Brit/pol/ - temporary thread edition


>Farage at the EU parliament for the first time since Brexit:

>Pound Sterling begins to rise again

>300,000 more migrants from Africa headed to Europe.

>Britain to open Immediate trade talks to Australia and South Korea

>Police deny hate crime has 'surged by 56% since brexit'

>EU tells Nicola Sturgeon to fuck off

>Boris gives 'two fingers' to remain Tory MPs

>Farage on CNN

Other urls found in this thread:


finally lads




Fucking hell I'm going to miss his bantz from the EU parliament...

Does anyone have that video where Clegg calls him "PUH TIN" and Farage says "oh really" then it cuts to music and him swigging a beer?

Thanks leaf.

All the Brits are too drunk, to make threads.

First for dictatorship of the proletariat

Someone please persuade Jeremy to put aside the rhetoric and get round the negotiating table.

So what are the odds of another independence ref for Scotland after Spain and France told us to fuck off?

Can we do it?

nth for Comrade Corbyn's Catastrophic Crash


Tory Whip Count:








Tory leadership sheet, shows who declared for who

ay lmao

please learn from me and just send """"hate"""" mail to anti-whites such as this yasmin whore. let them know that they're hated


>tfw our independence days aren't close enough to where we could just have one giant celebration


If Scotland went independent now they'd be fucked economically

What do they even have left?


>Those horn sounds
My sides.

Will you trade with us lads?

>"You have the piety of a damp rag, and the character of a low-grade monk. And the question that I want to ask, […] that we're all going to ask, is "Who are you?". I'd never heard of you. Nobody in Christendom had ever heard of you. I would like to ask you, Bishop of Rome, who voted for you, and what mechanism … oh, I know Monarchy isn't popular with you lot, and what mechanism the Kings of Christendom have to remove you? Is this Christian Monarchy? Well, I sense, I sense though that you are competent and capable and dangerous, and I have no doubt in your intention, to be the quiet assassin of Christian Monarchy, and of the True church. You appear to have a loathing for the very concept of the existence of Kingdoms - perhaps that's because you come from Florence, which is a republic. "

Fucking last thread archived too soon.

Our independence day is when we actually go independent, not when we voted in a referendum.

So it could still be on July

and a note to these threads: Scotland leaving the UK is a good thing. The interests of the white race doesn't involve "Scotland being part of the UK".

We're the ones on the offensive, we're not on the defensive. We're on the offensive against the current western liberal democratic capitalist system. Therefore, any and all uncertainty and chaos is positive, because it shakes up the system.

OP here. Please don't hate me. I've made threads for Trump General and Syria General. Everyone was too lazy to make one so I copy-pasted them.

Been saying this for the last year now. The sooner the established media dies and the inbred political punditry are annihilated, the better off we will all be. I'm pretty much convinced that most of the West's problems can be fixed with this one solution.

The media is almost exclusively responsible for exaggerating issues that literally no serious person would otherwise give a fuck about (gay marriage), creating issues that no one would believe otherwise (women's), or straight up lying about legitimate issues raised (Trump, UKIP, Brexit). Kill the established media, destroy contemporary academia, and I guarantee that the West will be saved.

[Reposted from last thread in case you missed my response, mate]

Now you have another holiday to celebrate.

SNP would have to nuke the Welfare budget to get into the Euro (which they would have to join), making the Tories look like socialists with all that austerity.

he looks pretty cool with a beard.

Jeremy GET

Пpoлeтapии вceх cтpaн, coeдиняйтecь!

The independence celebrations will just have to go from the 23rd to the 4th then.
Burgers and Tea all around.

Liam Fox going for tory leadership

thoughts on him?

there is literally nothing wrong with declaring 23rdjune to the 4th of july a 2weeks long freedom holiday

British Defence Manufacturing.
That's it.

Is the SNP the biggest joke in the UK?

>YOU VOTED 'LEAVE?' I'm gonna' make you lick and eat my Weeto young man, haha yeeeeaah boi

I think so.

