Redpill me on this shit, Sup Forums.
Redpill me on this shit, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
next time it happens report it and measure how long it takes to be deleted
i usually don't care about BLACKED but how can I be expected to shitpost if half the catalog is troll threads
It's a signal that you're browsing the worst board on Sup Forums
lebron is goat
Its what the anti-waifufag and redditors wanted Sup Forums to be when they removed the waifufags
Part of it is genuine trolling, but then it is not all just a joke. Social media of all forms are already infested with sociological propaganda. There are alot of powerful interests who benefit from creating more "angry white male racists" in society.
All the cp, BLACKED, gay porn, and whatever the fuck threads you see on here are all made by one guy: cloister.
You may ask: why is this guy not been arrested yet? Forget the obvious ban evasion, this guy at the very least should be given to investigation by the mods (which they have shown time and time again that they have all the capability to give up "anonymous" users to the FBI), right?
The answer is simple: the moderation team is fully and utterly contaminated by people with a certain agenda, which this blatant spam helps pushing. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers. Look up the Ben Fischbein fiasco on Sup Forums.
Also I can't be banned for making this post and this thread has every right to stay. Hiro said threads discussing the board's quality are allowed on the board as long as they're kept to one thread.
>Hiro said threads discussing the board's quality are allowed on the board as long as they're kept to one thread.
>why is this guy not been arrested yet?
He probably doesn't live in the United states
what if they're intentionally leaving the ceepee so that people click on it out of curiosity and they arrest you for having it cached
it's porn but some used paint to make it not be porn
niggers chimping out. just report and hide.
>sociological propaganda
alex jones, please.
Besides spamming stuff like that just makes people less sensitive to it. Nothing else. You see this in how people who watch broadcast television regularly can completely block out commercials to the point they'll forget they were even on screen seconds later. People who don't use adblock don't even see the ads.
They literally don't give a shit about that. That's only used as evidence compounded upon greater evidence. What, do you think the cops and the FBI have infinite resources and time?
Don't be fucking retarded.
>Every one I hate on Sup Forums is conveniently one person
Law basically allows up to three pieces of child pornography and you can watch as much CP as you want as long as you don't save it.
mate they knew who the Sup Forums cp spammer was and even moot said his location during his goodbye q&a
and you know what? the guy is still doing it 3 years later. they can't do anything
Alex jones is controlled opposition for, basically, the bilderbergers he pretends to hate and oppose.
It is his job to reveal some potentially dangerous information to the public, but then to discredit it as much as possible while not being so obvious that he can not maintain a sizable following. He is a control valve for the elite.
why else would they leave threads but delete the cp and then let the guy post it for THREE TIMES unless they're honeypotting
i genuinely doubt it's just 1 guy
Then I guess it's just coincidence they all pop up at the exact same time, pulling from the exact same post database?
Don't get me wrong. It's obviously all a bot and I know that the posts were collectively written by infinitychan, but it's still one guy running (and actively monitoring) this thing.
Shit posting to antagonize the mods started after Sup Forums and Sup Forums started getting strict moderation. Shit posting was done to rebel with the hopes that the mods would give up moderating the boards and allow board culture to reign uninhibited.
It's been done in many forms, not just BLACKED. Ironically, in an effort to protest the mods suppressing board culture, BLACKED became part of the culture of Sup Forums, most likely due to how big of a reaction it receives from both the mods and the posters.
To catch or monitor the guy fucking posting it dumbass.
They literally don't give a shit about passer-by's who clicked on some shit.
This is nothing, you are like a little baby.
Get on my level.
race porn bait is being spammed in exactly the same way on Sup Forums, /r9k/, and Sup Forums, and this has been happening for years. I don't think there's that many trolls. I think there's rich people in the world who want us to hate the fuck out of blacks
this is one of the oldest memes on Sup Forums you just make up something about a poster or tripfag then spam it and then people who have no clue what's going on eventually believe it and start repeating it. try it start saying that guy you responded to is Abatap in every thread
They can't do anything but they can snatch up any retard posting "Some of you guys are alright, don't go to x tomorrow" on /r9k/ and Sup Forums? Bullshit.
I like how no single word in that post has anything to do with the other.
Ever figure some people like rape porn? And considering its not illegal, its neither trolling nor LEA?
>ironically, in an effort to protest the mods suppressing board culture, BLACKED became part of the culture of Sup Forums
Wrong. It is clearly coming from a very few people with the technological skillset to orchestrate such a thing. Same with cunnyposting. It's like one or two people with scripts. It's a completely forced meme on Sup Forums.
>spamming porn for shock value is a maymay
... no?
>I like how no single word in that post has anything to do with the other.
Nuh uh! Your words don't mean anything!!!
