It's another 101 film student criticizes shaky cam thread

>it's another 101 film student criticizes shaky cam thread

Shaky cams are used way to often to bail out either bad CGI, or a poorly constructed scene, and in those instances I don't like it.

Please tell me why shaky cam is good without
>dude it feels like youre there! lmao

muh snorricam

it pulls you out from bourgeois immersion and reminds that all that films are is memes

Whole-heartedly agree

What I personally hate is the use of shakycam/wacky zooms to signify "realism"

Like it works in trailer park boys because the camera operators are retarded/drunk

but for example in arrested development and modern family it feels like a totally artificial effect with absolutely no purpose other than "LOL this is reality guise!"

Dated before it even happened and I bet these shows will be unwatchable once the fad dies out.

>reality show set in an office
>camera zooms in and out on peoples faces every 10 seconds
>character walks away and camera runs after them
>camera goes in and out of focus despite being an autofocus device

>We've gone full circle and now hipsters actually defend shaky cam
Shove your VHS of Saving Private Ryan up your ass. Shaky cam destroyed the action genre beyond repair.

Say whatever you want about Michael Bay, but at least he knows how to use it.

>Unironically knocking SPR

time of shaky cam is over. I think worst example of that shit was the gamer movie with gerard butler

>no purpose other than its intended purpose

SPR was shit and set the tone for almost every action movie that followed to have garbage cinematography. It probably single-handedly ruined an entire fucking genre of both games and movies.

It doesn't work though, that's what I'm saying.

It's the modern equivalent of a slide whistle and a laugh track.

It does work if you don't abuse it, think about se7en, early Bay movies, ecc

I have never, ever seen a movie where I stopped and thought to myself 'whoa, this action scene is much better from not being able to see what the fuck is going on because the camera man suddenly becomes afflicted with full-body torrets.'

Shaky cam is a meme. No one likes that shit. People just use it because they're fucking hacks trying to cover up garbage CGI or choreography. No decent directors use that shit.

>OP tries to be meta and make fun of a certain kind of thread
>the thread becomes exactly that

What he mean by this?

That's because they 're abusing it. You're supposed to use it only for quick shots.

Have you seen the raid?

But the raid would have been better without that shit. Seriously, who the fuck makes a kung fu flick with shaky cam? The whole point of the god damn genre is to see what's going on and be entertained by the choreography.

The only problem with shaky cam is it uses far too much of low frame rate's limited motion budget. The Raid would have been amazing at 120fps with the same camera work.

Ever consider the reason the raid is praised is because it wasn't entirely about the choreography and the fights actually seemed like real fights, rather than dances?

>the fights actually seemed like real fights
They didn't. The choreography was even more obvious than in most martial arts movies.

The Raid is only praised because standards for action movies have been so for the last decade or so. Watch Ong Bak instead, that has more realistic looking fights and no shaky cam.

The raid got praised because there's almost zero fucking competition in the action genre now. That's literally it. What does it compete with? A few C-rated chinese cop dramas? Cape-shit western films made by disney? It gets praised because the standards are practically UNDER the fucking floor now.

i think it works well for horror movies. Have you ever watched the spanish films REC and REC 2? they are the perfect execution example of the genre. They have a backstory for why they are filming, and the situation goes awry.

but the entire technique of shaky cam really only works in movies that tried to tell a story from that angle. movies and shows that just film with that effect for that effect are usually very shallow

>camera goes in and out of focus despite being an autofocus device
Autofocuses are slow as shit tho

Shit like that and Blair Witch or Cloverfield are really the only instances where it makes any sort of sense. When it's just there to exist in movies like action movies it's just obnoxious as shit and shows that the director is a complete hack.

please tell me why a camera sitting steady on a tripod for 2 hours is good

>camera goes in and out of focus despite being an autofocus device
>uses autofocus
you're doing it wrong

because youre supposed to be focusing on the scene and characters and not feel like you have ADD

>it's another utter pleb criticizes color grading thread