What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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It got canceled.
Yeah, apparently because of low-ratings.
Why? Is this Dexter 2.0 or something?
It was too deep for plebs.
In all seriousness though the show was mostly talking and kino cinematography and soundtrack. The drama took long to get to so I guess most people just dropped and watched """good""" shows like walking dead
He's in a better place now, being worshiped by Kojima.
Too much suspension of disbelief and too many failed attempts at being kino.
Nothing, it all worked out in the end.
Best ending.
They went to NBC instead of a premium-cable network like HBO, Showtime, or Starz
Bryan Fuller started pandering to his audience by showing them what they said they wanted, instead of continuing to do what made the show successful in the first place by showing the audience interesting new things they didn't know they wanted to see until they saw them.
It was way more interesting when they were doing OC plots and episode instead of just adapting Red Dragon and the stories everyone has aleady seen a 100 times over.
Towards the second season the characters seem to be slightly retarded and Hannibal seems like a wizard who is capable of literal brain control by asking about your day.
The show(and books) would have been better if the characters Hannibal interacts with would just get fucked up and either die or realize they should just go home and not mess with him. Honestly half the cast gets at least 20% of their body removed at one point or another and just keeps chasing him like it never happened.
And then once season three happened they obviously tried to finish all the books in one season and it came out as a sloppy narrative
Nothing. Season 1 and 2 were kino. S3 is up for debate because of the red dragon arc. Also season 2, the climactic scene with the Aria music was the most beautiful tv scene I've ever seen
That was always part of the plan. A 6 or seven season ark that was going to cover all the books. 4th season would have been screwed because another company had the rights to Clarice Starling still.
I think it got a little bit too artsy. Season 1 and Season 2 were both excellent, but it started to lose me in Season 3 because it felt like the director/producers were kind of allowed to go wild.
I felt like I was watching one of my film major friends make their ideal show, and that's fine, but that isn't going to get you significant viewers, unless you have a god-tier marketing team.
This pretty much. S3 just went completely overboard with pretentious dialogue and symbolism, and the characters pretty much stopped feeling like real people after a certain point.
I was really busy when season 3 was around.
What was the ending? Was it satisfying?
Hannibal is broken out of prison in some way I forget. Then him and Will have a surprisingly bloody battle with Dolarhyde but eventually kill him. Then they jump off a nearby cliff in an extremely homoerotic manner, leaving their fate unknown.
But yes, it was actually kind of satisfying, and I didn't even like most of S3.
>meme actor
>meme premise
>meme execution
>lol dude hannibal!
Beginning of season 3 wasn't really slow on the buildup so I can see how some people may have dropped it.
Probably one of the most kino shows ever on TV.
it was weird, that's what it was
appreciate the fact that you put a spoiler on your 9gag faggot reaction image. No, genuinely glad you did that. Please do that again in the future.
they all talk like they're edgelords who can read each other's minds
You do realize it's a joke, right? It's not one of those reply or you die or whatever. The joke is that it's a blank image.
It's ok to not have an opinion user, you don't have to meme text to pretend to have one, we'll still love you.
>first season: A good story behind a series of minter of the week bullshit, watchable, because of good visuals and Mads
>Second Season: More Story, less monster of the week bullshit, more Mads, a really god series
>Third Season: Pure fucking absolute Kino, but american plebs were missing the monster of the week bullshit, got canceled.
I only saw one episode of season 3 and i was the most boring shit ever after marathoning all of Hannibal with no problem.
Probably the realization that Will wasnt going to be there and that there wouldnt be case solving made me drop it.
Maybe the series was too graphic?
First two seasons were great until and including the final episode of S2 where the series then devolved into absurdly long drawn out close ups and meaningless "kino cinematography" filler which added nothing to the story, brushed with a boring soundtrack full of ding dong noises. Also a terrible case of "DUDE IM NOT ACTUALLY DEAD LMAO" syndrome.
it is strongly implied they both survive when bedelia is shown sitting at the dinner table after the credits.
Jack is the only sane character in the entire show.
homosexual undertones.
Season 3 was just too smart for plebs. The jump from season 2 to 3 was like going from The Walking Dead to The Young Pope.
Mads speaking way too eloquently for someone who not only has a thick accent but also mumbles. Made it hard to follow sometime.
I have been told that all Danes mumble however, and are hard to understand by other Scandies.
No unsimulated full-on penetration homo sex scene between Hannibal and Will.
this series is pure kino
It didn't turn into a lesbian arm hair-licking orgy with Caroline Dhavernas, Kacey Rohl, Lara Jean Chorostecki and Ellen Muth.
I dropped the series 10 episodes in because of the monster of the week bullshit. The episode where there are just a pile of bodies just took me out of the story, desu the episode where one of the psychos buries people and uses their arms as plants should have been the red flag, what was i thinking?
I couldn't protect his smile.
>characters pretty much stopped feeling like real people after a certain point
they were never like real people in any way. thats the point
you dumbo
In all honesty I love Hannibal from day 1, buts its a show for people with taste, both in kino and in cuisine/culture/fashion/philosophy/psychology.