>Rape porn is good tho!
everyone claiming blacked is Sup Forums culture in any way should be permabanned.
This. It's a forced meme to the maximum degree.
Ask for explanation on /qa/ then. It makes no sense to me too. He isn't spamming cp as much on Sup Forums as he use to, but his quote the entire thread spam shit is still there
There he is. There he goes again!
is BLACKED a Sup Forums or Sup Forums meme??
I mean both boards share the same spam
sure the blacked threads are the work of a bot, but you can't tell me those threads getting 200+ replies almost every single time in a record timeframe are also because of the bot
people are obviously obsessed with it on here
Even if it is only one or two people making the threads, which is very doubtful at this point as I'm sure there are dozens to hundreds of phoneposters and ban evaders doing it now too, the threads themselves get so many attention and replies and notoriety that they are part of Sup Forums culture now because shit posting to protest moderation suppressing board culture is Sup Forums culture and BLACKED and cunny are the two most noticeable examples.
dang it, I've been found
everyone claiming permaban is Sup Forums culture in any way should be blacked.
fuck off Abatap
Because Sup Forums and Sup Forums have a lot of crossposters. BLACKED is posted here to protest and piss off the mods and it's posted on Sup Forums to piss off the users
cuck porn spam on Sup Forums comes from one or two guys with scripts on proxies.
cuck porn spam on Sup Forums started in 2010 / 2011, and came from different people. Originally, whenever we would have 9/11 or holocaust theads, like clockwork: boom, the threads would be spammed to bump limit with bm/wf porn gifs. It was such an obvious outside invasion that moot had to step in. This is why porn is banned on Sup Forums to this day, even though it's not a blue board.
It just makes sense.
Cunny was a part of Sup Forums (not just this board) long before you first set foot here, kid.
Ya exactly, with the replies and attention they get they are board culture, even if it is a few people making the threads, which I doubt is the case still.
and it's always a different flag too
the pattern used to be post cp from german proxy ---> post cp from russian proxy in the space of 2 mins
every single time
sometimes it's with a malaysian proxy as well
>people are obviously obsessed with it on here
Alot of the threads sink to the bottom and get only a few replies. You only see the threads that float and gather attention, but these types of threads are spammed on this board throughout most of the day, every day. Same thing is happening on /r9k/.
Give me a basic gestalt on BLACKED posting
No they don't. They always reach at least 20 post and a front page spot before they're deleted.
cunny posting and blacked posting exists so you can't tell anyone of this place
it's a very effective method for scaring the normies away from muh sekret klub
>there are dozens to hundreds of phoneposters and ban evaders doing it now too
Yea. They're following the lead of the paid shills who are stirring up racial tension in the US. The controlled MSM plays this game too, alot more subtly. The racial spam is in lock step with the same agenda.
In all honesty, on Sup Forums and /r9k/ the porn race bait gets less attention than here. I don't know why. Maybe there are less lefties on those boards who find it funny to play along with the ebin trolling
What the fuck are you talking about? They're not paid shills, they're just shitposters. The paid shills who are stirring up racial tension are on Twitter.
Normalfags love blacked shit and know that cunny shit gets deleted asap
Maybe, that's why BLACKED and cunny is so prevalent because it does everything. It pisses off the mods who ruin and suppress board culture, it scares away normies and pisses off all of the readditors, tumblrfags, Sup Forumsfags and other crossposters who started to pollute this place after the mods, moot and /q/ ruined Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Hineyfag is a cp spammer
Check the delete dates for his last thread
same time as a cp post in another thread and his op
>The paid shills who are stirring up racial tension are on Twitter.
But not also Sup Forums? They play more than just one side of the game. They play all sides, including here. Social media is the harbinger of the age of mass propaganda. The internet is going to make TV look like radio. In 20 years memes will be bought and sold by banks and corporations, and we're all going to believe it's 100% grassroots. Shit.
>yfw BLACKED is saving Sup Forums
>the blacked spammer wants to start a race war by angering the overly sensitive white male basement dwellers who post on a mongolian dressage forum
Woah... that's a lot to process...
hey, cloister
what's up?
Nah I wish it was but this place is too far gone at this point, it's beyond saving. The BLACKED and cunny posters are just fighting a losing a battle. I wish they would win but with the amount of traffic and crossposters this place has its impossible, it's all futile and eventually they will all give up.
Board culture on Sup Forums and Sup Forums will never be restored to its glory days. Even if they somehow succeeded and the mods gave up and the crossposters and newfags left, the majority of posters from the glory days are gone and probably won't come back so it wouldn't even matter.
Ban quentin forever and half of the boards shitposting would go away
The Sup Forums blacked spammer is probably just some edgy troll, but yea >we're taking all your women!! is an age old trick to get people upset, and fighting with other goyim about bullshit while you fuck them from behind
*Had to censor this example, because I've been banned from blueboards for posting it before. But you get the idea of how this works
bots can't give up
also what the fuck is board culture? autistic cp spamming?
