John Oliver "Very Anxious" to Keep 'Last Week Tonight' From Becoming "All Trump, All the Time"

based Current Year man not getting into the Trump Meme

But it's 2017

Doesn't he mean "All Drumpf, all the time?"

Did he give up on his own nickname?

What a load of horseshit

I believe when is see it

Trump is to easy a target. That's like making fun of Bush. Everyone's doing it, so it's probably better to try something different to stand out from the crowd.

>implying his audience wants anything other than "all Drumpf, all the time"

>Franchesca Ramsey "Very Anxious" to Keep 'MTV's Decoded' From Becoming "All White People, All the Time"

>80% drumpf
>10% pence
>5% putin
>5% random shitskin prsidente
Can't wait.

>reality doesn't fit preconceptions
>preconceptions that are usually just catch phrases repeated by tards on an image board
>have a stroke



Kind of hard to do that when The Fat Cheeto is literally incapable of going a day without embarassing himself or his country.

he's probably embarassed by it now

>Anita Sarkeesian "Very Anxious" to Keep 'Feminist Frequency' From Becoming "All White Men Must Die, All the Time"

The only thing that would annoy Trump would be to never ever mention him by name, and do fewer President stories. If it's a story about the President that you have to do because it's so relevant and hilarious, call him the President.

If he's giving you great material to work off, IGNORE IT. Lower ranking politicians will still be jerk-offs for Weekend Update mimics.

I'm serious. No sly Trump-et or Drumpf or billionaire idiot President stuff.

All I want is for someone to correct him on air when he doesn't use drumpf

>Someone says something vaguely negative about Jon Oliver's shit-tier show
>immediately jump on your folder of Reddit images

Someone look the filename up on the archive pls

Jesus, just change the subject, you dumb piece of shit.

He is it wrong? Sup Forums are the biggest crybabies on Sup Forums and the influx of redditors since 2013 has basically turned that board into fucking garbage.

I can't stand his show, but I'm grateful that him existing triggers some of you.

She's not a Jew though, she's Armenian.

yeah im sure referring to him as the president of the united states is really gonna rattle his cage

There's already two all Trump talkshows called The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and Real Time with Bill Maher there's also an all Trump comedy skit show called Saturday Night Live

>Trust a snake before a Jew, a Jew before a Greek, but never trust an Armenian.

>Pope Francis "Very Anxious" to Keep the Papacy From Becoming "All Catholicism, All the Time"

>Liberals literally march on Washington wearing giant pink styrofoam pussies on their heads and select convicted murderers as their public-speaks

>"B-B-But look at Trump saying this thing I don't agree with! Boy, can he go a single day without embarrassing himself?!?!" (exaggerated comedy eye-roll)

>Sup Forums are crybabies

But they'd have to lose or be wrong in order to be crybabies

So from now on the only place I won't come across people yelling about Trump is on John "Drumpf" Oliver? My God the universe is broken.

dumb commieposter

Jesus, that image is the most dishonest thing I've seen since the last pol SJW post I read.

>I don't want my ratings to tank, but I still want to shill my horrible politics

Don't forget The Daily Show, but to be fair it was 24/7 Bush and Cheney as well. It only branched away after Obama came into office. So basically when the conservatives are in power they're the voice of the left and when the left is in power they care about other things.

Don't forget the lead organizer who supports Sharia Law, because nothing is more feminist than Sharia Law.

Then again I don't think they did much research into the issues they made signs for, let alone the people who spoke for them.

Nah, the fact that they manage to shit up every fucking board even though 'they' won is testament to how they are pure identity politics. Plus Shia has exposed them as self-hating non-whites. Doesn't get more pathetic than that.

>He is it wrong?
Yes, that response was completely unwarranted and very wrong in the sense that it didn't fit the post it quoted at all.

Sounds more like you're butthurt over its accuracy.

>that sign

Do men in the US get free razors to shave?


>still spend 100% of your time crying that you're oppressed, exactly the same as it was before
>say you're never wrong by pretending 99.99999999% of everything doesn't exist
>the same logic you use for everything else

But can't you see how people bitching about this sort of stuff on an image board makes them literally the same???

considering everything trump does is a lie and a farce, yeah I'd say given the nature of his show it would be hard not disproving every false claim trump makes.

>Sup Forums
>supporting identity politics

Maybe /leftypol/

>Shia has exposed them as self-hating non-whites

Wait, you actually thought the "racism" in Sup Forums was real? Am I being baited or are you legitimately retarded?

>guy on the right is some coldly rational man
>not putting parentheses around every other word or screeching unsourced Nazi disinformation
>not impotently raging over a female character in a movie
>not shoveling fast food into his mouth

But, we do pay for razors


At this point you're just making stuff up, probably because racism and sexism hurts your feelings

no, they are pretty expensive. Unless tampons are $50 a pack then I can't understand that person's protest sign at all.

They're not very bright.

Is this the kind of feel-good shit you screencap to fool yourself into believing Sup Forums doesnt hate people for petty shit?

I know, right? Epic dude. The truth is for cucks. Observing reality without filtering it through identity politics? Total cuck behavior. Only real men pathologically lie about everything.

Cheers, mate.

No. This is why nobody takes the feminist movement seriously

>Sup Forums hating people for petty shit

Wow, you sure have convinced me with all of those examples you provided. You're right! Time to ask Hiro to remove Sup Forums!

You are opposed to all forms of private or religious arbitration, or just Shariah?

>check out my top shelf bantz, am I getting a rise out of you yet??

