Is he a good reviewer or a popularist?
Why the fuck would anybody want to hear the opinion of a normie pleb about anything? You people should be fucking ashamed. If you have so little faith in your own opinion that you have to listen to the ramblings of an ill informed, uneducated manchild then you should fucking kill yourself.
calm down triggerino. When i search for movie reviews his videos are the first 4. i dont see why hes rated above other critics hence this thread.
He's a faggot
I just got a tattoo of Stuckmann on my lover abdomen
Is this good???
>pretending not to be shilling for this fucking faggot
fuck off youtuber cancer
What is his background? What experience can he draw from that makes his reviews worthwhile? If he is just a simple, movie watching fan then his opinion is worthless. Who does he appeal to? He is not impartial because he receives invites to screening and films to watch and would not want to jeopardise that by being negative.
He is a casual, manchild film fan that can provide no technical know-how, directorial experience, dialogue critique that an average cinema goer could not fathom for themselves. So, what is his purpose? Is he entertainment?
Boycott these vlogger manchildren or face a cultural slide into shit. Use your own brains you fucking creeps!
He's a prick.
He's literally a triggered faggot. Fuck him.
im sorry chris triggers you is a great guy who has LITERALLY saved peoples lives and is happily married as opposed to you lowely beta troll who spends all his time on Sup Forums. sucks to be you.
hes an author, hes knows people in the business and is going to have one of his scripts turned in to a movie as well as showing his short movies at festivals, so i say hes in a good position to judge films.
RLM are fucking hacks who should go DIAF.
This is a movie that is based on a thing I liked as a kid. I liked movie. Things in it were good. There were also some bad things. But also good. Overall, I liked movie. It good.
- every stuckmann review
he hated dragonball evolution tho
autism speaks, its time to listen
Really made me think
This video perfectly summarizes why Stuckmann sucks.
Fuck you Chris
he's absolutely disgusting
Listen to him if you want the most mainstream opinion possible. He'll only hate something if other hate it. Literally never has a contrarian opinion.
The cringe is too real
I dont see why people hate on RLM when the alternatives are so much worse and unlikable
>not hoping for a race war
wew lad
how ''''tolerant'''' can one get?
They just want to be contrarian because Sup Forums loves RLM
>wanting to be contrarian for the sake of it
what's next? listening to punk? getting tats?
>his anime review of erased
I hate his sense of humor, so I don't watch his normal reviews, but he has some longer and more serious videos analizing films in a little more depth, those I kind of like. (like in the sense that I'm a media junkie and I need to be consuming something when I'm at the computer)
omg how is this guy married hes clearly a faggot.
he's got shit taste and likes generic flicks for the masses, not really much else to say
RLM are just as bad if not worse.
The only reason they ever got popular was because they pointed out SW prequels were shit
That doesn't make them have good taste
>going to have one of his scripts turned in to a movie
This is bait.
its not, he mentioned it in his video about the batman vs superman rewrite script.
Chris has, as he would say, 'Stuckmannized' me twice in the past. I used to be a really big fan and got to talking to him on Twitter. He even invited me over to his a couple of times XD!! On the first occasion, his wife was away at the Toronto film festival and he invited me over to watch the entire Nolan stretch of Batman films. Well, in Batman Begins, at the point where the Joffrey kid turns to Batman and tells him, "the other kids won't believe me", Chris paused the bluray and told me that the other kids wouldn't believe me either. He left the room, and when he returned he was wearing a poor imitation of Ryan Goslings outift in Drive and he proceeded to rape me for five minutes. He was constantly chattering about how it would only be 5 minutes and that there was no way it could go in or outside of that time. After the 5 minutes were up, I wiggled out from underneath him and ran crying from his house. He screamed after me that he, "didn't have wheels on his dick", whatever that meant. The second time happened a couple of weeks later, he invited me over to finish watching the movies. At the point in the aeroplane in TDKR, he again paused the film and left the room. When he returned, he was dressed as Bane, complete with fake muscles. He stood over me and asked me if he was a, "Big Guy". I realised i was dealing with a psychopath at this point so I told him I thought he was a big guy. He hit me across the face and asked, "But am i a Big Guy for you?”. He motioned towards his dick, which he constantly referred to as “Zod’s snapped neck”, and told me to tell it to Zod’s snapped neck. I told his penis that he was a big guy for me, and he flipped me over and started taking me from behind, constantly moaning in a crude imitation of Hardy's Bane. And he was a good friend.
is this like negging a hot chick? you autists run this guy down but you watch all his uploads hahaha
Reminds me A LOT of my older brothers taste
dont be talking shit about the savior of sinema sir stickmann. he will come round and fuck your shit up
He's a blogger, not a reviewer. In order to be a reviewer, you must do something of intellectual value and add something new with your work, not retell a film's plot and say what you liked and didn't liked, without having necessary arguments that have weight, which Stuckmann lacks.
the word play is delicious
Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.
DONT insult stuckmann his scrpit was GENIOUS
is tv jealous of stuckmann? i mean hes got a huge house paid for by sponsors and subscribers
He is popular because it validates plebs opinions. The guy agrees with RT 90% of the time and I can guess what he will say about a movie before I click his video.
You pretty much described most Youtube reviewers.