One of her favorite things is to film videos and take picutres with the deformed

One of her favorite things is to film videos and take picutres with the deformed.
So why haven't you taken a picure with her yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a big little guy.


For you.

Shit, she got a pic with the dude from Mad Max: Fury Road? She's probably just a fan.

Why does the person on the left look like they don't want to be there?

Isn't her career dead? I bet she sucked him off for 50 bucks.

you just know hes her pussy slave

fucking hell, didn't think Id be seethingly jealous of a 2ft disabled individual today

"Miss Justice, I have terminal cancer, can I please suck your toes?"

No that was his dad
Because she is a cold hearted kike

What's up with these insane diseases and hispanics? I know a big hispanic family and they have one of these too.

I'm allergic to brown nips

Left > Right

Me on the right.

fucking hell smile you cunt

I'm cute af dude, a regular old cutiepie
2bh if I could I'd fuck myself in the ass, like rail myself like a motherfucker and cream deep inside, then suck my own dick clean, then cum-kisses and snuggling

Fuck I want a clone so bad

Do you think he also paid her to fart on his face?

>liking kikes
go away reddit


Tim :(

bad diet

they dont believe in abortion bro and even if they did they wouldn't spring for the Two Hundred Dollars in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen to get an Amnio.

she probalby has some kind of point system.

>tfw you have to be at least 84.8 on the deformity index to take a picture with her but you're only a 73.2

It worse with Arabs because of all the incest

>average mexican american


>tfw you are a solid 85
Feeld good man

>ywn have some shit disease and get to meet all these cuties

why does she have a heart of gold bros

she loves fat aspies too

Looks like a Mad Max character

>conjoined twins
>heads aren't close enough to double team your cock

why bother


which one gets to bate and which one to shit?

>Vicky will never look at you like that

just fuck my heart up

>i have a chance


too late bro

Holy shit WTF how is this thing alive


you are too tall

ok VJ, now that's just one step too far

Did she take a pic with the other side?

she made Maddie do that

>nu-reddi/tv/ doesn't know vj is one of the very few genuinely nice famous people


god damn vjuice is so fucking fine

she's such a failure I could probably fuck her if I wanted because it would just be the next level of failure to reach


>Still too beta to hit on a cyclops Vjuice

I think VJuice is the one who wants to take pics to show the Internet that she has indeed fans

only the cripples can't outrun her

I want to marry Vicky and fuck Maddie

she's too pure for hollywood

Only if you are 400lbs or her costar.

>This reddit-tier trash is still up.
Bravo mods.


Looks like a really deformed Costanza.

WTF I love vjuice now

That little dude makes some goofy fucking videos. It's like crippled midget kino really. I can't remember the name and it's killing me.

>this newfag again
maddy wants to marry VJ too

t. /q/ 2012

>wanting to marry VJ

man vjuice has one of those smiles u cant tell if its fake or not
perfect for taking promo pics



not a good thing because it makes her look like a fake bitch

Is this fucking real?
Is this fucking real?
Is this fucking real?
Is this fucking real?
Is this fucking real?
This can't be real.

>he can't tell


what is that thing and how old is it?

It is.



I want to masturbate to VJuice in a few minutes. Give me the best pics to cum to!

poor mans Nina Dobrev

and Nina is showing skin

ew VJ why?


>go out with maddie
>she wants you to call her vicky while you fuck
>she steals vicky's dirty panties and jerks you off with them
>she teases you about how you wanna fuck vj at family occasions


I often wrestle with the fact that i'd like to see her get more roles so she can make a living doing the thing she enjoys doing so she can be a happy individual, and hoping that she falls to the wayside and ends up in endless C list roles so we can eventually get titties and sex scenes, maybe even going so far by the time she is in her early thirties having to resort to softcore films.

>implying she wouldn't call you vicky

are my personal favorite sets fpr this purpose

who is the girl in the middle?

go away


dumb useless mobileposters

I'm curious, what is the name of that disease?

pretty good

got any others? gotta fill my entire screen so like 5 different sets outfits would be perfect



If you look, it looks like she's quietly unplugging it's tubes. She's doing the right thing.



She is actually holding his hand.
Did a girl like her ever hold your hand?

Genetic JUSTism.

alcohol and smoking during pregnancy

you could try

but she's too skinny for bikini in my opinion

Never seen a case where it required a wheelchair and oxygen tubes.

it must be hard to be jealouse of the person you are in love with

man I love Tim Curry

Slaan are powerful wizards, becafeful when engaging a lizardman force.

What did she mean by this?

Eric the midget

I see Maddie's point

take a guess