Forced Diversity: The Show
Forced Diversity: The Show
there was a black girl in the Pussycats
is that supposed to be her or Josie?
do they have any forced panty?
is this supposed to take place in the 90s? why does it look 20 years out of date?
>it is seen as inappropriate to portray whites in any social, historical, or fantasy context without non-whites and especially africans being present.
When is this passive aggressive hatefulness against whites going to stop?
50s mashed up with current day. If it was the 90s there would only be a couple blacks at most especially since it's set in a small town.
Brainwashing Teenage Girls: The Show
Don't FORGET these threads brings a lot of libtards.
thats Josie
The comic is diverse too
they have forced lesbians
All the Pussycats are black now.
It's a show you stupid idiot
>Muh diversity
In the 1950s and 1960s people barely batted an eye at blacks in entertainment roles, short of 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' Know why? It was considered find do have them around as singers, comedians, and actors. You fucking white-wash your own nostalgia to the point you would've booed Mr. Bojangles off the stage, screaming "Nigger!" Those people of that day would've even been confused by the level of your insidious conspiretarding.
It's television. It's garbage television. Do you feel intimidated by Superfly, too? What if they make a Black version of an F-List Marvel superhero that wasn't actually black in the comics? I bet it'd get nonstop threads, just keep pushing that agenda.
fine**, even.
It's based on a comic book?
More like best lesbians
>more beautiful non-white women in a show
probably just a butthurt white girl
Wait, except for the girl in the band, what non-white women are there?
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
>Americans think women with dark hair and dark eyes are white
nice one Gonzalez
>racemixing in the third episode already
How do I get a haircut like Archie's?
Still whiter than Spider-Man: Homecoming desu
hairspray and hairdye
oh man minorities in New York, what were they thinking.
had to turn it off halfway episode 2. how can you fags praise this absolutely CW-tier shit? all the characters are 100% awful
>Archie fucked his teacher
Literally almost turned it off right there
There's like an hispanic girl, and the token black charater to shut up the BLM monkeys, not really that bad. There's much worse when it comes to forced diversity
I watch it for betty desu
>all those Asians in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Really tickles the ol brain cells
There's like one prominent Asian, c'mon.