson a platform.
Believing in a Big Jewish Sky Daddy is nothing to me but a silly joke that tread on too long.
kiddie fiddling christians are fucked up
who believes in this shit in 2017, just how delusional do you need to be
people have to treat this made up stuff with as much weight as documented science and actually let them into debates where they just talk about how god created the eartch because they read it in their book
call them out on it and the madness of this situation and all they got to say is stuff about fedora's and edgyness
What's wrong with exterminating roaches?
No one would ever believe you have a film degree due to the retarded asspull shit you posted
>humiliation of believing in this nonsensical crap.
> sees a truthful statement about christianity/religion
> small moment of doubt in back of mind
> digs even deeper into trench of denial and delusion as he searches for the handwavey "fedora.jpeg"
How come nobody ever challenges Gervais about how he constantly goes for the low hanging fruit and that nobody really cares whether or not God exists and what really matters is is organized religion a positive influence on society. It's like he never grew out of the opinions he had when he was 14.
>pretending to believe in god because its "good for society"
how broken you must be
He probably attends mass, at the very least on Christmas and Easter. His Catholicism is basically brownie points Catholicism though without a lot of the moral resoluteness.
You shouldn't need religion to tell you not to steal things or murder people. And even if you are religious that doesn't stop you from doing those things.
people do care....
plus, it's a big problem if people in power believe in this make-believe stuff. Even if they don't have it affect their actions, it is bonkers. You wouldn't have a ruler who still beleives in santa claus
user, you don't "need" anything to stop you from doing these things because there is no reason not to do them :). I hope you're not spooked and still follow Christian morality despite being an atheist, how irrational and pathetic that would be! even worse if he believed his own hand-me-down religious morality to be somehow self-evident, instead of inherited from a dying metaphysical system and slowly phasing out of relevance, trapping himself in the ethics of a worldview he boasts to be free of. How I pity thee!
>people don't really care if god exists
holy shit user
Not really sure what the fuck you're trying to say but stealing and murdering are objectively wrong things to do, and if you're a respectable person with friends and family you don't do those things. That's all.
Both, God exists, but the Catholic church is a fraud. Not that it's relevant to the debate, because Colbert isn't really a Catholic.
Imagine if you were a serious Catholic and you had Steven Colbert trying to represent you.
Calling something "nonsensical crap" and is not truthful nor is it much of a statement worth replying to.
There is no need for hubris ; )
>God exists
Objectively wrong? Umm... i hope you have some good reason to believe that user, like a belief that the universe was created by a deity with intention. It seems like you are just believing in fairy tale ideas, but with even less justification than the religious who actually have a coherent worldview to back it up, as well as ancient philosophical texts with thorough logical examination of the epistemological nature of morality and so on.
Why doesn't he step down and let a black man replace him? Colbert obviously only got the job because of his white privilege.
Colbert should have had a muslim on and they could have talked about who was right about their interpretation of god.
it's an odachi
pls no bully
>not at least pretending to be Catholic
Only internet atheists can make logic and science more embarrassing than unironic religion.
sent from my iMoms house