Am I a pleb for loving the music on this show?
Stranger Things
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Meh. I've heard stranger things.
Fright Night was better really
What the fuck is that hungry skeleton doing in there?
its a crying shame how it went out of fashion for women
If I had a gf I'd make her wear one of those everyday and tear a hole in it
>giving a heck what /contrarian/ thinks
>anyone who doesn't like dogshit is "contrarian"
really makes you think
You're proving my point, kiddo
No, it has some great music.
>implying Sup Forums didn't like Stranger Things before it got popular and now it pretends to hate it because it's popular
>not being here long enough to notice this trend
>a show for anti-trump pro-violence commies
no thanks!
i usually stand by stuff that i've always liked that becomes popular but this is different
i watched it right when it came out and thought it was okay 6/10, held my interest enough for me to finish it
but then the hype machine plowed through and now it just makes me hate the show. i feel like if i truly thought it was awesome, the hype machine couldn't have ruined it for me
>All Tom Cruise movies suck because he is a Scientologist.
What does scientology have to do with advocating punching trump supporters?
I hate it beause it's tumblr-core plebshit.
You are an honest user, thank you for sharing your honest opinion to my memery.
IMO it was pretty entertaining but the best part is the soundtrack.
The point is that a film or tv show's quality is not necessarily tied to the political or religious views of its actors.
I disagree friend, it appeals to everyone
Me on the left
Though desu one of my biggest qualms was how El solved everything.
>before it got popular
Are you fucking retarded? It was popular as soon as it was announced. It's NETFLIX's hot big nostalgia Spielberg Steven King wank.
It's Millie's hand.
I didn't like how the psychic girl ended up solving all of their problems, and the monster got less and less scary the more they had shown it.
I only really liked it for the alternate dimension aspect.
Why has nobody acknowledged that the fat kid is in blackface
>and the monster got less and less scary the more they had shown it
The cgi doesn't help either