This motherfucker is not funny
his show wasn't canceled because it was offensive, it was canceled because he isn't funny
This motherfucker is not funny
his show wasn't canceled because it was offensive, it was canceled because he isn't funny
wobbidy wobbidy
I agree and browse /pol all the time.
ho ho
Whitest Kids U Know has better political skits anyway
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
Anyone regret voting for Donald Trump? I admit, I got completely swept up on the Sup Forums memes, and I let the jokes fuck with me. I disconnected from reality, and in like a drug stupor. I pulled the lever for Trump because the "memes" told me so. I pretty much gradually realized how autistic I was as the weeks went on.
It fucks with me every day, that I contributed to Trump. I voted in Pennsylvania, and as you know, PA was won by only a couple fucking votes. I'm part of the problem, and I got cucked by the alt right into destroying what I want in America. I'm a fucking progressive and I voted for Trump. I want Nordic style government, and I still got fucking cunted up the cunt to vote for basically Hitler. Is this what people felt like when they were so defeated at WW1, that they voted for Hitler, even though they hated the man? Because he sounded good?
Fuck, I supported BERNIE from even before the primaries, and I was one of the early guys on his ship. I was talking about a Bernie run in fucking 2014 ffs, when my friends called me crazy.
The hate against Clinton, that blew off, and cheated Bernie added to it. If the DNC candidate was even HALF decent, I wouldn't have been corrupted.
Just fuck my life famalam. I expect you to either sage, ignore or mock me, but if anyone did what I did, let me know your thoughts, please. I know I'm not alone.
And yes, I'm a fucking white male
I actually have no idea who this cunt is and why hes constantly posted here, I only see his ugly mug here.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Don't like his new stuff
His old stuff was funny
ty it's my honest opinion his shit is really fucking cringey, poignant but cringey
well wkuk had talent soo there you are
you don't remember what is was like in 2012/13
his videos were starting to break-- he mocked liberal/leftist attitudes and showed some oblique awareness of Sup Forums-- but was never open about it.
and his videos were fucking funny. esp MIND=BLOWN.wmv
now he's a little too open about his beliefs. Note that I agree with them 100% but the jokes should come first.
Never seen it or his youtube, but not being funny has never been a problem for Adult Swim. Most of their shit is unwatchable.
Also yes, his show was canceled for purely political reasons. Maybe if he had a larger fanbase they would have looked the other way since companies love way more than virtue signalling.
What happened to him was fucked, I get why people are mad, since you really shouldn't fire someone for their politics. But on the other hand, yeah, if you do good work you'd be surprised how people will look the other way.
>h3h3 copies sam hyde
>is now a popular youtuber who hangs out with celebrities
>sam hyde is a loser whose only known to a handful of people on the internet
I agree he's not funny, but his show was canceled for being offensive.
I like him.
I may not find his stuff funny, but I enjoy watching him rant.
>it was canceled because he isn't funny
Literally every show on adult swim would have been cancelled if that were the case.
Literally every late night show would be cancelled.
They cancel shows based on ratings, but his ratings were really good for a first season, and better than some shows that are still on the air.
He was cancelled because some of the higher ups threw a tantrum about it.
If shows got cancelled because they're bad 90% of television wouldn't be on.
I think he's pretty funny most of the time, but yeah, he's been super whiny lately about his show getting cancelled.
Just funny to see him all redpilled making fun of people for having lib arts degrees and shit, when he went to a really fancy expensive art school and can't afford health insurance.
>Anyone regret voting for Donald Trump?
jesus christ how fucking old are you
why are you on this site for teens
>asian eyes
>anglo posture and hairline
>nigger lips
>Humour and lumbering body of a teutonic nesnderthal
Its like this guys made from the worst physical traits of all races
>31 years old
>no health insurance
>constantly spams himself on Sup Forums
not all the skits were suppose to be funny they were interesting
This is a pasta that I saw on /r9k/ earlier.
Fucking kill yourself.
>higher ratings than Eric Andre first season
>not funny
Pick one.
That's why he's so butthurt all the time now, lol
You know the whole "reddit sucks" is just self deprecational humor right? I myself have several reddit accounts with over 100k karma each as I'm sure most of you do.
Yeah big fat nigger ape Leslie Nielsen is much better and political correct
lee me alone
This isn't a this or that. Also Sam looks like a white version of her, he's ugly as shit with fish eyes and lips.
This is funny
He shotguns a lot of stuff out there, and a good 30% is funny.
OP just mad he didnt get to shoot hot jizz on his mechanical keyboard and razor mouse
Why you do dis to me?!
imo he spends too much time experimenting with different things.
That said his show was comfy and some of his skits were pure gold.
I totally agree with you, OP. But please, don't post about him ever again. We are trying to move on from this human piece of shit. Im hiding this thread right away. He doesn't deserve more exposure.
>Wants a nordic style government
Move to scandinavia fuck face
>Got cucked out of being a cuck and voting for a sheltered privledeged white woman who had everything handed to her on a platter and never produced anything of value.
Too bad, soo sad.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do, you only have yourself to blame
His ratings were fantastic for his time slot, better than Eric Andre S1. His show was cancelled because certain members of the left were unable to tolerate actual political dissent.
your tax dollars are gonna go towards trump's piss parties lol
>We won't make up lies.
I disagree, he can be funny when he wants to be. It seemed that World Peace wanted to have serious messages despite being seen as a comedy show, and that messed up the viewers.
