Don't mind me just being the worst Walking Dead Villain.
Don't mind me just being the worst Walking Dead Villain
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Ey Rick, mask you sumnm mane.
Could a living breathing person lean back like THEYUS?
That's 40 degrees, that's 60, 70!
Why is he still leanin?
That's a 90 degree lean, Rick!
As long as you're watching, friend.
I really believe Neegen would have had a lasting arrangement if it hadn't been such an absurd taxation. Even if it started at half, you could have incrementally backed it off after consistent payment. He was essentially putting people on the brink of starvation because he overreached.
I agree, I mean how can someone be "the villain" if they never did anything wrong?
1. Shane. Had legitimate and understandable motives (i.e. was almost always right about how the group should act in certain situations). Was Rick's best friend so that was interesting to see two characters who were so close at odds and slowly but surely dissolve into enemies.
2. The Governor. Season 4 completed his character. We saw a hint of his humanity in Season 3 with his zombified daughter but it was bolstered by his arc in the subsequent season where we see a broken man redeemed by a girl who reminds him of the person he once was, and then dragged back into evil by the desperation to keep his loved ones safe through the seizure of power.
3. Gareth. Initially appears as the classical charismatic psychopath but is then revealed as an abused and desperate individual who just wants to survive and will do whatever it takes to do so and keep the rest of his friends safe.
4. Joe. Lives by a code of conduct that even savages respect.
5. Negan. Fucking awful.
What's your reasoning for Negan being awful?
contrarian meme
leans back*
*bends knees*
*tilts face*
......................................well well well..................................................................................................................................................................................
*bends knees*
*leans back*
*tilts face*
*puts tongue between teeth*
....................................................look what we have................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
*spins bat*
*looks behind him*
*puts tongue between teeth*
*leans back*
*bens knees*
*locks eye contact*
*makes suction nose with his spit*
........................................... HERE.
I forgot where I was for a second.
This fuck saved the show from being complete shit. Your opinion is just wrong, end yourself please.
And don't tell me for a second the Governor in all his shitty leader, pussyfooting, dumbass, killing his own people for no good reason glory comes close.
Or fucking Shane, because he was completely stupid and boring, the lady cop was barely even a Villain, and Terminus was Rick'd so fast we never even got to know it.
Face it, Negan is the greatest Villain this show has ever had, and without him it'd be shit.
Thats a fucking fact.
1. No, Shane was an unlikable fuck and his motives didn't make any sense. "I fucked Rick's wife a few times therefore everything he has is mine now" and no, he was not right, he was an idiot and a coward, and he died like one.
2. The Governor was pathetic, he had no idea how to lead people in combat, his zombie daughter didn't make any sense and since she was killed off so fast all it made him look like was a fucking weirdo, he murdered a bunch of soldiers he EASILY could have coerced into joining him and making destroying Rick as easy as one, two, and when his rabble fled as rabble always fucking does, he didn't rally them, he didn't take them back for training, HE KILLED THEM ALL IN A FIT OF BLIND RAGE.
He was a fucking pathetic idiot and I'm glad hes gone.
3. Gareth lost all meaning when he got midseason'd as I like to call it, basically rolled over because at the time of his introduction "The Group" was an unstoppable force of super-soldiers that couldn't die no matter the odds.
4. Joe was ok, like a pre-Negan, but he only lasted a few episodes and he wasn't fun like Negan was.
Negan is fun to watch, a perfect leader, pretty much everything he says is entertaining, he broke the unrealistic trend of "The Group" being immortal, and he ushered in a new era of The Walking Dead where we get to see the characters actually under pressure for once, and the person pressuring them is a fucking mastermind of psychological torture and control, and has amassed an army of thugs with the same spirit in principles Joe had, but on a massive scale.
Negan. Is. Awesome. Fuck you for thinking otherwise.
It seems like he only does it to Rick. The Kingdom seems just fine.
Thats because he knows he has to truly break Rick beyond all reason. If he gives Rick leeway he might try to fight back, The Kingdom is submissive and therefore gets a gentler deal.
Its all part of the plan.
Incorrect. Everyone is laughing at you.
What a contrarian faggot
Only the really dumb ones.
This tbqhf
I was giving up on WD until this beautiful fucker came waltzing in and caving in heads. He's the perfect "no fucks given" villain with a genuine sick sense of humor.