Im not gonna pretend its "deep", but its definitely not "LOL IM A PSYCHO SO I NEED TO KILL PEOPLE LOL".
that was pretty bad but it was only in the first season, then it becomes a continual story
The first half of season 3.
Not to mention
>Hannibal kills everyone off in an incredible S2 finale
>lel, just kidding, not a single person died other than the one chick who everyone thought was dead anyway! FUCK CONSEQUENCES
Honestly that severe shift at the beginning of Season 3 made me unable to keep watching it. The first two seasons were enthralling and that finale was perfect. Everyone died. But yeah then nobody died and now we're all having fun in Europe? Come on. I've read here that the third season redeems itself eventually but can I just start watching it at the 7th episode or something? because those first 6 are poop
Most of the 3rd season.
>the third season redeems itself eventually
It doesn't. It has some of the worst acting in the franchise(yes, across all movies including Hannibal Rising) thanks to Richard Armitage.
Nothing, Hannibal had the best case of plot armor ever. Nobody except Jack ever tried to have a go at him
>there was a season 3
I completely missed this, I thought it got cancelled after season 2
amerifats ruin everything
Pigman did
Besides what said, they switched the time slot around so a good chunk of the more casual audience didn't know when it was on anymore.
That and really crap advertising. OP picture just as an example... that's one of the worst representations of any show I've ever seen and wouldn't have impressed anyone even in early 2000, and they used that everywhere. If that's the first thing I saw about the show I'd try to ignore it too...
ma boi
Thank god. There's hardly anything better than a fucked up Will.
I wouldn't agree. He kept his integrity while allowing fans to feel included or at least not completely ignored. If he listened to fans' wishes, the show would have continued like actual gay porn for several more seasons.
The problem is he wasn't pandering to a more general audience - there was little to no gratification outside of the visual and sub-textual, so naturally a lot of people lost their patience. Some person who usually watches Supernatural etc. doesn't see the appeal in following breadcrumbs in a sea of experimental noises and paintings replicated on film via blood/body-part showers.
I didnt like SJW changes to Hannibal plot like the sister not being an abused lesbian and not being a bodybuilder.
I also disliked how they put Hannibal before Red Dragon and didnt really liked the second Mason
It does, after episode 7 the show returns to planet earth. The red dragon arc is exciting, the characters start acting like themselves again, and there's a really strong finale (although not as strong as season 2).
The scene where he beats the everloving fuck out of Hannibal singlehandedly kept me from dropping season 3. Jack is based.
Fuller went way over the top in during the first part of season 3 (kadeiloscopic lesbian sex) and that part was slow as fuck.
When the poetic babbling and meaningful glances got too much, he was a true anchor and bullshit deflector.
I keep hearing this complaint surprisingly often... English isn't my first language but I've never had any issue understanding what he's saying. Really weird.
Fuller thought the audience could interpret character/story development through the visual experience, symbolism/metaphors and meaningful closeups. Personally I don't mind that approach. It's more like analyzing a moving painting, free for interpretation, with some components that are commonly agreed upon, like what colors are supposed to represent, certain motives appearing etc.
But obviously that's not a niche that'll keep ratings up.
I loved season 3 exactly because they went overboard. All bets were off, it was great.
None of these characters ever felt like real people. Come on.
It was a fantastic ending. I love that they made the gay OTP canon, just a big fuck to the network. And they both get to live too. You can't ask for more.
nothing season 3 was great
Only the unwashed plebs hated it.
Jack Vs Hannibal round 2 was GOAT pay off.
Too violent for the typical network drama viewer (adult female)
Viewers complained about so called convoluted storylines/character arcs
People are fucking morons
Why Hannibal tried to kill Will in Florence, when later he obviously didn't want their relationship to end and surrendered to the FBI just so he could still be close to him? It never made sense to me, bad writing or did I missed something?
The Food Network should have picked it up
It's basically madcunt mikkelsen porn but that's a good thing
If you had a long break from the show, It'll take effort to get in the right mood to just start it up again in the middle of S3. But I do think it gets more cohesive after ep 7.
Problem is they had to rush through a lot of it because they had to tie stuff up within a few episodes due to the cancellation.
Will didn't really connect to the dragon as much as his character should have.
I think a Margot Verger closer to how she's portrayed in the books might have offered more diversity to the character palette, that was certainly a miss and I don't get why they though it'd less offensive this way.
Dolarhyde felt so a tad unintegrated in the general feel of the Hannibal universe, possibly on purpose.
I'll admit though that Armitage can be a hit or miss.
Didn't they air it rather early too? I
Will and Hannibal are bringing out different parts in each other they don't want to accept. In Hannibal it is the need to be seen, understood and accepted. Each time he thinks Will can do all those things, Will's sense of morality rears back to life and he does something that betrays Hannibal (or is interpreted as betrayal) so he wants to hurt him in return by coaxing out the unhinged killer in Will. And that is exactly the part Will doesn't want to accept about himself.
