Watched the series and enjoyed it. Is the movie worth bothering with? Heard mixed opinions
Cowboy Bebop
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movie is great
its just an extended episode with the usual great soundtrack. there was something a little off about it - maybe the villain? - but i havent see it for years.
It's cool.
Basically one last adventure with his friends while he is dying in real life.
Yes. Good animation. Good music.
Its pretty good.
>Cowboy bebop DVD set with movie included was stolen from me by my landlord after not being in my apartment for 2 months
I'm too poor to afford it again
>watching weebtrash and liking it unironically
you are everything thats wrong with this board
I let a friend borrow the movie DVD, then he moved to another state.
It was good. Wish they had done more movies like this that were just long episodes.
cowboy bebop is universally legitimately loved by everyone, even non-weebs. get out.
Reddit trash so you'll probably love it
Hahaha keep dreaming kiddo, fact is, you got shit taste as everyone else in this gay ass thread.
What this user said This show is overrated garbage and in no way is as good as most faggots make it out to be
user it could be argued that since you're not only purchasing the physical medium, but a limited license to watch copyrighted material that if you downloaded it, you wouldn't legally be pirating.
You do realize this isn't a valid criticism, right?
The dub has Jennifer Hale and she's always amazing.
That's nothing compared to when my friend lost my copy of Pokemon Heart Gold. I'm still salty as fuck.
>he doesn't buy bootleg anime box sets from china off ebay
They work fine and I think it was $10.
Are you fuckin retarded? This entire show is overrated garbage, at best I'd give it a 4/10, jesus christ get some real fucking taste or fuckin stay in that shithole you fuckin cuck.
Sup Forumsutism hates it so it must be pretty good
>check out their wiki right now
>its there
What did Sup Forumseddit mean by this??
It's just a feature-length episode of Cowboy Bebop. Nothing more or less.
GOAT anime f a m
pretty much this.
You're a pleb. Even considering it's animerde it's more than worthy to put up with for the music alone. And then it's actually kind of not awful.
Why the fuck do people always post anime on this board? Even if it's entry level you should post it on Sup Forums. Also I liked the movie a lot, It really gives closure to the whole series.
No you putz, at best you'd give it a 10/10. It's literally in the numbers. 4 isn't even half of what best would be.