Why don't we see comedies like Dodgeball anymore?
I miss that comfy 2000s feel.
Why don't we see comedies like Dodgeball anymore?
I miss that comfy 2000s feel.
Because not enough diversity.
Who needs comedy when life has become a joke.
Comedy changed once the 40 year old virgin came out.
The writers are all liberal cucks.
>still no ESPN 8
>Black guy
>French black guy
>Romanovian chick
>Bisexual shick
The film was glistening with diversity.
Millenials aren't fun and when they do go to comedies it's Apatow/Rogen/Schlomo shit
Only 2 blacks, rest of the cast was white.
This, it's either pot lmao or women are funny,, ironically neither are funny.
Damn, you're right. Even pinpointed it
The last really good comedy was Black Dynamite in 2009.
There will be a remake of it soon called The 30 Year Old Virgin. Then a few decades later The 20 Year Old Virgin. Then a few decades later The 10 Year Old Virgin
>you're in middle school and still haven't had sex
>fucking loser goy oy vey!
The World's End in 2013, and The Nice Guys in 2016.
Black Dynamite is 10/10
those are 8/10
because political correctness is a must now.
saw neighbours 2 recently, jesus christ I fucking hated everything about it. what a vile piece of shit. at first I thought they were parodying sjw's with all the bullshit they say, until I realized it was their actual message.
You can't have comedy when the entire world has become a safespace hugbox. Can't make jokes about race because it isn't real. Can't make jokes about gender because it isn't real. Can't make jokes about religion because it isn't real.
I miss the time when you could tell which genre a film was just by the way it was shot. Nowadays everything has to have an enormous budget and is shot in the same dramatic look, that I have to spend time figuring out if I'm (not) laughing at a "post-post-ironic" comedy or a really really bad film.
I did my friend.
>never ever again
Is no one going to elaborate?
>people are getting nostalgic for the 2000's now
Jesus Christ, I'm getting old. Quick,somebody make a "Only 2000's kids will remember this" macro of a regular ipod or a DVD or something
Exactly. Trump is a neo-reactionary with extremely moderate views not to different from Reagan and that makes him so far to the right nowadays that he's literally Hitler.
We've become a society where if you don't want all white people to die, hate straight people and non-trannies, then you're evil and a nazi.
>Is no one going to elaborate?
I'll take a stab at it.
Dodgeball felt more script-driven, whereas The 40-year-old Virgin used a lot of improv.
Ok if you are say 25-30 year of age you may have been around to notice it. After virgin comedies that would have reviewed well and do well at the box office were pushed to the late summer spot and basically put out to die.
Watching people just have interesting funny conversations became the new comedy. It basically comes from that anybody that has ever said. " man we do X job and work with these funny people...we should make a movie" comedy for a while felt like it became the Apatow universe. It is starting to die off since people can only handle so many weedbro storylines. There will probably be a nostalgia type of old feel movies in the next few years.
Another early 2000s comedy I love
Shat all over the original so nah it sucked.
>Ben Stiller
>Owen Wilson