Season 6 was terrible.
What went wrong?
GoT S6
Pacing, filler, and god character development.
"god character development"
>What did he mean by this?
"What went wrong"
>Martin's writers block ruined this series forever.
>Every season post-Season 5 will be shit.
No idea how they're planning Season 7 right now, but it'll most likely be crap due to global warming and the feminist agenda plaguing this show since Season 5.
this series sucked when it started
most overrated show on HBO and ever.
Fuck this series and its cuck fanbase.
>no book to follow
>focus more on "epic" setpieced than story
>bad actors
>D&D can't write dialogue
>character arcs got destroyed last season so they had add new shit
>nonsensical plot lines
>worthless deaths
>no stakes in the battle scenes
Who else /stillpissedblackfishgotkilledoffscreenlikealittlebitch/?
>show is getting worse the more it airs
wew in other news grass is green
You're acting like Season 6 was when the show finally dropped off a cliff.
The quality started going down from the end of Season 4 (Oberyn's completely unnecessary death was on par with TWD's shock factor shit) ever since, and will continue to do so until the series' end.
It's an overrated series, anyway. Deadwood surpasses it in every way.
>OP discovers the fact that annual franchises degrade in quality over time until they end up being disappointing.
S7 plot was leaked months ago. Sounds like utter trash, worse than S5 and 6.
Season 6 made the show as relevant as The Walking Dead. It went to shit so fucking fast.
To be fair it's not like it could get better, since they're pretty much just wrapping up loose ends and running out the clock
Tyrion is just....there. He's a total "nothing" character now.
OP, the problem is you expect the show to be good. You should watch the first 4 seasons as you would a normal TV series, cause they're actually pretty damn good, especially season 1.
Season 5 is just shit, don't even try to enjoy it. Season 5 took place during the transition period of D&D trying to continue the book storylines and also introducing their own storylines and it was just bad (except Hardhome).
Season 6 is where you should stop watching it like a quality show because the quality is long gone. Instead, just get really drunk and watch it like a soap opera with an enormous budget, crazy action, absurd plot twists, and sex. D&D stopped giving a fuck altogether for this season, and according to the leaks season 7 is gonna be even more over the top. Just embrace the fan service and try to have fun with it.
I used to get super fucking pissed about how the show was ruined, but now I just accept that it is what it is, and when something actually good happens I'm pleasantly surprised.
SJWs ruined this show.
They let the female characters get god-tier out of fucking nowhere, and now, it's all progressive-agenda pushing shit against "misogynistic white males".
I fucking hate this generation.
They should've just cancelled it after Season 4, but the Jews running HBO wanted more and more.
I don't really blame HBO, I blame the showrunners and I blame GRRM. I don't care how slow you work, if it takes you 6 years to write a book, and that's your only job then you just have a bad work ethic. But D&D are much worse, once they ran out of runway it was revealed what fucking hacks they really are.
The only thing that still really pisses me off is how it seems like nobody has noticed that the quality took a shit post season 4. It's pretty obvious.
This, tbphwy. Way too many darkies. They showed a close-up of a dick this season too.
Hard to keep up with characters changing sides. This season got good towards the end tho.
The writers don't understand even the basics about writing.
Can you guys please just keep it in your containment general for fucks sake, why do you think youre still allowed to have that continuous cancer thread going half a year after the worst show on television has been off the air?