Are the Jews trying to manipulate us to hate Muslims?
> both Sup Forums and Muslims hate Jews > both Sup Forums and Muslims hate degeneracy > both Sup Forums and Muslims want traditional marriages
I mean think about it. The Jews are doing exactly what they did to the fight for white nationalism. Maybe Muslims aren't so bad after all
Samuel Edwards
Both are non-White and therefore bad
Austin Barnes
Muslims are a symptom. They're a problem but they're not *the* problem, and they'd be out of the West in an instant if our elite actually cared about their nations.
Christopher Thomas
A temporary alliance with muslims to purge the world of jews is necessary. Instead of the jew riling up whites to fight muslims we will cleanse the jew.
Joseph Martinez
i thought that was obvious
Brody Roberts
>I can have as many child brides as I want, and if I want your daughter, I can just rape her because then her only way out is being stoned to death
muhammad pls
Adrian Reyes
Suspect Russians are pulling for immigration from Middle-Eastern countries via fifth-column leaders. An overall ideology of these immigrants do not and will not mesh with Western countries and are being used as a destabilizing tool. Jews wanting to paint an image holds no relevance one way or another.
Jose Hall
I honestly don't see why where the conflict of interest lies between us and the Muslims. They, at least the Islamists in their country, seem to want the same things as us: Muslims out of the West and living in their own Islamic countries.
Now, they of course want a powerful united Islamic world. We want a powerful Western world, united or not. But we can both co-exist with the right leadership in place. This current infighting benefits no one but our mutual enemies.
Ian Green
>there are people still doubting that
fuck me...
Chase Long
Jews and Muslims come from the same origin. It's in the bible about Abraham's line. They disagree about which child is legit, Hagar's or or Sarah's.
The (((Jews))) otoh, didn't really think it through too much, or want everyone against them for Armageddon to happen sooner than later.