>people think this is shitty CGI
People think this is shitty CGI
what video game is this?
hahahahaha this is a ps2 game right XD
no,its shitty movie
Is this the Hobbit movie.
>I cant tell the difference between pre-rendered promotional shots and in-movie CGI.
hello Autism.
who is this orc?
nice looking fungus
it was more about shit design otherwise it was fairly well done CG.
tim roth was scarier before he transformed desu
>Even WETA couldn't save this trash
The CGI would look great in a fantasy world like middle earth.
In a modern day American city it just looks dumb and out of place
It's actually a screenshot from the 4k bluray. Maybe you should keep up with technology instead of acting like a fucking asshole.
>people think the prequels were all CGI
Still looks out of place, and it shouldn't. The Orcs from the movie in fucking 2001 actually looked like real things. A lot of them looked unique, too.
All movies are pre-rendered you fucking shoe
No. It's a shitty design in a shitty movie with shitty action and shit cgi
Someone edit in CIA's face
I don't have a problem with the CG, I have a problem with the fact that his actual character design looks like shit.
>people still think this is a maddening awful action scene
CGI is always shitty.
>people think
top kek
good funny you fucking shoe
The oniric filter doesnt work on fast action, snyder fucked up, the cgi was great
good god that is awful
why did they hire TV directors to do this? did they want their movie to be as dull and forgettable as possible?
I can tell by the pixels
Yes, it looks like shit. The only capeshit last year that had good CGI was Doctor Strange.
BvS, Civil War and Apocalypse all had horrible CGI. I don't know why most of these $200+ million garbage movies can't have better visual effects.
It's just a shitty design. It's too generic. It doesn't have character.
hi r*ddit.
this is what a promotional pre-rendered still looks like.
this isnt in the movie.
notice how gollum is superior?
thats because he was rendered at far greater detail than in the movie.
all clear now? or do you need some more spoonfeeding?
ok, walnut
It's not amazing but you're right, it's not bad.
Nice that they got more use out of a LOTR Orc model
Oh right, forgot about Suicide Squad. The Enchantress CGI was horrific too.
I know it's realistic to have ugly people but can you spot the mexican that always makes me kek
Why does Starbucks not have good coffee?
>32 cuts in 13 sec
>mfw I physically can't finish this 8 second webm
Tfw to smart and autistic
It's very bad. Where'd their Winter Soldier talent go? Does this mean the Russos didn't have a hand in what made that movie good?
Except Strange had most terrible cgi. Especially cape and in the end with Dormammu. You should check your local eye doctor.
>Watchmen and Killing Joke reference
Don't let Alan Moore see this he might kill himself
Yeah, rewatching it there are so many needless cuts. It take no skill as a director at all to just 14 half second cuts of individual movements. The choreography was fine, but the cuts are horrible.
No kid, Dr Strange was shit too. The city bending shit is an Inception rip off and everything else is just as bad as Doomsday or Civil War
Isn't that an editor problem though?
I'm not talking about rip-offs autismo.
Yeah it's Inception shit, but it's Inception shit that looked good at least. Compared to the other movies, the visual effects were clearly better.
what would it look like without all the lens flare, glitter and interference from the lighting
No retard, you're wrong. You don't understand how CGI works in premise and you're wrong anyway.
Video is just data to draw pixels onto a screen, how many polygons are in Gollum's face is completely irrelevant. A picture of a shoe and a picture of a tree takes the same time to draw to a screen.
There's zero reason why a movie with a $300,000,000 budget would cut corners for rendering time. If there's some amount of money that can be thrown at making the picture look better then they'll do it.
Well if the director can't give them any decent shots to work with... I can't imagine anyone would take one long continuous kino shot and then just break it up among multiple takes 15 times needlessly. They must have rushed through the scene and left all the weight of actually turning it into a scene that made sense on post's shoulders.
But what do I know. I'm an user on a Bengali ornithology board.
Nah they don't give a fuck, with those actors every minute of work is worth thousands of dollars, making them learn a choreography would cost hundred of thousands just to have the guy there. It's just easier to make them jump a little and throw fake punches and try to make something out of it in post production
mfw they ask me about Live By Night
Notice how it's all one scene that flows smoothly?
if this were Marvel this webm would have had 25 different jump cuts
This webm looks so much better than this one it's not even funny.
best i can do, senpai
How do you honestly fuck up the most simplest, badass villain designs? It's so frustrating that this was Doomsday. DCU needs to be scrapped and rebooted ASAP
more like cgi shit IF you comprehend what i'm trying to express
mfw gal remembers to act
>people think
There's your first mistake.
prosthetics and contacts+real armor and weapons
fuck man i wish those studio execs didnt assrape the hobbit so hackson could do it properly
>human race fucking roasted
Heck yeah
Savage, my main dude
Great work, user, keep it up
*cue H3H3 intro theme*
I don't, but I think it's garbage design.
i agree this is awful but isnt this suppose to be the russo brother's style of action/fighting sequences?