>tfw I liked it
whats with all the hate for this film?
Tfw I liked it
It was a fuckin piece of garbage. Literally have to have negative knowledge of music or education to enjoy it.
It was great. Sup Forums doesn't understand ambition because they're all neckbeards.
jazz autists mistakenly thinking the film is about jazz when it was about ambition
Suffers from the 'Hackers' syndrome. People with no knowledge of music will love it, dilettantes with superficial knowledge of music will hate it, people with degrees in music will like it.
drum solos are stupid
Maxres Default? I cant find that one on IMDB. Movie name?
Boku no tempo
Fucking this. I had a friend that told me the movie didn't understand what jazz was about.
He didn't understand what the movie was about.
I don't understand this film desu, if he succeded in the last concert in the final scene was he somehow going to be a superstar?
Is there even a point of this?
it received critical acclaim where the hell are you getting hate from? please don't tell me you actually started taking Sup Forums seriously?
this tbqh
it's like when autists get upset about the physics in a sci-fi film
There's ambition and then there's being an autistic retard. I can play music and I pretty much outright hate athletes, but Rocky movies are better movies about ambition that this horse shit.
It's a bit of fun and Sup Forums hates that
I just wish the Russian Dragon meme had caught on more.
Nah, it was about watching someone working his ass off to achieve something, and getting it at the end. Nice change from real life.
pretty much this. I noticed this aspect in La La Land too where on the surface it looks like one type of film (movie about meanie Jazz teachers, or a musical celebrating Hollywood) when they end up being something else (a look at the nature of ambition and achieving greatness, or looking at the nature of romantic relationships and whether they are more important than your personal dreams). Damien seems really caught up in this theme of achieving greatness and so far each of his films is some exploration of that (haven't seen Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench yet though).
My favorite movie of all time. A fucking masterpiece. Only movie I have ever given a 7/10
Where's the joke?
i agree its perfect in every aspect i give it a 8/10
Not my tempo
It wasn't even an abusive relationship. The abuse is the one the protagonist willingly puts himself through. The conductor might as well have been a figment of his imagination conjured up to explain why he's torturing himself.