When you guys say something is "reddit", what do you mean exactly?

When you guys say something is "reddit", what do you mean exactly?

that it reminds one of rick and morty

"I don't like it"

>you will never a prime lindsey

Why would you remind me of prime Lohan? What good does it serve to ruin my day like this?

not with that attitude

>normie bait
>trying too hard to be "quirky"
>generally inoffensive and safe

they are reminded of when they used to be happy and lash out at anyone enjoying yourself

>Reddit Lohan

You have to go back

;) upvoted

something reddit is something inherently dishonest.

think about it.


It's bad. It's for (man)children

Nobody gives a shit about a website, or the popularity of the movie, no matter how much newfags will disagree

It stinks and I don't like it

Low quality posts
Doesn't understand the concept of kino
Can't watch movies that aren't constant action
Forces politics onto the board then turns around and spams anti Sup Forums posts which do nothing but attract actual Sup Forumstards
Defends the new wonder women trailers

most accurate so far

basically Stranger things

Something that panders to a very large demographic while hiding under the guise of being something unique and special to a small group of people. Quirky humour and being part of "nerd culture" dogma are often signs that something appeals to a reddit audience. Rick and Morty and Rogue One are both great examples of reddit-tier shit. The former because it has a reputation of being WHACKY and OFFENSIVE to its fans and yet nobody who actually watches it would ever be offended by anything on the show. Its perfectly sterile and safe. The latter is a great example because it adheres to the Star Wars nerd culture dogma and yet lacks everything that made the original films entertaining, its only redeeming qualities are its own self-reference and the feeling of inclusion that "nerds" get from understanding the context.

Reddit shit appeals to the lowest common denominator of the modern milleninal demographic while at the same time PRETENDING to be thoughtful, challenging, or unique. That is why it is despised. Its fast food for plebian masses.

I have no idea, but who is this taint saint?

like how people used to call stuff gay or faggoty, it's pretty much the same thing.


What exactly was the era of prime Lindsay? I remember her being stupid hot in Mean Girls and that time she hosted SNL in like 2004, but when did it end?