Tell me Sup Forums why is it that unified White countries is a bad Thing?
Looks like Iceland needs some diversity!
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Just saw a piece on al Jazeera (yeah I know don't ask my why I was watching that) celebrating the fact that over 100 natural born Icelanders have converted to islam. The local imam was happily explaining in arabic (not in Icelandic or even English) that these new muzzies add colour and life to Iceland and he looks forward to converting many more to their peaceful way of life.
I'm serious. This just happened.
excellent, the sooner the icelandics realise the truth, they will learn to be tolerant and diverse.. i mean, ist 2016 already!
They got too much publicity because of the Euro they're done for.
It's a well known fact that shitskins can't stand the cold.
that's why there are so many in sweden
Explain Sweden
southern sweden (where all of them live) isn't that cold
My father really got excited for Iceland, like I never have seen him before. He didn't shout HEIL HITLER but at the time it would not have surprised me if it had happened. I too felt a closer connection to Island than Germany. For a strange reason.
Must be that they are the underdog.
tell me kraut bro, is Germany really fucked? im a an auslander in this Country and i teach english at a grunschule
>tfw 80% my class cant into deutsch
does Germany really rise from the fire? or can i expect a slow decline into the abyss.
would greatly appreciate info on whether i should marry german qt and go, or stick around for race war