Report the posts to for the cp. The FBI will go after him eventually.
... yea... and the sociological propaganda goes with the chemtrails.
you forgot to take your lithium
You talk about saving Sup Forums, but your cancerous facebook board ruined this one
Not all the threads are made by bots, and if you don't know what board culture is then you're the real problem with this place.
You think BLACKED and cunny posting is why this place sucks? No, it's posters like you. Posters like you are why BLACKED and cunny posters exist.
The blacked spammer is just some leaf from Sup Forums
Yes less sensitive to it meaning they've accepted interracial couples. You're too deep in the blue pill we just need to execute you
Sup Forums didn't ruin Sup Forums.
Moot, mods and /q/ did. Ya a lot of Sup Forums posters started to come here but that was because Sup Forums was hit a lot harder and had nowhere else to go, maybe that made moot, the mods and /q/ hit Sup Forums harder too, but this place still would have died even if the Sup Forums refugees didn't come here.
The rest of the picture is right though, except for where it insinuates that Sup Forums is responsible for the downfall of Sup Forums.
>he just doesn't quit
Chemtrails is another "false flag" conspiracy theory. It's why you've heard of it, basically, and why it in particular, of all the conspiracy shit out there, gets so much attention. There is money behind the push to get people to rally around "the chemtrail conspiracy."
People are told, through agents like Jones, all this shit about "chemtrails," a bogus conspiracy. They are whipped up into this big frenzy about it, and then they are encouraged to go out and do something about it. They do, and it just has the effect of making all "conspiracy theories" look like stupid bullshit. But they are not.
Simply put, our governments are owned by banks, corporations, and super rich families. That's the government.
>hurr durr murder all race traitors! 1488!!!
This is also a desired effect of the programming. You are encouraged to become a violent, hysterical fanatic.
I am fucking sick of this cocksucker. Day in and day out with this spam. Something has to be done.
>Posters like you are why BLACKED and cunny posters exist.
well, I would be posting cunny with or without the redditors
it's just a lot more fun this way
btw, jj isn't even cunny, but just saying
/q/ ruined everything.
I knew we were in trouble when I got banned for 3 days for posting in a "What did you get for Christmas" thread. 3 day ban ON CHRISTMAS MORNING!
BLACKED is salvation
Hirohito just doesn't care.
I, for one, have migrated to Sup Forums's facebook group. It's more populated than Hotwheelschan.
I don't really care about interracial couples (although I don't think it's racist to be against ethinic homogenization) I was just pointing out that your logic was flawed and that it's pretty obvious that ((if)) there was a global conspiracy to push racemixing and guilt/brainwash people into it. Well, then desensitization would be an obvious boon for that goal.
I was joking about the blue pill shit geez calm down bub.
says the guy who posts this stupid cunt 9000 times a day
Literally r eddit tier
Yea... and I'm saying "sociological propaganda" goes with "chemtrails" as far as conspiracy theories go.
You should be too.
>pretending to care about this boards quality when all you do is spam black dicks and your mutt
Yup moot made /q/ which was full of a bunch of people complaining about how shitty Sup Forums and Sup Forums, which made the mods heavily and strictly moderate Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Unfortunately the people complaining on /q/ were just a vocal minority and the increased moderation caused a ton of posters from that time to leave. And who filled their spot? Crossposters and normies.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are objectively worse than they were before /q/, and they ended up worse than they would have after the influx of normies and crossposters from the happening if /q/ never was created to destroy Sup Forums and Sup Forums in the first place.
I wonder if there are even any posters left that complained about Sup Forums and Sup Forums on /q/, but I imagine the majority of them left too after the shit hole these boards became.
You're even worse than the BLACKED spammer, posting a literal stripper in every god damn thread with over 100 messages.
Blacked is a meme and all memes are board culture.
Jesus Christ, readditors need to leave.
Wasn't my post
>dude why did i get banned for an off topic thread its board culture!!
He's better than all the capeshit, star wars, Harry Potter, /got/ and forced meme posters.
I'd rather have avatarposters than 100 star wars threads a day.
that's a nice little fantasy you have there. Its cool how you never had any evidence to back it up. But you keep posting it.
You know what would be really cool?! If people would stop spamming these bullshit false dichotomies!
You're not, you're just as bad as them because you came to this board at the same time as that group of unironic fantasy fan plebs
It was board culture from the inception up until the late part of 2012 where you could discuss things with your bros when sports weren't 10 AM on Christmas morning
Shouldn't you be posting with your tripcode in a general thread on Sup Forums right now? what are you doing here??????