I had to stop this movie so many times and pace around my roon because of how Reddit it is
How can anyone on Sup Forums enjoy this film?
I had to stop this movie so many times and pace around my roon because of how Reddit it is
How can anyone on Sup Forums enjoy this film?
It's about how multiculturalism is killing America and how the white couple should have been together.
Everyone I know says this movie is shit, you fags here love it. Why?
This movie is literal shit. Everything with this leading man is shit. Stop defending shit.
wtf i love drive now
I too sometimes pace around the room because of how reddit something is.
when this movie came out, Sup Forums came buckets you fucking newfag.
i hate that reddit is like a crutch for you faggots who either want to troll or mask their shit tier tastes.
Fuck off you fucking memelord the movie is great and has a fresh feeling to it. But I guess fast and furious is more to your tastes.
>the Drive/OGF isnt good maymay
Masterpieces desu
Has Refn ever made a bad film?
No. The doc about him was the worst film hes been involved with and even that was half descent
>pacing around your room, hyper ventilating because something is "reddit"
Now this is autism
>pacing around the room over a movie
That's some hardcore autism, the fact that you resorted to making a thread on Sup Forums proves it even further.
Drive is a great flick, fuck off faggot.
This movie is 12 years old you fucking newfag, reddit wasn't even around.
ur fucking reddit too bitch. what a shitlord reddit comment.
What's a Jew doing running a pizzeria?
>these hot gets
Based Refn
>......................................................................................................................I drive
What did he mean by this?
Bleeder is pretty dumb, and Fear X is pretty boring
I wasn't a fan of OGF either, but I guess I get the appeal
he was referring to the fact that he likes cars and even works on them as a career and that when he isn't busy with life he likes to drive the cars he works on and he's pretty good at it too
if you don't like drive you're anti-white
it's redpill kino for young independent white men
Is Electroma reddit?