do you like Jon Favreau?
Do you like Jon Favreau?
Yeah. It's hard not to. "Swingers" and "Made" still hold up really well
inb4 the autistic grilled cheese webm
Why do you ask?
One of the few directors where I don't mind when he casts himself in his own flick
He was such a pussy in "D-Girl."
Yes, but that cooking movie was the most self-aggrandizing piece of shit, I can't even believe it.
Fuck, it would have been more entertaining for him to just sit in front of the camera and slowly explain to me why he's so great and the studios are so bad. Maybe use small words.
It would be less insulting to the intelligence.
Chef was comfy.
I respect your opinion and I am glad you found enjoyment in it. Thank you for your response and I hope you have a good day.
You're not wrong, but I have to agree with I kinda wanted to hate this movie, but it won me over. The food porn and the genuinely sweet family/friendship arcs were enough to carry it
>Amerifats unironically think the grilled """cheese""" sandwich scene from chef is foodkino
I wanna puke
You too user.
I love him. Elf and Chef were comfy as fuck, Iron Man was fantastic, and his cameo as Eric the Clown in Seinfeld was one of my favorite scenes.
yep, in fact has he ever made a bad movie? at best they are average
This fat jew face had the audacity, in one movie, to cast Sofia Vergara his ex-wife and ScarJo as his gf.
Eric the clown
I know what you mean but his real life wife his is pretty hot desu
Oh calm your tits
I don't think I'd ever watch Iron Man 2 or Cowboys & Aliens again, but I guess I didn't completely hate them
He's a decent actor and director. He seems like a totally arrogant and pretentious douche irl from what I heard on Marc Maron's podcast.
>european "culture"