Sup Forums eternally, astronomically, universally BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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Damn, he didn't divide the country with his divisive actions, the people on the side who didn't agree with him divided the country. I'm a #Turnip now
Well if he says he didn't, I guess it's true. Surely a politician wouldn't lie to the people.
>they caused
>in the 90s
>with the help of democrats and a democrat president
So, typical nigger mentality of I dindu nuffin.
Welp, you got me. I guess that's it. I was going to vote for Trump to MAGA but you've shown me the error of my ways.
I used to be a Trumpeter, but now I
But everything Obama has touched has turned to shit. Even his Brexit visit to threaten the UK. And the USA is more divided than I have ever seen. Not even Bush accomplished that.
This is true. I'm not even American and I think it's disgusting how much the right of politics has directed hate at the fairly elected president and then willfully attempted to obstruct and block everything he does. Like the financial shutdown, which honestly was a fucking disgrace, or like the refusal to go through with a supreme court nomination, which leaves the US with a non-functioning highest court for a fucking year. Whenever I'm driving around in rural areas and I put on the radio, I'm disgusted at the spleen and hate expressed against Obama. He's your fucking president and he's done a serious and admirable job. Give him some respect, for fuck's sake! If you don't, you're undermining your own country and turning it into a divided shitpile where hate crimes keep increasing. Get your fucking act together, America! And Sup Forums especially, for being one of the worst offenders.
>i dindu nuffin