
They just did that Easy Rider car ad for the superbowl

>they said NCFOM would definitely be the most violent film they'll ever do
>we'll never see them take on Blood Meridian

They're doing a western mini-series.

>tfw we will never see hairless John Goodman as Judge Holdem
>tfw we will never see hairless Jeff Bridges in the same role, if Goodman was unavaiable
>tfw this is the worst timeline

Can I get a quick rundown on these two?

No Country For Old Men>The Big Lebowski>Fargo>Barton Fink>Raising Arizona>The Man Who Wasn'T There>Miller's Crossing>Hail Caesar>>>>>>>>>>>>True Grit

>2 of their top 3 films aren't even in the list

Ok, I forgot some. But they are all better than True Grit and worse than No Country For Old Men, which was my true point

Those are shit castings for The Judge. Bridges and Goodman are both old and grizzled, The Judge is supposed to be ageless, described as looking like a giant baby. I always pictured him having a kind of effeminate and educated voice, not deep and gravelly like those two.

Not really.Inside Llewyn Davis is better than NCFOM.

Is IMDb broken, faggot?

How is Serious Man not on the list? It's one of their best. How is Miller's Crossing so low, even lower than Raising Arizona?

Barton Fink > Miller's Crossing > The Big Lebowski > No Country > Inside Llewyn Davis > O Brother > A Serious Man > Fargo > The Man Who Wasn't There > True Grit > Hail Caesar > Burn After Reading

To be fair, John Goodman does look like agiant baby

I'll never get the hate for True Grit? I thought it was a decent take on the book overall, and the movie itself really captured the late 1800s Western theme.

Inside Llewyn Davis > your entire list

True Grit is just...solid.

It just kind of falls short of their other movies.

It is a good normal film. For another filmaker, it would have probably be its best

But it is their worst

It is the time they tried to go audience friendly

Okay that makes sense. Personally my favorite is Inside Llewyn Davis, with True Grit as a close second because I personally love westerns.

I love westerns too, and I despise True Grit. Both versions. Which is sad, because the story is great

Worst is Ladykillers
That one was actually bad

Bullshit. Hail Caesar is their worst.

Nah... it was still funnier than True Grit.

I really don't like True Grit because they tried to go mainstream

>being a communist

Time for a serious one. No George we won't need you in this one

>being a fag

>remaking a Western movie in 00's
>trying to go mainstream
They're already mainstream directors though.

But Hail Caesar said fags were communist and evil


>Elder God-tier
No Country For Old Men
A Serious Man

The Big Lebowski
Inside Llewyn Davis

Blood Simple
Miller's Crossing
True Grit

The Man Who Wasn't There
Burn After Reading
Hail, Caesar!
Barton Fink

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (I haven't seen it in years though so I can't remember much)
Raising Arizona

I haven't seen the rest.

>Hail Caesar
>Not in shit tier along with Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers

Bump up O Brother, and Barton Fink to God or High and we have the same list.

Just stop. You made a shit list, and True Grit is a great film and a perfect remake.

Seriously, get out of the thread. That list was not good. True Grit is anything but the shit that modern audiences love anyways.

>Favourite Coen brothers movie is O Brother Where Art Thou
>It always ends up on the low end of Coen rankings list

>Decided to catch up on old Coen Kino I hadn't watched
>Raising Arizona
>'That' Chase scene

Some of the best choreographed tomfoolery I've seen. I also really liked Holly Hunter and for some reason the setting seemed really comfy. How do they do it?

A Serious Man needs to go up a few notches.

How do you think Clooney feels when these guys only call him for their throwaway stupid comedies? Even Goodman gets minor parts in their dramas