Casting-screenplay game

write me a brief plot starring the actors in the pic

and include a soundtrack song

winner gets crablegs

Bill "CIA" Wilson and Bane erotica

college girl hits head on wall passes out and wakes up colonial New Spain, where jake is the Viceroy and wants to fuck her badly and chases her with his army. girl knows from college classes how that guy dies and tries to make that happen

soundtrack song: Conan's OST: The Orgy / kitchen piece.

Jake could be Bond.

that's actually not bad

Hell i would watch that

Basically Assassins creed when they do the inevitable feminist reboot

or make it a bodice ripper

more of that jewess

after losing their jobs suzy and jake decide to rob a bank

they get away with it and spend their ill gotten fortune on a house in hawaii where their conscience does not let them get away with it and they devolve into a bickering miserable couple

one kills the other at the end

shes foul


>The movie user pitched actually gets made
>Max Landis is credited with writing it and gets his 2m paycheck
>All while user continues to be a NEET living on welfare

ive saved this page with time stamp
user can sue landis

Maybe if they accidentally kill a bank employee during the heist.

Jake is a middle aged doctor who is growing more and more dissatisfied with his existence; at a wedding of a college friend, a wedding which his distant wife (rachel mcadams) refuses to attend, he meets a girl who is empathetic to his problems and they spend some time talking; jake becomes obsessed with her because he feels he has made a connection, not comprehending that she is not interested in him as anything other than an "older friend".

The remainder of the movie shows him lingering around her job and peering into her life, and becoming a bit of a fool. The girl catches him following her one day, and though she remains sympathetic, she wards him off in the kindest way she can; he returns to his wife but on learning that the girl is moving across the country, which will prevent him from stalking her, he kills himself.

Song is sacrifice sung by elton john.

sounds like a woody allen movie plot

if allen made it, the girl would need to be 14, and the guy 50 or more

Can these two be any more attractive?

>larry david and the little girl from Interstellar

oh wow
it would be banned in 40 countries