On top of that there's also Hannibal manipulating others by hurting Will.
I get that. But in Florence he straight up tried to kill him during the dinner with Jack when he opened his skull and was getting ready to eat his brain, but he was stopped. Then after they escaped from Verger he was straight back at their homo rommance with Hannibal watching Will sleep in his house. So why did he tried to kill him if he didnt want him dead? Why did Hannibal changed his mind about Will when they were captured by Verger?
The food preparing parts always made me hungry.
The food was fucking great.
Anyone got more?
It's the betrayal part. It was mentioned in a prev. episode when asked if he could forgive Will and he replied yes, but only if he could eat him and have a permanent part of Will forever with him.
I guess shit changed when Will rejected him again later.
>but only if he could eat him and have a permanent part of Will forever with him.
That's kind of the crux of the whole thing, isn't it? He wants Will to be his bestest friend and with all his loyalty, but he also kind of wants to eat him. And make him insane.
Only pictures and shitty gifs.
Here's a compilation though:
I loved S2 and S3, S1 was kinds meh
the only thing I hate about hanniboo is the instagram filter they use sometimes, otherwise the cinematography is fantastic
Good choice in music.
badelia's final scene was fucking god tier
>friend watches first four episodes
"Yeah it was super boring. Nothing happened, Hannibal is barely in it."
>I watch first 4 episodes
>it's fucking orgasmic kino
>perfect pacing
>excellent dialogue, symbolism, based Mads
Loving this show right now. It is not for plebs.
There are so many intense visuals in Season 3 I can't even believe they happened until I rewatched.
The train scene where Will falls off is pure art.
I agree, the duality is essential and integral.
If he chose one way or the other, then there wouldn't a set path, a clear goal and little intrigue. That goes both ways. This is about two men fighting against their own rules, ones they've been following their entire lives, just to cross paths - seemingly by accident - and fuck each other up beyond repair.
It's simple yet so delicious. I could imagine watching variations on this type of escalated inner turmoil for the rest of my life without getting tired of it.
nigga my mon loved this show
she has a crush on mads
I have a different problem. I watched the first few episodes with my best friend who usually has same taste and enjoys everything I recommend to him. He liked everything about it except the artistic focus on innards and killing. He basically had to leave when Hobbs slit Abigail's throat. He doesn't have issues with blood in other movies/shows, but in Hannibal he says it's filmed in a way that gets to him.
But I really want him to watch it and I'm tempted to stretch out my rusty editing skills and doing something about that, I just don't know how to not ruin the whole experience by toning it down.
Sorry, this punched a laugh out of me.
Good on your mom though.
who doesn't have a crush on mads
tell him to power through it, he'll get used to it.
I had the same exact problem, I had to take a pause here and there a few times during the show, but I got used to it like halfway through season 2
>Hannibal seems like a wizard who is capable of literal brain control by asking about your day
This is basically a problem for any Hannibal-related media that has been released since Silence of the Lambs. My guess is that Thomas Harris let the character's popularity go to his head and ended up giving him superpowers. Which is weird, because initially, he's supposed to be intelligent and manipulative, but not that special. Will Graham catches him easily, and his small role in Red Dragon mostly consists of him messing with Will. In Silence of the Lambs, he knows who Buffalo Bill is because he knew him personally, and his role mostly consists of him playing games with the FBI for fun. In neither story did he have superpowers, or special insight that let him figure everything out.
But now Hannibal is a genuine supervillain, and that kind of makes him less interesting. It also makes Will Graham way worse at his job, and hurts who he's supposed to be as a character.
If it was anybody else, I would do just that without giving a single shit. But he's got some stuff I'm not gonna go into detail on here and I'd feel like shit forcing him through it.
But I'm still selfish enough to want him to see it too, even if it would be butchered version to some extent.
Will is as close to having superpowers as Hannibal in the show. It's balanced, although far removed from reality. I doubt the show was made with the intention of being realistic. It seems one unicorn ride away from being low-key fantasy actually and that's not a bad thing.
Literally everyone has a crush on Mads.
I wish I didnt watch season 3
it was a masterpiece in my eyes until then
Is there no already censored version out there? The tv-cut or something?
Or did they show the uncensored version on tv?
>I doubt the show was made with the intention of being realistic. It seems one unicorn ride away from being low-key fantasy actually and that's not a bad thing.
This. It's like magic realism: the show. Just makes it better, we have enough 'realistic' crime drama/
Sounds like your friend's a faggot m8.
I could stomach a lot of the annoyances in this show like SYMBOLIC falling drops of water in slowmo every 5 minutes, and suspend my disbelief with the absurd superpowers which is probably a weakness in Harris's writing they were able to tone down in Silence of the Lambs. But the absolute worst part is how so much of the dialogue is written like a therapy session where two people just riddle each other in metaphors or quote literature and both characters look like they're crying for some reason. Gillian Anderson's character was by far the worst in this respect and they got a really shitty performance out of her.
Damn, Mads looks fuckign good. I'd levigate his mast with my tongue
>I'd levigate his mast with my tongue
every day & every night