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remember all my friends thinking this movie was so sad when i was like 10 and i watched and didnt feel anything. jesus im so fucked in the head. well, heh so be it, farewll idiots

same. I actually laughed when she died, though.

she was a dumbass

i actually did feel something because i remember getting mad when he punched that kid and he flew, i thought it was retarded and unrealistic

I didnt get that she died until years later i thought about the movie again. The boy was cute n shieet so that and mild autism did not help me to understand this flick.

>le edge

I don't believe in any normie shit and have been fucked for quite a long time, but dudes, that is pretty unusual in my opinion.
I couldn't even stop from crying when I went into it with everyone saying that you will cry.

i cry at a lot of films op
but this one i think i cried the most
its in my list of films never to watch again ever

i was slightly joking so it made it okay you no-sense-for-subtlety aspie


I call that damage control, you irresponsible autist.

>aspicisim is a bad thing



am i the only one who has never had afemale friend in all my twenty years of living?

where we at bros?


*gets dubs*

This movie portrayed the unexpected death of someone really good.

Which is really fucking strange for a kids movie.




No of course youre not the only one. I, for example, havent had a conversation with someone outside of my family in irl in over 7 years. But these kind of post always trigger me. Its like people strive for the tiniest bit of attention and validation that they can get.

>leslie will never lick your dick

The Road-lite

We watched this at school and I cried a little and everyone made fun of me

You mean these?

that's cute
wanna be my girlfriend?

*steals your beans recipe*

Let's see Paul Allen's dubs.


When? Show me the body.

It would have invoked sadness if there was an actual death scene instead of "hey buddy remember that special friend of yours? Yeah she's not so alive anymore"

>tfw too intelliegent to die

>I'm tired of running.


This is truly meme art

I didn't cry to this since all I could think of was that she was very pretty (I was around the same age as her when it premiered)

Well? What flick is this?

This video is the only good thing Doug Walker ever made.


national lampoon's google reverse image search holiday roadtrip

thats like something a psychopath would say
why would you be less saddened by someone dying because you thought they were hot you FREAK


>in b4 someone posts the caps from the short bit where she has the puffiest nipples that ever did puff and potentionally kills the thread.

you cant expect to post this without showing us



i don't remember that i do remember her pants being real tight and her showing her camel toe

Wouldn't it be so crazy if someone posted them right now? Haha. Like if someone actually just decided to post those pictures in this thread haha. That would be so weird, right? lol

Heh, m8 the portraying of her death wasn't even that sad

I cried like a fucking bitch. Saddest moment on a cinema I've had.