Worth seeing or bad?

worth seeing or bad?

Good film. Worth seeing and paying for.

It's solid drama.

You may or may not like it, but it certainly isn't bad, well executed all around.

Casey Affleck did a performance of the year no doubt.
Zero "I'M ACTING!" scenes.

>Casey Affleck did a performance of the year no doubt.
Nah. Huppert gmv.

Who is this German Sperman


i already named her ya dumbo

Scenes with Affleck and Williams are 10/10. Rest of film is 6/10

At least this one isn't full of niggers. It's worth watching on those merits alone.

>that scene with his ex-wfe
>that scene in the police station

I never asked for these tears

>yfw he pulls the gun and it feels so logical and realistic that it doesn't even appear edgy or melodramatic, just pure emotion.

now that's what I call kino.

>That scene were he is dreaming and one of the girls ask him if they were burning

Holy fuck

>Casey Affleck did a performance of the year
Inspecting everyone's shoes, and occasionally mumbling.

Not nearly enough Michelle Williams. I was disappoint.

sometimes less is more, something retards like Leo need to learn



The scene in the police station was likely the best scene that has been filmed in 5 years.

this. I felt like they spent too much time on the nephew's life, he wasn't that interesting or likeable

Will probably win Best Actor and Screenplay.

can anyone recommend more films like this?

Margaret, by same director.

It's made well despite the laughably over dramatic music that drags on but it's not really anything special in the end and the "story" goes nowhere. A lot of annoying characters make segments annoying to watch and I laughed at how cliche some of the scenes were. Did they purposefully make the female characters more flawed than the males? Is the nephew an allegory for white power introduced by the black producer? Did the band ever get their record deal?

It's a reminder that Affleck is a good actor and Michelle Williams is still nothing but barely mediocre.

it's pretty good actually, Casey Affleck was amazing

Of course if you're a faggot who gets bored easily then don't watch it although the movie is filled with dialogue there's no real ''story'' it's just a guy who's miserable and will always be miserable

Top kek 100% truth still love him doe (no homer)

Really good film exploring grief. Affleck is great. The teenage nephew is an annoying cunt, should've been punched in the face within the first 5 mins.

Everyone else is mediocre.

Police station scene is worth it alone.

It's breathtaking. A truly incredible piece of cinema.

The people that don't like this movie are the same people who think Nolan is an auteur.



You can count on me
same director too

Soap opera tier shit.
Only the kid was good, Casey Affleck is MASSIVELY OVERRATED as is Michelle Williams. They both put on bipolar and monopolar performances that seem completely cliche especially for the later. There are two good scenes in this film (the police station scene and the freezer scene) and that's it, the rest of the movie wastes time with shit that adds nothing to the story and what's worse is the movie ends with no logical conclusion to the characters. It felt half baked in terms of story despite the sometimes good shots and music.

Worth a pirate or a watch once but I won't watch it again. Moonlight or Hacksaw Ridge deserve best picture over Manchester because at least they told a complete story with good character development.

I bet you enjoy the films of Christopher Nolan

Depends on the film, although I don't see how that changes the fact that Manchester was half baked shit with no actual sincerity outside a few good scenes.

it was good as it showed growth in affleck by the end, by being able to connect with the kid and cater to his lifestyle while still wanting to visit.
but it also showed that grief inst something u just get over. theres no redemption when horrible shit happens.

There are plenty of attractive people who are losers user.

At least you're willing to admit your opinions are shitty.

>but it also showed that grief inst something u just get over. theres no redemption when horrible shit happens.

In a Hollywood film, Casey moves in with the kid. Gets together with Rachel, or at least back to dating again. In a Hollywood film Casey fixes the relationship with his friends that we see in the film.

Not here.

It's a slow healing process. and one step at a time. This is the possibility of Patrick visiting him at Boston in the far future.

Felt like one giant /r9k/ green text story.

Know what I'm saying?

t. bubble child who's entire experience with human nature stems from movies

>and what's worse is the movie ends with no logical conclusion to the characters


This man knows how to write desu. So natural feeling reaction in this scene, from everyone.

Is it likely that this Amazon Studios picture will eventually be viewable, like Neon Demon, at no extra cost to Prime members?

when it comes out on physical media im assuming

this movie is Amazon's biggest yet and I think they wanna make some $$$ off physical copies first. Neon Demon was a dud

First time I've ever unconsciously moaned while watching a film.

>Lee is having flashbacks.
>First kid has the background of a fireplace.
>Behind the second kid where is raising the child is smoke from the machine


>when u realize later they carry out only 2 bodybags, implying the third kid the baby just burned away to ashes


But he lived in Boston.

