Your country has issued a RED ALERT. The British are coming to claim your clay as their own.
This is not a drill, the British are coming.
How utterly fucked are you?
America, you need not worry since your power is maximum.
Your country has issued a RED ALERT. The British are coming to claim your clay as their own.
This is not a drill, the British are coming.
How utterly fucked are you?
America, you need not worry since your power is maximum.
America is like 5% Anglo
(And no Irish are not Anglo)
Is it just coincidence that America goes down hill as more and more non Anglos come here? I mean the founding fathers were Anglo why shouldn't the people be as well?
Sounds pretty comfy if i'm honest lad.
Might go and do some colonising.
Reply to this post or your mother dies tonight.
i live in south texas
you cucks will get cooked by the heat
Why does Britain want to claim Mexico?
>How utterly fucked are you?
why would the British need to come here to claim the clay when they could just lend a lot of fiat money and eventually send their bank dicks to foreclose?
kind of like they already have in the US,
heil Tavistock!
>I mean the founding fathers were Anglo why shouldn't the people be as well?
the majority of the lines of the founding fathers are now African thanks to all the slave babies they were producing'd
Cause everyone wants some latina ass?
>America, you need not worry since your power is maximum.
>implying Obama wouldn't immediately surrender
former Harlingen here.
might well be fucking saved if you boys are coming around like you been coming around
Oh bugger
It's the enclosures act again!
I'd enjoy that, come as you please.
You limey cunts can fucking BRING IT.
I just polished my armaments too (pic related).
pic related can singlehandedly destroy the British
Well apparently Hong Kong wants us back so.. Sure.
Also. Listening to this while watching the EU crash with no survivors.
>The British are coming to claim your clay
We are already claiming theirs
I don't think the Brits would have the balls to invade America's adoptive 51st state.
t. Kosovo
Asphalt outside of grocery stores doesn't count.
Bong living in America here. Most Mexican food is nowhere near as spicy as a good curry. Try harder.
>Får jag mörda de jag fångar
Lär dig svenska blatte.
I just have to wait until next year when the brits have frozen their bollocks off.
of course you'd prefer poo cuisine
Inte min bild, pajas.
Considering we got nothing of value here, not overly so. They'll come, see, and leave again.
Fucking tabasco is spicier than that shit he posted. What a disgrace. Try Daves Insanity if you want spicy.
You haven't been relevant since 1721
Borders are imaginary and defending one's country is just barbaric.
Learn to electricity, saunalainen
I will happily let the poms back in, as long as they're up for some cricket and they ship off the dregs of our country back to the third world
Not too fucked I dont think, id probably just ivite them in for tea and things would be quite alright.
Try us faggots.
nice b8
My city isn't called the Hornet's Nest for nothin'
they can try kek
What a fucking faggot
not anymore mate..expect the jippos back home soon lol
>he doesn't even try to hit repeating digits for you's
We live by the burgers. If anyone attacks us we have the biggest toughest friend on the planet to defend us. Feels good man.
at least give us a challenge. we could steamroll the entire country in a week
Let them take over. If anything, I would join the invading English army
u wot u little cheeky cunt?
Not at all considering we're already technically British clay.
You tried that before
We know how that ended
kek as anyonene who owns serb clay will have their nation eplxod
this isnt the old days m8
Sweden got Norway's back so you're pretty much fucked =/
very fucked
but we are basically a protectorate of Germany
so maybe not that fucked
at least not cause of the British
We'll Kick your asses back to 17th century
Then defeat you again
1667 best day of my life
Why would you even invade here in the first place?
even with finland and denmark you couldnt beat us m8
we litterally rule the waves in europe our tech and equipment is too great.
also we have nukes..none of you nords dont
I think we've got a pretty decent chance against most countries with a coast.
The sun never sets in Britain
you aint a protectorate of germany..putin wants the EU disolved.
You wont get far m8.
We drive on the other side of the road.
You will end up at all the wrong places.
the dutch are cucks now m8
its not the old days...we dominate europe now
You're not gonna be virgin for long
Britain has never invaded the North, but the North has invaded Britain.
That pretty much sums it up. You can't do shit against us dude. You've always been inferior. Best to just accept it.
But where be your digits?
With the UK taking control of your colonial possessions?
who cares what putin wants
also, yeah it's true. sucking someone's ass does not a protectorate make.
>invade England twice
>lose both times
This would be a lot more impressive coming from either Denmark or Norway.
we have fought with all of you guys except sweden as there was never a reason to invade a frozen dump m8
you aint vikings no are regressive LGBT lovers with no balls.
from varoleans to cuckolds im afraid...wish i was wrong though.
Look you might have Viking blood in your veins but you also have the blood of Mohammed in your veins.
I say its about time for another crusade
U focking wot m8
The Dutch army just mobilized
We are gonna get you
>Pic related it's the Dutch might unleashed
>britain tries to nuke sweden
>leftists shut it down because nuking black people is racist
I hate you
Because they'd do a much better job at managing it
Do it Britain, for the white race!
not posting sabaton
also we firebombed norway and killed men women and children kek
It was red man's land for 30,000 to 50,000 years and only white man's land for 150 to 400 years thereabouts. Who can say where things go next.
We lost? The Royal lineage in UK is part viking.
Also, your Empire doesn't mean shit since you only colonized uninhabited islands and countries which consisted of sub-humans. Us vikings fought actual warriors (except for you brits of course).
Wasn't really as relevant to Britain as the viking era.
You're a cheeky bastard, aren't you, mate ???
why you so salty olav?
Do you guys make those bicycles or you buy them from the chink.
Since your force projection is shit, you'll have to nuke us.
>already on british soil as a british subject under the queen here in leaf land
I'd have biscuits and hot tea ready
Didn't Vikings just raid defenceless villages?
At least we got some land for it
I, for one, welcome my British overlords
can't wait to mix with a qt english catholic
Despite the Brexit, they're still bigger cucks.
the anglo always wins..
Looks like you could use another 9 there, goy. I just happen to have one I might sell to you for 50,000 shekels.