Interview Kino
Interview Kino
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you can tell she's a smart girl
>tfw no qt tomboy lesbian gf
I want to be her friend.
this, you can tell she has some emotional comprehension or at least can hide it
clever girl
cute... CUTE!!!
>when the interviewer keeps pressing you about boyfriends and what kind of boys you'd like but you're secretly a lesbian
>interviewer talks about female actresses
>asks her what turns her on about them.
that massive smile after
really impressive human being i'd say. She talks and sounds like a 30 year old man though.
She has the same mannerisms as Dahmer.
>tfw ywn be in a date with jodie foster and mel gibson.
you weeaboo faggots need to stop this. it used to be a touhou thing but now it's gone too far. fucking stop it. you know it's supposed to be ironically pathetic. it's just pathetic now.
She looks composed, smart and capable.
Would marry.
But of course she is a lesbian.
ywn be a qt girl and have sex with a seventeen year old Jodie Foster
Wow, this really is kino. How is she so smart and composed? At 17 in an interview like that I would have acted like a total fucking idiot.
young and cute lesbians are soooooooo smarts
Why does kstew think shes as talented as young Foster?
How old is she in this video
I remember thinking this gif was from a porno for years.
you can tell she'd been defiled by some big noses
No b-bully!
I'd shoot a president for her.
This is true I think. Most of the dykes I know are really cool people that I enjoy talking to.
Did she molested KStew?
any webms?
The best interview is ben affleck and that mexican journalist.
Maximum alpha chad status. Is this the power of Islam?
What gave you that idea?