Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Dude fuck you man, go back to/b/ with the other edgelords

would go and get gun, shoot them through the fence

the two dogs that were biting the other dog obviously
pretty rude

Holy shit man you are so cool for posting that
I wish I was edgy like you but my parents won't let me :(


Edgy as fuck. Girls love edgy tough guys bro, go and drown in pussy

Every time someone makes a post like this I fucking kill a dog. I've killed around 20 so far, keep them coming

why can't this faggot hold a camera straight, baka


A cat hater??




>getting triggered by nature


Asians are subhuman. Reminder that the white race always wins

gas the dogs of peace
gas all chinks

jesus what the fuck

The guy filming it. He should have helped the dog quicker, not spend time filming it and half-assedly trying to pull the victim dog away.

If that was me I would've kicked that brown dog in the head. In fact, I'd rescue the dog then come back with something sharp and long and kill him.

Once two dogs attacked my dog while I was walking him. Before they reached him the first one got a kick in the head and they ran away. If he had stayed, or I somehow knocked him down I would have stomped his fucking head.

I love my dog. I don't mind killing another dog for my dog...

Jesus fucking christ.

They are skinning animals

I`m pretty sure they do it en masse when they get the skin/meat

How do we fix asian people


Are you sure that isn't why they are like this in the first place?

This is true. We nuked the Japs and they gave me my waifu. Nukes are always the answer.

Cat no :^0

Yeah, right, faggot. Your skinnyfat ass would get charged and knocked down. Those dogs would tear of your clothes and your quivering asshole would be at the mercy of their throbbing red cocks.

I'd murder those idiotic dogs. Funny how pitbulls are the niggers of dogs yet only mentally retarded rednecks own them