>missing the point of the film this bad

jesus christ

>actually using fireplaces post 1990

he was asking for it desu

>Zero "I'M ACTING!" scenes.

yep, perfect performance.

Fuck Daniel Day Lewis honestly.


*Adagio starts playing*

>You can hear a small barely audible "please" when Lee grabs the gun and polices wrestle it away from him
wev, the little things

This piece of shit is so reddit it hurts, and all of you mongoloids need to go back

Cut the amount of scenes with the nephews girlfriends and this movie is 10/10

Lol XD

Why do americans go to bed with their shoes on

They're funny tho

It sucks.

Ottoman, lul, ur drumming sucks man. Anyway, here's wonderwall. Ouch, I stubbed mo toesie on your stupid dollhouse, but don't tell your mom, she doesn't know we're sexing. By the way, my uncle is a fucking autist, amirite?

You can really slim down this movie by like 15-20 minutes and not lose anything if you cut most of the nephew scenes

Were you aroused?

solid 8/10 IMO, Casey did a superb job and the nephews scenes were bad but not tooooo bad.

Also hit a little too close to home since my dad died back in November

That scene where he's just standing over his brothers body was pure kino.

Hall should win the Oscar, so should Casey. We're lucky that Huppert was even nom'd.

I wish there would have been a better resolution. The movie had no real focus.

Really? It's laser-focused on how a grieving man has to deal with another's in the best way he can: Not at all. It has strong themes throughout interconnecting the characters, and grounding them in their own motivations that drive the movie.

The only inauthentic plot movement that sticks out is of course there will be a long, dramatic scene between him and his ex-wife.

I'd go so far as to say that not only is Manchester by the Sea the best movie released last year, but that it is the [bold]only[/bold] movie released last year.

You forgot any time Michelle Williams is on screen.

I mumble and inspect other's shoes and no one ever praised how I act

was talking about this with a friend last night. horrendous movie. don't bother.

i kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. williams is top-billed and has 15 minutes of screentime. serious waste of talent.

worth seeing but don't go in looking for rainbows and shit

cuz you will get the equivalent of a kick in the nuts

he pretty much died that day

because we're mostly alcoholics

He actually pulls the trigger, but the gun wasn't loaded and he tries to load it. Dude was ready to go no bullshit

actual horror in a non horror movie

What was the point of this film ?
Yeah life can suck but, there's barely any story just a follow up of awful shit.
I liked that one scene with his ex wife tho


A man trying to cope with his trauma and sorrow, and the eventual change that happens when he gets to know Patrick, and he asks if Patrick some day could visit him. His slow road to recovery, to being a human being once again.

there was no point. that's the point, man? don't you get it man? very deep movie, i mean film.

>he sat in the theatre and forgot to turn on his mind

He was only casted due to nepotism. Kenneth said so himself .

he fucked up bad

That's putting it lightly.

It's watchable.

It's brought down by every single character being an asshole. It's in Mass. so that's expected, though.

The film is really just... there. An uninspiring, slice of life kind of thing. There are no arcs. Affleck is an asshole before the incident and an asshole after. Williams is a cunt.

Seriously, let the kids freeze because muh sinuses.

It's basically Life Sucks and Then You Die: the Movie.

I can actually see it being the dark horse to win the oscar because liberals are so assblasted right now.

I'm to intelligent for Oscar trash.

Yeah better make Oscar film about entirely white city and white characters having "issues" in the year of our lord 2017 when sjw politics and prejudices against blacks are on the cover of every film mag and internet maganzine

"I'M ACTING" works for some movies though, and DDL is the kind of actor that makes it work as opposed to Leo who seems desperate to put in a memorable performance sometimes. Casey's subdued quiet performance was excellent, although could have come off as extremely bland and melodramatic under a different director.

Actually I have a theory that he did die that way, and the movie is actually the spirit of Lee having his life (the potential of it, not what did happen) flash before his eyes.

Her bedroom was on the first floor, and she probably didn't know the temperature. Casey didn't say that she told him not to turn on the central heating that night, just that he knows it drys her sinuses.

Also you're a huge bitch if you think Affleck's character is an asshole.

Of, ffs, you're the kind of dumb who do that with every movie.

>He died, guys, the rest of the movie is he dreaming his last instant!

Fuck off

>Affleck's character is an asshole.
Dude goes to bars, gets himself ass wasted in order to go and pick up a fight in order to get beaten.

He is an asshole.

Hard to Watch based on the novel "Stone Cold Bummer" by Manipulate

He was an asshole. Screaming and partying at 2am with a sick wife and kids? Total fucking dick.

It was fucking winter in New England, she didn't know it was cold? The whole heating thing was just weak writing, I think. Since when does a fire dry the air less than a furnace?

>to intelligent for sarcasm