Movies that I can show my future non white children?
Movies that I can show my future non white children?
Problem Child 2
What are some movies where the (((villain))) reveals his evil master plan to the hero far too early, thus ensuring that his plan fails due to the hero being aware of it?
To be honest, when you think about it. White people are the reason there's still racism. I hope more of their women mix with other races, so we can blur those lines in the future.
>White people are the reason there's still racism.
'Racism' isn't real. ALL human practice tribalism in one form or another. "Racism" is the exploitation of that tribalism used by one group against the other
You sound like you're full of hate.
People like Emily Goldstein have their fucking nerve. I am Jew and I hate fucking cunts like this. They're enemies of the state.
>Sup Forums posts fringe left-wing opinions
>portrays them as mainstream left-wing opinions in order to mock liberals
Do I judge all conservatives by the actions of neo-nazis? No.
This would be true if Asia didn't exist
This is literally the tone of about 90% of the US media right now.
And the liberal/conservative dichotomy is straight up bullshit used to divide the population and let propaganda agents like Emily Goldstein spew this garbage.
Yep. Most Democrats aren't that extreme. Some are, but most aren't, just like how most Republicans aren't extremist neo-nazis (but some are).
>not left-wing
Kek, no it's not you delusional fuck. Try watching some NBC news and tell me the next time they say anything remotely the same as in OP's image and if that happens even once in the next year, I'll shoot myself.
Neo-nazis are very hard right-wing. Look, there are some bad people on both sides. To just go, "everyone bad is a leftist!" is lazy as fuck.
In the US left wing just means someone who votes Democrat and right wing means someone who votes Republican. The political spectrum over here is much different than the one used everywhere else in the world
You think someone who's ventured outside of Sup Forums this ship board could learn how to spot a troll.
>this delusion
I mean, sure, most leftists think that racism is a thing and that white guilt is therefore somewhat justified, but
Purely a coincidence.
It's coming from the same place dipshit. 6 companies own 93% of the US media. Smarten up.
Or black people. I know some black people who are racist as hell
Yea, cause Asian countries performing genocide on people wasn't race, cause it was asian on asian, and that's the same race. White people certainly killed white people, but they killed non-whites, so they're the real racists.
Every movie will be a tyler perry movie.
Nazis are just people who fought for their homeland.
>le Nazi boogeyman is a (((media))) created boogeyman
t. a rebel Jew
6 companies own 93% of the US media, and they absolutely collude.
You're the delusional one.
Okay, Sup Forums. Whatever you say. Go ahead and defend genocide.
She's actively pushing for fewer Jewish actors and roles?
Jews literally invented racial supremacy, which goes beyond simple tribalism
So? How is that relevant? The point is that the mainstream news leans slightly left and is certainly nowhere near as extremist as OP's picture.
nice argument.
Why don't the media ever bring up the 20 million Russians slaughtered in WWII? That was the REAL genocide.
The fact that you think that is relevant just goes to show how delusional you are.
Left/right is bullshit.
The important part is that media in this country is centralized, corrupt, and colluding.
>their homeland
You mean the "homeland" that they conquered and depopulated of the natives?
The fact that you don't think it's relevant is completely insane.
Fuck off shill.
>You mean the "homeland" that they conquered and depopulated of the natives?
That would be literally every country ever.