What are your thoughts on centrism?

What are your thoughts on centrism?


It can be misleading. Most of my political opinions are far right with a few far left so when I take those political tests I always come up as a centerist when nothing could be farther from the truth.

Spineless wimps that would never kill or die for an ideal. Ironically they are the most likely to be killed in a homeland conflict because civil war does not permit neutrals.


I was raised by Neocons and called myself conservative until I was 16, and took the centrist pill. I finally snapped out of it when I was 20, and went back to being a con.

I remember thinking that bipartisanship was the way to go, and that political worldviews needed to mesh with one another. That somehow compromise was the answer to everything. Needless to say, I was a fucking idiot.

You nazis are fucking retarded.
Centrism is the only ideology that can actually work.

I know that most of you are teenagers but when will you realize that your shit tier ideology has never worked and will never work ?

The world is ruled by centrists, because they are the smartest and most capable. Nazis and communists are retards who have never worked a job and have no idea how the world works.







Silly goy. There's only left and right.

kill yourself jew

left/right is just a divide and conquer strategy that serves jewish interest

>Promoting Centrism as best.
>Can't even out of debts.

I bet you're not even full white.

Communists and nazis are objectively retarded though, everyone who has basic knowledge of history can't deny this.

Still, communists only make about 10% of the left wing and nazis 10% of the right wing.

Greece was very left wing before the crisis, and it's what lead us here.

We need some right wing economic policies to pay debts as fast as possible

"Centrism" is a bullshit term used by pseudo-intellectuals to justify the fact they are too cowardly to actually stand up for a specific idea or belief system.

The swinging vote.They will swing you out.

Centrism isn't so much an ideology itself as it is a reconciliation of ideologies. When the left and right actually make an effort to work together, the natural result is centrism

Lad debt is the reason Greeks know better than anyone how toxic political polarization can be.

I don't really have any other meme images to reply to your bait, so I'll just leave at that.

I often call myself a centrist. To me it's not about trying to create some sort of perfect balance between traditional 'left-wing' and 'right-wing' ideologies but is moreso about being pragmatic in government. Of course there does need to be some ideological basis, to me that is capitalism, liberalism and nationalism. Of course someone who is more 'progressive' would think a centrist is something different entirely, which is the down side of the ideology, but the same can also be said about the rest.

no it's for people who realize moderation is best in everything.

To call yourself a centrist is ridiculous. It can be understood that you may hold some ideas that are right-wing by nature and some ideas that are left-wing by nature but it all depends on a case-by-case basis. To label yourself centrist literally means something different for everyone which means it means it has no objective utility as a term

>"I'm gonna moderately conduct this economic war"


It's possible to have strong stances and still have moderate approaches. "Centrism" implies that the "Ideal" or "Right" is always in the middle of two or more diverging arguments, which cannot be true is most cases.

I'm a middle-right authoritarian. There are no absolutes in politics. What we Americans think of as a "centrist" are mostly pliant people only concerned with their jobs and immediate family.

>To label yourself centrist literally means something different for everyone which means it means it has no objective utility as a term
The same thing could be said for liberal and conservative nowadays, at least in the US.

Regardless, when someone asks me casually where I am politically, I don't always want to spend 10 minutes spelling out exactly where I stand on everything, and "libertarianish" is misleading.

There is nothing "moderate" about starting economic wars. That guy is wrong anyway - centrism isn't inherently moderate. The Economist has used the term "radical centrism" to describe it's own views.

>"Centrism" implies that the "Ideal" or "Right" is always in the middle of two or more diverging arguments
No, it does not imply that. Centrism implies taking ideas from both the left and right. I think the left get some things correct, and other things very wrong. Same with the right.