>The “Gender Revolution” is a two-hour documentary released in conjunction with the magazine’s January issue of the same name that made history by featuring a 9-year-old transgender girl on its cover.
Nat Geo Just Developed A Groundbreaking Educational Resource About Gender
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Not in my country at least. However, here they constantly air wwII and holocaust themed 'shows'.
>what do you do when your 4 year old son declares he's a she?
unironically murder suicide. at that point I've failed us both and putting us out of our misery is the only fair thing to do. I'm so sorry son,
i was in the room while grandpa was watching some ww2 shit on natgeo and i swear this trailerl aired 5 times in like 45 minutes.
i like how in my language it starts
>boy, girl, manly, womanly. wouldn't life be simpler if these things wouldn't exist?
>*proceeds to call you a shitlord if you didn't correctly assume which of the 86 genders xhe is*
could be all the hormones in the food? just saying it might not be enviromental only.
What the fuck does it even mean to "feel" like a girl? I am a man because I have a dick, not because I "feel" like a man. If you are a dude who wants to wear dresses and paint your nails, fine. That makes you a dude who likes wearing dresses and painting your nails. It does not make you a woman.
>Trailer begins
>"It used to be so simple"
Yea, i remember a time when nat geo was about lions and elephants and shit. Now it's just another vehicle for kike propaganda
>fire those auxiliary generators Mr. Trump, we're gonna need all the juice we can get!
>Comments disabled
How shocking
Don't forget to dislike, anons
They turn the freaking frogs gay
How did your grandpa react to this?
>this triggers the Sup Forums
Man... i miss those time.
They used to produce some of the best nature documentary on television. Only BBC can did better than them. Pic related probably is the most kino nature doc they ever made, Eternal Enemies (the one with the lion and hyena) is great too. I still have them both.
Are nu-Nat Geo still has good specials/explorer related documentary? I only get to watch a couple of clips occasionally on their YT channel.
How are you okay with this? I'm not even a polack, but this is just retarded
>Comments are disabled for this video.
all i need to know
It's all realityshit and propaganda like op's, with the occasional nature doc. The old program execs must be rolling in thier graves
>9-year-old transgender girl
How can a 9yo be transgender? At that age you're discovering your body, your reaction isn't "I shouldn't have a penis" its "oh look, I have a penis, I wonder what it does".
Capitalism was a mistake.
Because people with gender dysphoria exist, we have literally NO targeted treatments for 90% of mental health issues.
Does it really bother you that we can accept people with their flaws, when their flaws literally dont hurt you or anyone else?
Who cares?
Yes, that's right.
Their new nature doc actually tries to be more like BBC, showing a lot of nature cinematography and following a couple of animals in the same area.
Talking about BBC, they actually cooperate with NG and PBS in making nature doc. I see some of BBC documentary airs there too but with american narrator.
>it doesnt hurt you so who cares
shittiest argument of all time you centrist fuck, kill yourself and stay dead
>if you have children they will grow up in a world where this kind of shit is acceptable
Maybe I should move to the middle east. Are there any white or at least english countries immune to this bullshit?
not an argument
>"omg im rly a girl!"
>"no you aren't, now go finish your chores"
>*person grows up to live a long happy normal life*
>"omg im a rly a girl!"
>"yassssss slay queen! now lets cut off that 4year old dick and buy you some dresses!"
>*person commits suicide before they hit 20*
So what exactly do you propose?
Since we have no way of "treating" the disorder while it doesnt diminish their quality of life or hurt others?
Im all ears
live and let live, my man
live and let live
I think most people in general (outside of honest to god close minded shitlords with deep seated issues of their own they're repressing and taking out on everyone around them) have a problem with the whole "trans acceptance" thing because it is, in fact, a mental illness that is suddenly trying to be propped up as "normal" or "natural". I'm all for live and let live, but don't sit there and pretend that dressing like a girl and chopping your dick off isn't anything short of crazy. Trying to normalize it is both horrifying and wrong.
>when their flaws literally dont hurt you or anyone else
What about themselves?
