Someone please explain to me why this is so highly regarded among fans! Dialogue is hamfisted and often preachy. Animation looks like a video game cutscene. Action sequences are stiff and either edited to be too slow or shot to appear confusing. Not to mention, figures (clones, battle droids, other important characters) will often just be in the background of fights,standing around and doing nothing but crowding the scene.
Sounds like you're not a fan of star wars, which is perfectly reasonable. The show is pure fan service, if you're not into that, I doubt you'd enjoy it much.
Maybe try jumping around between interesting arcs?
That's the thing though, HUGE Star Wars fan. Empire is my fave flick. Thought Force Awakens and Rogue One were solid and Ok respectively. I love the OG Clone Wars. I even have a soft spot for the memeiest Episode III.
What went wrong?
>why is this so highly regarded
>the clone wars movie
It's not. At all. The only "people" I have seen say anything positive about it are the disgusting manchildren on Sup Forums
I meant the series as a whole
again, the praise is almost certainly coming from manchildren. Remember where you are
>why this is so highly regarded among fans
star wars eu/prequel/cartoon fans are absolute morons
I thought people like the 2D/cartoon Clone Wars?
>What went wrong?
why y'all so butthurt triggered?
Well compared to the film prequels the lackluster show is Citizen Kane in comparison.
The show improves dramatically by its third or fourth season, and has at least three or four arcs that genuinely live up to the hype. It also expands on character motivations and fills in plot holes from the movies, which can make watching them a more enjoyable experience.
You have to understand, the bar for children's cartoons is very low. To that end, TCW is one of the best shows of its kind. Otherwise, it's a respectable addition to the Star Wars saga that ultimately doesn't make or break the series.
Have you considered that you're not that huge of a fan then? Maybe you're really into Star Wars, but not enough to go consume any more media outside of the main films?
please go back to Sup Forums
TCW is trash made for toddlers. It is literally designed for very young children. You are a manchild and you need to go back
>It is literally designed for very young children
So, Star Wars?
>highly regarded
Literally nobody holds this in high regard. I've seen praise for the tv show, but nothing for the movie.
Normal people watch Star Wars movies
Repulsive virgins like you watch the cartoon
I tried watching the cartoon once because I heard it was good. The episode where Mace Windu brings a dinosaur back to Coruscant for no reason and it gets loose and kills untold amounts of people.
That broke me.
Now I hate anyone stupid enough to say anything nice about Star Wars The Clone Wars
I literally said that its main attribute is being better than other children's shows. Also,
>arguing about the childishness of a 40 year old Flash Gordon derivative on a Japanese anime board
y'all so butthurt triggered. what happened? was it rape?
trying to watch TCW with its hideous animation and cringe writing should count as rape
Is the OP confusing the shitty cg animated clone wars animated movie with the clone wars cg animated series that actually got pretty good?
>bar for children's cartoons is very low
It's a medium, not a genre. You can't just disregard works like Batman: TAS, Samurai Jack, the original Looney Tunes, Ren and Stimpy and Avatar the Last Airbender. That is no excuse, especially when there IS a perfectly good Clone Wars series from 2003.
Also,hey everyone else, I too DON'T LIKE the show. Don't be hating on me for agreeing with you, you dick heads
>thinks different kind of animation is hideous
>can only swallow traditional animation
ewwwww you're a sagging-skin oldgeezer
>Also,hey everyone else, I too DON'T LIKE the show. Don't be hating on me for agreeing with you, you dick heads
you are one contradictorily confusing iglook