1 month to go. Who hyped here?
The Americans
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The Americans is one of those shows I enjoy a lot but dread watching. I feel like everything is going to go belly up for them every episode.
>The Americans is one of those shows I enjoy a lot but dread watching.
This, and sometimes it's not even about them getting caught.
>Elizabeth feeling that crushing guilt when she orchestrates that adultery scenario with the husband of the makeup lady she befriended
Shit was ROUGH.
oh yea
Fucking NARC
When is she going to go on a sex mission already?
Or is that what she's doing with FBI's son?
>american tv show
>russians played by white actors
did you think they would send two tar tars, or two obviously slavic people and have them named Philip and Elizabeth Jennings? You think we sent Blacks over to Russia?
why not?
america is pretty diverse
>yfw Philip and Elizabeth are married in real life
is this womenshit masquerading as masculineshit?
if the sex scenes have the woman on top and if any conversation happens post-coital then it is the former.
Fucking spoilers, man
I'm not saying that it's a bad thing
there are all kinds of people in usa and russia
What a strange post.
they have post coital convos after they banged other ppl famalam
does the show rely heavily on this pillow talk like mad men did?
>she's a sex operative
In 1950 America had 150 million Americans.
130 million were white
15 million were niggers
5 million were various other
The USSR was a shithole filled with muslims and gyppos because they conquered a bunch of clay.
Uneasy about the way the show is heading with Paige.
>current election
>russian happening
Its perfect in the timeline for Paige to grow up and be a 30 yr old informant if they ever chose to reboot the franchise after its final season
not really
its written by someone who worked at CIA, so its pretty legit
comfy eighties spy thriller with /paige/
>you will never fuck Martha and get comfy with her for the rest of the night
why are you treiggered, poltard?
Because you are spreading lies and disinfo you fucking kike rat bastard.
Bet there's no lewds, huh?
Depends on your definition of lewd.
not yet, user, not yet
a decade too late for that lad
Dat fucking ass doe.
It's an alright show but I don't know why everyone loves it so much. It's a bit repetitive, and most of the episodes blend together. The most recent season was definitely the best though.
check your alt facts at the door fag
>dat fit
>dem tanlines
>muh dick
>a bit repetitive
no it isn't
>episodes blend together
and this is bad how?
>just an alright show
the fuck is wrong with you?
Americans: The Hidden Paige
How do you think Stan will discover that they're spies?
Capture? Entrapment/covert like the Martha case? Betrayal?
Is Stan knowing that they are spies really that inevitable?
Literally perfect.
Golden Age of Television officially ends with this, right?
her footpussy is amazing lads
Spooky house.