What are your favorite movies where a woman/women are the bad guys?
Women as the villains
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The obvious and only good answer
How is she a villain? Pedophile Nicholson comes and starts fucking shit up in the ward and she handled the situation accordingly.
>Movie has a female villain
>Male hero can't fight her because it's "wrong"
>Female side character comes in and says "I've got no problem hitting her!"
>Male hero stands there dumbfounded
Name 60 movies where this happens
She took away a man's sense of being and his mind just for challenging the system.
>Movie has a female villain
>At some point, she tries to seduce the white male protagonist
god I hated that bitch
great movie
Just like they do in normal prison.
All she needed, was the dick. Do you not understand this?
People go right back to crime after they get out of prison. After a lobotomy, you're fucked for life.
should have thought about that before attacking the head nurse.
Haven't seen it, quick summary of what she did?
it's not always a villain like in your capeshits mongoloid kid
she's just the antagonist of the story, Nicholson does not represent good and rightfulness she's just the oppposing force of order against chaos
good vs evil =/= order vs chaos
Real life.
The world and society's greatest enemy is women who haven't been given a good dicking.
just watch it homo
you'll regret reading a summary
Female villains don't work because when a man and a woman hate each other they end up fucking each other.
The best female villains are the ones where women are portrayed as incompetent and selfish like Bella from Twilight.
dofus: livre
The people should stop putting her on "Top 5 Villains of All Time" lists.
my life
Game of Thrones
>she's just the antagonist of the story
OP said villains, antagonists don't have to be villains. Villain protagonists are pretty numerous actually.
this evil bitch who almost got every character in the story killed
this hot little fox
The problem with women as antagonist is that they are not vindictive when it comes to men.
The concept of revenge is something women will never understand. Men can be vindictive as fuck.
I know this is a troll post but this movie was a piece of shit.
They hyped it up as such a huge movie and it did nothing.
The last few minutes is literally text on the screen because they used all the budget.
name 3 flicks 2 movies and 1 kino
Will you stop trying to be cooler than the room?
I dont even bothered
saw the poster and thought "wow this is turbo cunts: the movie"
what is this movie about?
dumb frogposter
>they are not vindictive when it comes to men
What the fuck are you talking about? women are much more spiteful and vindictive than men, to the point of irrationality. Have you ever fucking interacted with a woman at all?
>I know this is a troll post
t. woman
do ayys count?
>more spiteful and vindictive than men
Like how? They talk shit about on your back and get jealous when you talk to other girls? WEW I'm so threatened. They are pussies.
Men can hold grudges for a lifetime. They can be so spiteful that they will destroy someone's livelihood, or killing him.
fuck this cunt
at least she got raped by centaurs
Nurse ratchet did nothing wrong.
She didnt make the decision to lobotomize Nicholson, it was some faceless psychiatrist behind the scenes.
she was a massive cunt tho
>still thinking Lucas didn't touch her
explain the bed sequence
when the little girl was lying in bed and sees a shadowy figure approach her and she says "Lucas", implying he is who she expects in that compromising position
he did it
it was ok, not sure what you expected given the subject material
Jadis the White Witch (Narnia)
>Like how? They talk shit about on your back and get jealous when you talk to other girls? WEW I'm so threatened. They are pussies.
Wow it's like you've never insulted a woman before.
They'll fucking turn everyone against you using the most despicable means, fuck your boss just to get you fired, spread lies about you, and if they have any position of power, will use that to fuck with you. Most women don't really have morals or ethics, at least not in the way men have. And they are selfish and narcissistic as fuck.
Men are much, MUCH less spiteful and vindictive, and aren't that prone to holding grudges.
what a about women taking everything from men after a divorce, I mean shit's ridiculous fathers losing their kids forever, their houses and shit, fucking soul draining alimony for years
that's pretty fucking evil for me
Underrated villain. Shame she got killed straight away in the first.
What was her fucking problem? Seriously, why was she evil? I don't remember.
And a man will actually kill you. What's your point?
Good points but those kind of women self destruct. Women are their own worst enemies. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Look at what happened to Mel Gibson's ex wife. Gibson got his life back in order. His ex wife is a mess.