I will legit give up on the show the day he dies.
Absolute fucking same. Every line he delivers is a new level of fucking yes.
Carl being a fuccboi: "You should go before you realize how dangerous we all are..."
Negan: "Well pardon me young man excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but... did you just threaten me?"
The fact you can watch as Rick possibly literally shits himself with terror in the background is probably the best scene out of the entirety of S7 so far.
t. people hating on a fun popular character because he's both fun and popular in an attempt to seem edgy and cool
I bet you faggots think TFA is shit.
I agree with everything except
I bet you faggots think TFA is shit.
I'm sorry, but TFA is literally a shittier version of New Hope...Also Mary Sue Rey and "Waz Storm Troopers and SHIET" fucking a sith is just fucking stupid. Among other things.
But yea, Negan is a fucking boss.
Or even worse the faggots whining because he killed Glenn and Aberham, who were overdue to die anyway.
Negan is the only reason I'm still watching this shitshow
I liked it, but thats probably because I don't expect a lot out of Star Wars. Give me some decent lightsaber fights and space battles and I'm a happy guy.
Same, I'm not a "classic" fag who worships the old trilogy and shits on the prequels. I love both of them, but TFA was just fucking awful as a star wars story. You could tell JJ was shoehorning in nostalgia bait to get the "muh return of star warz!" reactions.
Abraham should have been left alive for all out war. One of the regrets the writer of the comics has is that he killed abraham before that story line and now, when they had the chance to undo that mistake, they fucked it up again.
Right now Negan, the priest guy are the only interesting characters in the show, only through their interactions with Negan are other characters made interesting, like Carl and Smart mullet guy
Leaving Sasha alive is retarded too.
For best pot.
Yea, I guess, but honestly it seemed like more of a blow, like, he can kill anyone, even the strongest, toughest guy in the room, and no one can stop him. The way he executes it, how he talks, how he moves, from a casual asshole to a brutal and violent murderer who laughs as his victim whimpers, eyeball halfway out of his head, and after that he heads back into his trailer, with the best friend of the man he just murdered violently in front of his lover, offers him an axe, and smiles when he knows Rick is too broken to take it. Then he forces him to fight off zombies alone, like a lap dog, arming him before hand, and being confident that it wont blow back in his face.
He knows what he can do, and what he can't do, not like the older villains, who fucked up from their own idiocy, Rick will actually have to try, really fucking hard, to take down Negan. REALLY fucking hard.
>Leaving Sasha alive is retarded too.
She'll die crashing her truck into Negan's compound.
You. Got. No. Guts.
Does anyone remember when The Walking Dead was about Zombies?
Pee pee pants city
It still is, but not as much. I mean fighting zombies is good for a movie, but for a TV show where you have to make hundreds of hours of entertainment, it just doesn't work that way. You need more than just some walking corpses.
Let's play a game to illustrate my point.
When was the release date of the last episode where someone died to a zombie where the death was not just a zombie finishing off someone who would have most likely died anyway.
Do you expect me to record release dates of every TWD episode like a fucking autist?
1. Negan
2. The Governor S4
3. Joe
4. Shane
5. Gareth
6. The Governor S3
Why isn't Tara on the billboards etc for the return of the show, bros? She had her own episodes. She was critical to Eugene's character. etc etc. Is she not important? Everyone loves her.
>rubs head
She's behind Carol.
This show's dwindling in popularity. Reverted back to Season 3 level ratings. Sad!
I expect you to be able to look up wiki!
The last death was February 2016, almost a year ago.
Before that death we had one off camera death on November 29th 2015 and before that it was the 4th of November, but this was just a bite death.
October 25th 2015 was the last time we actually saw people die.
So we have a year ago in February and before that we had 5 months before a real zombie death.
>Worst Walking Dead villain
That's not Beta, Beta is such a boring bastard he doesn't even seem threatening. He's really just piggybacking on everything that Alpha did as leader of The Whisperers and hasn't done much besides launching the Walker herd against Alexandira.
He's a "well-intentioned extremist" at best
>watching this shit past the first season
This confirms that Shane is the best villain.
He's been fucking with Rick ever since the first season.
Everyone dies and gets forgotten, but Shane is forever.
