Why are 99% of women with glasses so insane? I can count the amount of normal woman who wear glasses on one hand...

Why are 99% of women with glasses so insane? I can count the amount of normal woman who wear glasses on one hand, and they're all over 30.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=glasses frames&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&sa=X&biw=320&bih=452&tbs=cat:524,vw:g&tbm=shop&prmd=simvn&srpd=9477848747534336372&prds=epd:12054250131171604895,cdl:1,cid:4609494849565374498&ved=0ahUKEwiwqdjbuc3NAhXk6oMKHermCS8QgTYIwQUwDg&ei=udtzV_DoCeTVjwTqzaf4Ag

can't see the shit pouring out of their mouths properly

My older sister wears glasses. She is currently getting a PhD in physics from Princeton.

Apart from thick-rimmed nu-males, glasses on young men aren't an automatic death sentence. It's amazing how the opposite is true for women.

because they are people who can afford glasses
shit costs over 100 bucks for the frames
100 bucks for service
100+ for an eye inspection
plus tip

sjws are a bunch of spoiled white kids

most of them gave up on their looks and trying to attract the opposite sex.

which turned them insane.

How many times did she claim someone raped her?

>being this hilariously wrong

Glasses are for poor people. You've overstated the cost of eye exams and HILARIOUSLY overstated the cost of frames. Rich people use contacts or get LASIK.

It's not the glasses. There are some sane women with vision problems. The expression, the eyes and the shape of the mouth are all indicators of something terribly unnatural though. I suspect some sinister form of genetic engineering myself but could be some sort of undiagnosed disease. It is not debatable that something is terribly wrong.
