Who /nothingbutcontemptforwomen/ here?
Who /nothingbutcontemptforwomen/ here?
They Wub me the Wong Way
women smell guuuuuuuud
I'm pretty much done with women by now, I hate being misogynistic, but I just can't avoid it. Seems like they're all stupid cunts.
These fishheads are making me BLAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGG
Im a manlet so I have no choice
r8 my wife
She's kinda gross looking but I'd still fuck her if you asked me to.
>weird chin
>has to wear glasses
>doorframe needs to be painted
You know, I reckon lots of people are going to say she's got a butterface but I'm willing to bet it's really not that bad, it's just the silly face she's making due to the yawn. If that is in fact your wife, she seems lovely.
8, why is she mid yawn?
I take embarrassing pics of her
like for example
on the toilet
... go on
Not a very healthy attitude fampai.
But do you hate americans as well? Also, its actually a really healthy attitude. Go in assuming they are bad, its much better assuming the opposite and getting hosed
I don't hate them or have contempt for them, I don't want to give any energy towards any women. I have eliminated all contact with women from my life and my life is very good now.
>Go in assuming they are bad, its much better assuming the opposite and getting hosed
You will never make any meaningful connection with anyone if you assume they hate you and vice versa. You will remain a bitter and lonely person.
I don't hate them or avoid them like the plague. But I don't ever engage them either. I ignore them 99.9% of the time.
Women are entirely obsolete. We can grow babies in test tubes. We have traps and trannies to fuck. Literally no reason for women to exist at this point.
Is that Kristen Stewart?
Hard to tell with her silly face but would bang
Why would you want to fuck traps or trannies. They are even more insane than women. They are people that voluntarily wants to be women when they know what women are.
>assuming they hate you
I didn't say that. Assume there isnt anything to them and that they will betray you and are shallow. If they prove you wrong, yippie
Why does she captivate me so
What are some kinos where women get BTFO?
Because she's the most beautiful abd talented actress of our generation.
she's kinda aloof and it drives me crazy
how do women excuse wearing thongs?
Kill bill
Hateful eight
Why would they need to?
well I certainly can't wear one as a male without a reaction.
Great Television & Film thread OP, so insightful
Sicario and Fail-Safe (best bitchslap in cinema history)