... What about doctors allowing children to interrupt their natural sexual development with hormone treatments... Because of the expressed desires of a child which has not even entered puberty... For the purpose of helping their transition so they can more confidently have their sexual organs chopped up and turned inside out to form a Frankenstein vagina... So they can kill themselves by the time they're 40 as trannies are known to do, en masse.
then again you've already been exposed to all this information and rejected it
you and those like you, with your willfull ignorance, are complicit in and active endorsers of the inevitable suffering and death of these people
Yeah, look at it now
Don't worry, the Middle East is moving to you
I agree. Tbqh i don't know enough about sex/gender stuff myself, they might be mentally ill or not, but regardless they must be treated humanely.
Those shock treatment is pretty messed up. If they are indeed mentally ill, you are torturing disabled peoples. If not, then you are torturing them for nothing. But again, like i said i am ignorant of the subject.
It hurts a 5 year old boy whose dick they cut because he played with a Barbie doll.
>what do you do when your four year old declares he's a she
Smack that bitch ass nigger. Full all bitchslap on his nigga face, knock him out cold.
>worried about people killing themselves at 40 from their decisions
>as opposed to being chastised and mistreated their whole life and killing themselves as teens
>20 bucks for a magazine in 'roo country
Holy fuck.
It shouldn't be legal for you to fuck a 14 year old girl because she cannot consent.
It should be legal for a 9 year old boy to have his dick mutilated and turned into a crude approximation of what a vagina looks like and be put on hormones because he can decide to do this and decide to become a tranny.
>dont hurt you or anyone else
They crossed the line when they pushing thier mental illness onto childrens
They come to the conclusions they do because of wrongful normalization of the disorder and refusal to treat it as it should be, as an aberration. The few that have a genuine inclination towards belief in this should be corrected through therapy and potentially medication, not "chastised and mistreated" and not allowed to run roughshot popping hormones and later having medical institution endorsed mutilations.
Yeah what's up with that? When I was a kid I got all excited when the Nat Geo logo showed up on the television, because I knew there was some pretty good nature and wildlife documentary coming up (loved that shit as a kid, still do). These days its mostly just low value WWII documentaries with lots of repetition and other americanisms. Unwatchable.
>retards cut up their dicks and make it impossible for them to reproduce
Tell me how this problem doesn't solve itself? I think we should encourage even more useless people to cut up their dicks.
The philosophy of people pushing this is a contradictory mess.
>Being a woman means you can act and dress however you want!
>There is a defined 'woman' gender that you can adopt if desired.
>Gender is a social construct!
>Transgender people's brains are structured such that they have a different gender than their birth body.
>Gender and body sex are different things!
>Changing your sexual body parts makes you into the opposite gender.
>Are nu-Nat Geo still has good specials/explorer related documentary?
Cosmos: A Space Odyssey
I'm pretty sure at this point they're just making certain the Muslim takeover 20 years from now goes as smoothly as possible
Just put a big "hormone replacement clinic" sign over an oven and implement Sharia the next day
You knew who the faggots in grade school were. Dont pretend like you didnt.
Gays being little sissies as kids have always acted this way, even before gays were even close to being accepted.
Because they're putting 4 year old children on HRT.
It's not a disorder to begin with. It's a (((disorder))) manufactured by msm psychos
>We're all a lot more complicated than we've assumed.
no we're not
you're either born xx or xy or XXX, XYY, XXY, but that's besides the point you fucking identity-political cockroaches
See The "problem solving itself" is the end of western civilization
So what?
Most of them I knew grew out of it.
A shitty strawman, that does not happen.
What is this even supposed to mean?
Gays have been around forever
So it's just coincidence that their population has drastically increased from 0.1% to 2% in the past century?
Because it signals the destruction of Western Civilization.
That's the physical aspect. There can always be a hiccup and your brain gets wired a bit funny. It is a mental condition, of course, but at the moment the best treatment we have is to just let those people live the way they want.
You're being naive, user. There are serious monetary and political gains behind this phenomena. It didn't just pop up
>my mother got raped by russians, for THIS?
>what do you do when your 4 year old son declares he's a she?
Laugh it off because he is a fucking 4 year old saying stupid shit like all little kids do
Its got more to do with us no longer kill them for coming out of the closet.
>Gender roles barely exist
>People still need to physically and chemically mutilate themselves to change gender
I don't get how both opinions can exist at the same time in the same crowd.
