So do you think that in the NSA or FBI somewhere there's an archive of every post by every IP address? Do you think they'll blackmail us with them some day?
So do you think that in the NSA or FBI somewhere there's an archive of every post by every IP address...
Other urls found in this thread:
they probably do that only to important people
They can't blackmail me with selfhate, cuteposting and vibrant homosexuality
>they know what I masturbate to
>they know what threads I shitpost on
>I am a file in the NSA HQ
>I am listed as a radical KEK cultist
>rabid racist
>holocaust denier
>and I think to myself
>what a wonderful world
Anything is possible someday, but probably it won't be important by then. For now, the focus is to try to identify the important bits.
Maki-chan is cute!!
Well let's look at a short time table:
1) A bunch of dudes made posts on Sup Forums before going on murder sprees
2) Sup Forums then gets bought by a guy who has a history of working with security agencies.
As with any website just don't do anything illegal and you'll be fine.
No Strings Attached???
Fuck Buddies International???
>an archive of every post by every IP address?
That's exactly what NSA was created for. Of course there is an archive, they're logging all packets that pass though the oceans, they probably keep them for the future when cracking SSL becomes more feasible (unless moot already gave them the keys of the certificate when he was still admin).
About FBI they probably have infiltrated the mod ranks already, I bet there's at least one in Sup Forums for sure, guess why.