When will Hollywood finally have a lead role for her?

When will Hollywood finally have a lead role for her?

my dick is so glad she's skinny again

When the bitch learns english

what a qt

I have a role in my bed for her

who dis sem dem

literally who

literally barbara palvin

h-how old?


She went from fat to a stick


more shots of her neck psl

what happened?

FUCK that is a sexual neck

who is this ejaculate white chocolate?

google you fucking retard

Wow... that was a fucking awful attempt.

how is she so perfect bros

fags like run the model business

She's match weight now. She couldn't get fashion editorials as thicc, only lad mags and lingerie stuff.

Good lord those hips

her right eye is sitting higher on her face than the left

that is all


Her features are so babylike


what the fuck

She is super attractive, but it's unsettling at times.

extreme babyface

She looks like my brothers 2 year old daughter when she smiles here its weird as fuck



>When will Hollywood finally have a lead role for her?

When they start showing full penetration.