They're not as vengeful, this is true. But they don't have to be evil because they want revenge they can be evil because they're selfish whores, which they excel at.
>Mrs. Lovett
>they can be evil because they're selfish whores, which they excel at.
The greatest irony is that they are not self aware of that. That's why female villains don't work. They are clueless of their own actions.
To Die For
Alice, Sweet Alice
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte
>tfw she gave you a nurse/doctor domination fetish
God fucking dammit.
>They are clueless of their own actions.
Yes, like a monster.
Can a monster be a villian?
I like this trope because female villains are always super sexy.
They are also much more petty.
>good vs evil =/= order vs chaos
but nicholson was literally chaos and she was order
Has anyone seen "The Lobster" ?
American Crime
The Girl Next Door
Carrie(sort of)
>Female divorces her husband
>Husband hits rock bottom but eventually finds success and more attractive wife
>ex wife ends up getting fat.
Is this some numale fantasy or does this actually happen?
ugly ugly ugly die die die
>mfw no alternate ending where she won and turn Hanna into mini-her
Scott pilgrim
>Just like they do in normal prison.
But he was in a fucking mental hospital, that's what's so fucked up about it. Could you imagine if he was in some regular hospital, being a rowdy asshole with a broken leg or something, causing trouble with the other patience in rehab, so the hospital gave him inoperable cancer as punishment?
t. virgin
Oh boy are you in for a surprise if you ever get with a chick. The day you break up with then they flip like a coin and suddenly tell all your friends that you raped her.
>And a man will actually kill you. What's your point?
That's the fucking point. A man will actively fight you. He is a known enemy. Women are subversive as fuck. They talk behind your back while using the entire justice system to fuck you.
Also, I donno if you never left the house or not, but if you had male friends, you'd know that even after the biggest fights, even physical ones, you can put shit behind you.
A woman will keep bringing that shit up Yet and decades later, just out of spite.
She's literally going above and beyond to restrict and repress people seeking help of their own free will and giving a man she knows is metally healthy a lobotomy because she doesn't like him.
I don't like this bait.
The obvious answer
>Men can hold grudges for a lifetime. They can be so spiteful that they will destroy someone's livelihood, or killing him.
I've seen guys do this kind of thing, or try at least.
I've seen guys go to the cops to get other guys arrested and end up fighting it off in court.
I'm not sure I've seen it happen often enough to make projections on it but both sexes do it.
Girls just aren't very able to beat up guys, so they rarely try to do so and will go for underhanded means. It's just a consequence of physical differences.
wew lad we got a patrician here
>Girls just aren't very able to beat up guys,
Women are submissive by nature and seeing a woman being vindictive is self destructive because of that. Their own biology is against the concept of revenge.
It's different for men because men are meant to be dominating.
'member The Goonies?
I member
but I dont think people think of old ladies as women desu
came here ot post this
perfect depiction of a sociopath
Nah, grudges are more of a women thing. Two guys can have a nasty fist fight and go get beer together right afterwards. If you insult a chick once she will hate you potentially forever and wouldn't even consider accepting your apology until you do something nice fore her a couple months later.
There are things worse than death, faggot. Like women.
She caused Billy's suicide
Scott makes the female orgasm to death though
Hottest Bond girl.
Everyone knows that she was sadistic in her nature, user.
>the day they break up with you
That's the difference between men and women. If a man's vindictive, he'll talk shit and lie about her to his guy friends, but none of it will have legal consequences.
>oh yeah bro, she's crazy as fuck
>insulted my dead mother
>screamed at me, saying she fucked all my friends
But if a girl does it?
>yeah, he raped me
>he tried to choke me after I said no to him!
>he threatened to murder my entire family!
>Villian and Hero have an epic fuck session.
>tfw, she'll never ride you to the point of draining your life essence
VR, when will you make my wildest dreams a reality?
You're implying that it was dark when it happened even though they only interact in daylight at the daycare. He absolutely didn't do it. But that's not the point.
you should watch it, but I will give you a basic summary
ben affleck cheats on his wife and some other stuff. so the wife fakes her murder/disappearance to make it look like ben did it
>the wife fakes her murder/disappearance
Aaaand, you just ruined it for him. Nice job.
Batman and Robin
I forgot about her.
Also Dark Shadows for the thread