Season 1 is the worst season the show has had, second worst if you really hate Season 2.
the walking dead is a horrible repetitive tv show
You're a horribly repetitive tv show
Why did negan gut spencer in the middle of playing pool?
Spencer was an asshole, but he bent the knee and proved himself to be a good earner. He would have been a loyal negan stooge. He was young and fit, and good help seems hard to find in an apocalypse. And negan needed more soldiers since rick and the gang killed off about 50 of negan's men. Shit makes no sense.
who were the other villains besides shane and the governor? i don't remember them.
He needed to die because of plot reasons, i.e to give negan something witty to say.
You're right his death was stupid, but then so much about the show makes no sense you just have to kind of go with it.
Negan hates weakness and people who try to manipulate him, so he made an example out of spencer
>3. Gareth
I don't even remember who this is.
Wasn't he the leader of the Terminus cannibals?
That police woman who shot Beth.
Just gonna drop this here
negan likes to break people but spencer had no spine to begin with
Spencer wasn't a good earner. He does nothing. Rick is a good little cuckboi who personally gathers resources for Negan.
Spencer literally just came back with some cool shit before he died
thats not rick
im actively rooting for negan to win
Not only did Rick come back with more stuff, but he also has the respect of his people. Spencer shows no leadership qualities. He's a "my mom worked is a Judge!" kind of jock.
They should just kill absolutely everyone off in one fell swoop and end the show
That's not how American shows work, they run that shit into the ground until the ratings don't make it profitable anymore.
Like Supernatural, the american Office, Dexter and on and on and on.
The brits have it right finishing their shows after 2-4 seasons.
>I provide an alternative take on sports, entertainment and pop culture
>entire rest of the season is fucking nothing happening
So bad it's probably legit
Post NeganKino
I'm now imagining that scene where he mocks Glenn while his eye is popping out of his skull, but instead of bending over to Glenn's eye level, he leans 180 degrees backwards and looks through his own legs and still says the same dialogue and it's hilarious
>Rick or somebody gives a speech in season 5 or 6 about how as long as the windows are intact civilization is or some shit like that lol it's been forever I can't remember
>Season 7 Negan rolls into town and immediately breaks his window
Shane was more of a rival
The governer was a good villain
Pick one
Joe was cool but was wasted potential on Daryl's wacky adventure that meant nothing to the story
Pretty sure it's true. Last time someone on here typed out 7A like that it was.
Oh no. Sasha dies...(who cares?)
Yeah same happened with Vikings, some user posted season 4B spoilers and I was like yeah right fuck off with your fanfic and then they all came true. And I used to think "so bad it's probably legit" only applied to /got/ spoilers.
You're all just pretending to like Negan like how you pretend to like the prequels and Snyder, right? Only person I know who watches this show dropped it after the season 7 first episode.
You're literally a numale cuck if you think this.
Negan keeps hundreds of people safe, has built a functioning network of communities, and only kills to keep it all in check. His methods may seem cruel to you, but it's a fucking zombie apocalypse you pussy. Bashing some heads in with a baseball bat isn't such a bad or crazy thing in this kind of world.
Negan is genuinely more likable than Rick desu
Fantastic reaction image
Hmmmm would I rather be Negan's buddy laughing with him and his r rated P.E. Coach antics orrrrr would I rather rot in Rick's old world suburbia. Hmmmmmm. Call me edgy, but like Arat I would shoot an obese cow the first chance I got. I would be Little Timmy (Bud) x 100.
>I don't enjoy killing
For a guy who's so good at detecting liars he sure can't tell when he's lying to himself.
Is season 6 of GOT even worth watching? I binged seasons 1-5 on blu ray and barely feel the desire to watch the next one.
No. The high point of the season is a totally nonsensicle EPIC BATTLE between Jon Snow and Ramsey Bolton. I imagine neither of these shitty characters do much for you? Don't bother. Sansa gets even worse.
Sounds pretty kino actually. You're just being an impatient fuck if you want them to get to All Out War immediately. You need buildup and escalation.
Trying too hard.
GoT hasn't hit Vikings tier yet.
That person is a tasteless cunt.
He looks so genuinely hurt by that its adorable.
Beautiful. He looks absolutely crushed. Saved.
Best shot in the entire series.
He's still dead.
still cucked rick
This song is way too catchy. God help me I'll be singing it tomorrow.