MDE has always been like this though, they've influenced a lot of youtube channels since their early days, and those channels tend to do better because they're a refined and less offensive version of MDE.
>Move to scandinavia fuck face
>implying americans can just move to europe
yeah i didn't like his show but it got good ratings. by all accounts it was cancelled because of his politics.
why are redditors so triggered by sam hyde? is it the trump win?
Fuck off shareblue
>Just funny to see him all redpilled making fun of people for having lib arts degrees and shit, when he went to a really fancy expensive art school and can't afford health insurance.
he's also making fun of himself because he knows he fucked up
Oh that's why Sup Forums stopped posting new content from it. Those were some of the worst threads on Sup Forums. It certainly did not look funny in the slightest. I'm not sure what retard green lighted it.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we shouldn't have let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>voting for a sheltered privledeged white woman who had everything handed to her on a platter and never produced anything of value
You mean Trump? Wait he's a man, my bad.
I could have replied to nearly half the posts in this thread, but I decided to reply to yours. Not because there was anything special about it but because you so simply said what all the Trump supporters believe.
Let me now explain why it will now happen.
Those of us who are #NeverTrump know in our heart that Trump is the end of our country. It is that simple.
His winning redefines conservatism as nationalistic, authoritarian, populism that seeks to solve problems the same way the world tried in the 1930s with catistrophic results.
We are students of history, we consider, think and discuss ideas. For a 100 reasons we cannot ... no WILL NOT vote for Trump.
In the years to come, the questions will come up, where were you? Did no one see it coming? Now you know... yes we did.
But you didn't reply to anyone.
but that's wrong. the show got good ratings and they ordered more, but brett "call my wife a nigger and i pull the trigger" gelman fought against it.
I feel bad for him. Sup Forums told him he was funny and he believed them.
>if you do good work you'd be surprised how people will look the other way
Primetime Propaganda.txt
Tim pls. Sam is based.
he's very funny.
lena dunham pls go
>Browsing /r9k/ ever
>Ever admitting to browsing /r9k/
Wtf is wrong with you? Are you one of those people who post "Sup Forums brought me here lulz!" on youtube also?
His show actually was kinda trash. I dont think anyone found it funny besides his fanbase, a random viewer wouldn't really understand it. And its not even like you have to "get" it, hyde fanboys make it sound like those who didnt find it funny were inferior.
it had high ratings. it was canceled because adult swim are butthurt liberals. that's the truth
it got the best ratings out of all the new stuff. it was canned for political reasons.
sam hyde is a genious
Sup Forums is inherently worse than /r9k/
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with less discussion
/r9k/ introduced Sup Forums to the meme they used to spearhead their campaign
>it got the best ratings out of all the new stuff
Sam was literally going around his little subreddit telling everyone to turn on every cable box in their home to WP.
He knew it was a failure before it even started
stop denying reality. it got canceled for political reasons. whether the show is good or not is irrelevant. it had high ratings, made money and was canceled because it was anti liberal. these are the facts
Who is this? I never bother to enter these threads Judging from thumbnails I always see I can guess that this guy is pro gun?
>it got the best ratings out of all the new stuff
It actually didn't
It then slowly lost a bunch of viewers with every episode
Yeah, it had help getting canned because of political reasons, but it wasn't funny and people weren't watching it
How long did it take you to figure that out?
jews rock XD
This just isn't true every single friend I've shown the show thinks it was really funny some of which were bernerbros who didn't see any "waycism" in the show
same senpai
old MDE was way better
first found them in 2013 and watched college cunts, moms, and then a bunch of the vertical videos
best MDE was always depressed Sam ranting about society
It did better than eric Andre's first season you are literally lying
>JFK and Lee H Oswald duet
>Politician ad
>Prop debate
I'd say they're about 50% hit or miss but that's way beyond any average sketch group you'd find today.
I was replying to a post that said "new stuff", how could that ever possibly refer to a show that didn't even premiere in 2016 but 2012
Yeah, it's done better than some of the least popular ratings, wow good job. But Eric's show consistently gained more viewers. Hyde's show did not
CTR youve used that line here too much now
Also, it doing better than one show doesn't mean it did the best out of all the shows
Why even bother Lying, we can look up all the information within seconds
Building real estate is creating value. It's probably one of the more direct forms of creating value.
Politicians, especially ones like Clinton, do not create, they leech. Occasionally you will find a true "public servant" but those are few and far between.
It had great ratings you autist.
Better ratings than Eric Andre's show in fact.
I didn't like episode one. Are the other ones better?
his early stuff was good, i don't like his new stuff tho
Doesn't matter if you find him funny or not he got the viewership
his channel is the kind that gets really old fast like soulbrothanumbuh3, I much prefer rockcock64 when i want ironic dudebro 90's humor
>What you autists think happened:
QUICK WE HAVE TO PANDER TO THE LIBERAL ELITE! f-fucking drumpkins amirite?
>What probably happened
This show doesn't look very successful. It's probably better to get rid of it than to endure the annoying twitter updates.
Chances are it was losing money and viewers so they canned using the political stuff as brownie points
Eric's show was dirt cheap because he didn't require a whole host of various locations and costumes. At most you just had to rebuild the set, which was half curtains anyway
>h3h3 copies sam hyde
Wasn't that just for a single tribute video?
I'd love it if h3h3 did an interview with Sam for old time's sake.