No the best treatment is a combination of therapy and electroschock treatments but the jews won't let us do that because goyim need to die.
>a hundred years ago you could be lynched in the streets for sexing a man
>suddenly there's "more gays than ever" now that no one gives a shit that dude fuck other dudes
It's almost like you have no grasp of causal relationships.
>becomes more socially acceptable
>people stop living in the closet
Same thing with non religious people.
Their numbers arent jumping way high, they just arent pretending to be religious anymore now that you dont get shunned for not going to church.
>people were killing gays in the 1800's
Do you honestly believe the drivel that pours out of your mouth? Do you? Because that's horseshit, you stupid fucking jew.
>Dat pic
Oh yea i'm sure those "New Europeans))) will tolerate the gender revolution
>>what do you do when your four year old declares he's a she
>What do you do when your four year old says complete gibberish because they're over a decade from forming a coherent thought, and two decades from forming a correct one.
>That's the physical aspect
i'm referring to the fact that we should stick to the male/female format and that we should stop humoring this nonsense of there being gender-fluidity or some other made-up nonsense just to cater to a select few individuals
as for the mental health part, I don't see the media at all talking about the positive effects therapy and pimozide can have so they're probably in on the whole deal of trying to force this as normal
You think only niggers were lynched?
>a hundred years ago adultery was a crime
>now the divorce rate is 70%
really makes you ponder
Actually fucking disgusting. There should not be a 9 year old transgender.
Then you believe that raising a boy as a girl would not impact them negatively in any way?
You say 9-yo don't have gender. Do you mean it?
They didn't cut off thier dick like Faggots 2.0 tho, it was just good ol bum shanking
Only criminals were lynched. You think blacks were lynched for dindu'in nuffins? Sodomy is a crime against nature and God.
>Are nu-Nat Geo still has good specials
Savage Kingdom is pretty decent. Some dramatization to satisfy the Murican taste, but at least it has Charles Dance narrating.
I definitely don't cut off his dick and put a dress on him. Fucking degenerates.
Why do you guys give so much of a shit about any of this?
stfu Sup Forums
Fuck off out of Sup Forums if you can't handle it, get out of here jew.
It's child abuse being masqueraded as bravery.
Because the bible says so
Even though the bible says a lot of shit
Think you forgot which board you're on
Might have something to do with the normalization of self-destructive practices, in this case practices including children, that are all contributing to the decline and inevitable destruction of western civilization as we know it.
>All these fag enablers itt
they hate any kind of change and acceptance of minority.
Any more pics of the girl in pink? She's a cute!
No this is Sup Forums without flags now, get used to it.
It all went downhill when we started letting women vote
>acceptance of minority
I have no problem with adults doing whatever the fuck they want if it doesn't hurt anyone. When you bring your kids into it then we have a problem.
It's almost as though right after 4+ million jews came to America the country became really shitty. Maybe, just maybe... maybe it has something to do with those "jew" people... hmmmmmmmm
>mfw I thought I was in Sup Forums and read "Neo Geo Just Developed A Groundbreaking Educational Resource About Gender"
I goofed lol
See ya later!
The way I see it, the whole problem here is people acting like dicks.
The people with gender dysphoria etc can live their lives perfectly well without therapy etc if other could treat them decently. Such as calling that guy Janet if she asks people to call her Janet. Why this doesn't work, is because some jerks are somehow deeply offended by this inherently personal and rather small request, and proceed to shit all over Janet. Janet and her friends justifiably feel angry about this.
Then there are those people who intend no harm, but misgender trans people. Now Janet and her friends feel unjustifiably angry about this and proceed to shit all over these people that meant no disrespect-
And then a cycle begins, where both sides start flinging shit and seek to offend the other side every chance they get.
I'll accept them as long as they and their enablers accept me not participating in their delusion.
But that's not going to happen so here we are.
>gods chosen people
>making the country shitty
I dont think so tim
no ass/10
Your sentiment overall is good you just need to move a little further forward and realize that pretty much all the things you can think of that people so often justify with "just let people do what they want so long as it doesn't hurt others or impede on their ability to do the same" is absolutely detrimental to societal function in some way and by extension hurts you and others.