I want someone to look at me like Are Nige looks at the colours

They basically have Glasgow, Edinburgh, a bunch of small towns, things that need subsidizing, and that's it. Hardly a great power nation.

Depends on the trade deal, but really I can't think why we would as long as we both have things we want to buy and sell.

Was the Dad's Army film any good?

Feel like indulging in some Pommy patriotism

Makes you think... huh

Nope, that's still the Lib-Dems

>inb4 Who?

That would be the PLP

was never happening but Sturgeon has little to lose by making a song and dance.

Write to your representatives - make it happen.

>Scotland leaving the UK
Isn't going to happen anyway.

Current map of post-Brexit trade proposals.

Oh god I laughed

They have Irn Bru.

But I think he wanted all of you people to know the truth. He wanted to live on in your memory, not as a leader, but as an honest man. But he was forbidden to tell you himself. And that's why he campaigned to remain. Sup Forums, history will ever know what he did. No one will ever learn the truth. His story... his true voting intention, will endure only in your hearts. Everything he did, he did for his country. He sacrificed his integrity and his position for his native land. He was a real hero. He was a true Comrade.

he is on team nigel. top lad. said screw the single market, no more immigration

Our new trading partner was kind enough to save us from dropping off the board in the last thread.

See that, EU?

When are you going to become a self-respecting country again, son? You're embarrassing the Anglosphere at the moment.

I'm waiting for Russia to try and make some statements on this.

They must be so fucking smug right now.

Oh yeah, Barr's is quite good.


it's alright, we love our leafs

What Jeremy Corbyn is doing is divisive and wrong. In such difficult political times we all need to put aside the rhetoric and get around the negotiating table

Anyone have that pic where Trump is Duke Nukem and Farrage is Bond?

The proper one, yes.

The new one? Fuck no.

Literally worse than Greece and Japan my sides


"Back of the queue"

Yes, yes they are.

grand theft auto desu


>Russian trade deal offer.

That would be glorious.

"No one will want to trade with a tiny insignificant little island"

fucking timpson why do you do this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

There are lots of jokes in the UK, all of the political parties

Something something British humour


Jeremy Corbyn has support of the Unions, the Members, & the CLP (constituency labour partys) who elect the constituency candidates. The only group against him is the PLP

The SNP is right fucked at this point. With the EU blowing Sturgeon out today she'll have LITERALLY nothing to offer as incentive to go independent.

Feeling a bit sorry for the redpilled Scots atm lads.

>Just lick me out, user .who cares if it smells bad? hehe

Jeremy "Blairite? That's not right" Corbyn



it's ok lad, we've grown fat and lazy from all the liberal tears so a bit of help is welcome tbqh. just don't shitpost too hard, son.

I always see this but never ask, I can't help it this time, what show is this from?

added a special version of farage in scribblenauts that spawns when you type in "cant barrage the farage"
he has a shield and a sword, and destroys banks and merchants on sight

this is a comfy game lads

Beautiful. John and Jeremy, comrades till the end.

>you will never stir up last night's haggis inside her with your cock

why live?

Aye. Heroin isn't cheap.

I think it's california man, shit movie. Not 100% though.

This feels good, People are realising how good we'll have it in the UK
Weve had an absolute shitload of offers for trade already

Link with info on these deals?

Colombian poster just said about that pacific trade alliance to include Peru and Chile?

Has Karenposting gone to far lads, do we need a vote of no confidence?

Top quality political commentary from Guido here.

The absolute madman

Until John strikes him down for being a revisionist.

>You'll never mix Buckfast and Irn Brew pre drinks before engaging in ravenous hedonistic sex and then go to the chippy afterwards.

Jeremy 'Privatise? don't you fucking dare, and fuck Blair' Corbyn.

We need a referendum.

There's a small but strong base of Karen-posters within /britpol/, a vote of no confidence will do nothing

Aussies are now asleep, we should too.

Night lads.

watching all these makes me feel so good now its all happening.

someone make a punished Corbyn