Wew laddy. I don't know why the don't just outright say "fuck all straight white men!" They're just sugar coating it at this point. It's boarderline ok to be openly racist against white people now

>identity politics
>Sup Forums
>not identity politics
lmao. Sup Forums are all about muh identity, muh whiteness, muh religion and so on.

Reddit refugees were a mistake

It's always you /r/theDonald faggots too

Impossible, he triggers liberals too much for them to ignore him.

>I don't know why the don't just outright say "fuck all straight white men!"


Sup Forums has always been filled with nerds

Nice trips my man

Agreed, that tweet is quite oppressive. You might say it's literally a genocide!

>Trump says/does something retarded
>people complain about it
>he whines about them on twitter
>one side says he's literally Hitler and the other side says he's going to make America white again
The memes are getting pretty tired desu.

>You are opposed to all forms of private or religious arbitration

The main point, however, is that a supposedly feminist march is organized by someone who wants Shariah law to dominate the U.S., and Shariah law is inherently oppressive to women.

Not a fan of "muh Sup Forums boogeyman" whining, but that's actually a fair point against them. The one thing I truly fucking hate about Sup Forums (on principle, but also because it's hypocritical on their part) is their cancerous obsession with identities.

>Here's a guy who agrees 100% with everything Sup Forums should get a stiffy for!
>Yeah, but he's gay/black/(((Goldstein))), so fuck him.

>Trust a snake before a Jew, a Jew before a Greek, but never trust an Armenian.

-some Turk

/r/theDonald only came into existence last year, please shutup /r/enoughTrumpspam

You seem to be under the impression that SJW's are remotely normal-looking.


It was John stewart who made drumpf, he did it because the Don decided to call him out for using a stage name.


Maybe so, but Reddit really likes to shit up a "containment board" and seep into other threads with their only defence to left wing rhetoric being "cuck"

I mean, I was glad the media got BTFO on the 8th and all, but them /r/theDonald cross posters are insufferable.

>Trump says/does something retarded

According to who? Jon Oliver?

"Something retarded" is now just nu-speak for "something that triggered me".

I obviously knew they weren't free, but it's amazing that sign was made.

>Here's a guy who agrees 100% with everything Sup Forums should get a stiffy for!
>Yeah, but he's gay/black/(((Goldstein))), so fuck him.

I know right, just look at all these people telling this black guy to get the fuck off their board

I dont come to Sup Forums to discuss whether Sup Forums or /sjw/ is more retarded

Which is retarded, since Trump has never had a last name other than "Trump"

Don't get me wrong, Trump calling someone out for using a stage name is retarded too, but to respond by calling him "Drumpf" because his great-grandfather changed his name from Drumpf to Trump is quite a false equivalence

It's actually the other way around.
>call for race war ironically
>black/hispanic/muslim guy does something edgy and epic which triggers liberals
Shia has exposed the board as self-hating non-whites anyway.

Has anyone ever noticed that Anti-anti-SJW's are just as bad as SJW's and Anti-SJW's?
I guess Horseshoe Theory is really true.

>the left actually believes this

But Oliver was the one who started an actual campaign around the notion to call Trump Drumpf. I think the "Make Donald Drumpf Again" website is even still up, even if Oliver himself seems to have abandoned the joke.

>threads where people pay 100% to test their dna, have a result with 0.4% subsaharian or ashkenazi jew result and in result get 10+ replies calling them a filthy shitskin
Not fooling anyone lad we all go to Sup Forums for laughs.

>I know right, just look at all these people telling this black guy to get the fuck off their board

You didn't screenshot every post in the thread, just a cherry picked selection from it, and the thread itself is cherry picked. Way to put on full display how dumb containment board shills are. Truly amazing.

the sooner you realize that literally everyone is retarded and gay and crazy the sooner you can accept the reality of our situation and just avoid seriously engaging with anyone that adamantly believes in anything

Some people on the left recently started a riot and violently assaulted several people and caused tens of thousands of dollars of property damage in order to stop a gay jew who exclusively dates blacks (who they called a "nazi") from speaking about "cultural appropriation", and did this while calling themselves anti-fascist.

Irony is kind of their thing.

>all the triggered Sup Forums posters ITT
holy fuck

Like things that politicians, political scientists, economists, and world leaders would consider inadvisable. Now this is the part where you say that's good because intellectuals and people who actually dedicate their lives to this sort of thing are bad and are actually all Jewish or something.

Good for you.

You can campaign against that.

>The main point, however, is that a supposedly feminist march is organized by someone who wants Shariah law to dominate the U.S., and Shariah law is inherently oppressive to women.

Can you link me to where she says she wants shariah law implemented as the only law in the USA?

>tfw you live in a time to see memes used as sociological warfare to promote ideologies

Yeah, the polar opposite of this has happened often enough, though. I know that there are exceptions.


8 years

Man bites dog is newsworthy.

Dog bites man is not.

> all the triggered leftists ITT

holy fuck

Ah, I get it now. You've never done this thing called "male bonding". It's when men make fun of each other over things they don't actually give a shit about and foster a sense of community and brotherhood in the process. It's sometimes called "shit talking" because everyone knows it's not serious. At least, everyone who doesn't have autism does.

they always have been used in this manner. a meme is just a word we invented relatively recently to describe ideas that are transmitted through society. memes have existed as long as human civilization has. we just never called them memes until now.

>Like things that politicians, political scientists, economists, and world leaders would consider inadvisable.

The ones you agree with, you mean?

Trump has also has politicians, political scientists, economists, and world leaders that agree with him.

So yeah, you're dismissing and minimizing things that trigger you by calling them "retarded".